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Gaspar Noe recommended Day Of Wrath (2006) in Movies (curated)

Day Of Wrath (2006)
Day Of Wrath (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Day of Wrath, for me, is another kind of perfection. It’s mature themes for mature people. It’s about inquisition and war, and no wonder why, after doing that movie about inquisition during the invasion of the Nazis in Denmark, then he was recommended to move away from Denmark just to save himself and family. It’s a very cruel movie about a cruel historical time, but in which some people are put in positions that they have to behave cruel against others, and all the characters are changing. It’s very weird. Even the young girl who is very nice at the beginning, then she starts to turn to a witch, and you know that she’s going to die also, but the weak characters are touching. It’s a very complex movie in terms of the multiple faces that every human has in their life. You have the nice face when the situations are nice, and when the situations turn dramatic and there’s no way out, some people just become evil. What I like about Dreyer is he was studying movies about religion but from a very atheist approach. His movies are about the inside of humankind. It’s such a perfect movie. There are some movies that you see and you go, “Oh, I wish the music was different,” or “I wish the actor was funny,” but there are the movies that you watch over and over and see that there’s not one single frame to change. They’re perfect."

Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989)
Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Drama

"It’s difficult to pick a Woody Allen film. In terms of my favorite person who’s been in a film it would be Woody Allen, so therefore it feels that I’ve got to pick a Woody Allen film. I think he’s the best performer that’s ever been in films, in a way; certainly sound-era films. Just his voice is the best voice that has ever been recorded, I think. Even if he had just been a writer of comic prose, he would have been one of the best writers of comic prose. His best films have so much life to them, and they’re funny. I know he often has a low self-estimation of them publicly, but Crimes and Misdemeanors, in terms of his feeling that he hasn’t made a film as good as Rashōmon or Bicycle Thieves — I think it’s definitely a film that could be held up with those films, really. It’s just very brutal, but funny as well. Just everything: the music, that professor and how kind of depressing it is, but how many great lines it has. And such a good cast: everyone’s really suited to his style. Not every actor is suited to being in a Woody Allen film. Seems like Owen Wilson is really suited to it [in Midnight in Paris], from what I’ve seen, in the same way that John Cusack was so good in Bullets Over Broadway. For me it’s just infinitely rewatchable."

The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde inseglet) (1957)
The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde inseglet) (1957)
1957 | Action, International, Classics
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The next one, I think we got to go to Bergman. We go to go to Seventh Seal. Seventh Seal just knocked me dead. On many levels, it’s such a simple film. You’ve got Mary and Joseph, the young people with their little traveling theater, and then you’ve got the knight. I think it was the way he dealt with the Middle Ages and intrigued me with Death there at playing chess. Those were images that just stuck in my head. It was funny. When I was doing Parnassus, I went back and looked at it, because I was trying to remind myself what Mary and Joseph and their little traveling theater was like. I had forgotten so much detail. That was just a really important film, and Max von Sydow was something… The first time I had seen basically a non-American actor at work. He looked different. He behaved differently. Because, you know, I grew up with Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Doris Day, Rock Hudson — shiny teeth and beautifully combed hair and all of that nonsense. Something profound was going on in that movie without pointing fingers at anything. It just did it. The squire — that was Gunnar Björnstrand, I think — was just a great character, the cynic in the midst of it all. I remember when he was talking, when he was in this church, and all the frescoes are there, and it’s just profound filmmaking."

Coming 2 America (2021)
Coming 2 America (2021)
2021 | Comedy
5.2 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A comedy without comedy. (0 more)
The film is just Eddie Murphy trying to recapture a hit by using 1 of his biggest hits from the 80s to do so. 1 of the so called jokes within the film is some of the characters mentioning about needless sequels to films that no one asked for. The only thing missing was the actor turning to the camera and give a nod and wink to the viewers. If that's the best Eddie and the team can come up with then no wonder he is making flop after flop.
The cardinal sin was casting Leslie f**king Jones like who can honestly think that useless sack of crap can improve a comedy film by just being another loud mouth Melissa McCarthy wannabe. She has zero talent as an actress or comedian. Surely someone involved with the casting had seen the god awful ghostbusters reboot.
Wesley Snipes must be in need of a cash injection to appear in the film. He put in the hammiest role of his career as a general that does a stupid walk in every scene he appears in but I guess this was a bit better than his direct to dvd films.
(spoiler ahead, not that you can really spoil the film)
I'd say the film is just semi rehash of the original about the prince finding his true love. I've kept it basic as that is all the film deserves. Watch the original its better.
Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985)
Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Family

"My personal favorite comedy growing up, and something that really influenced me, was Pee-wee’s Big Adventure, directed by Tim Burton. I love this movie because Paul Reubens is just brilliant; [he] plays this character Pee-wee Herman, and the creativity that’s put into this movie, it was like, what else can you add to make this movie [funnier]? Just the opening shot of him waking up, and there’s like a Rube Goldberg contraption of how he makes toast and breakfast in the morning; he drops a ping-pong ball, it hits a candle that turns on and burns a rope that breaks and swings a hammer… It was so creative. I remember being a kid, I watched that movie probably 300 times. I memorized it. I used to do the voice; I had to stop doing it. It’s a movie, to me, about how far can you dream. Someone steals his bike, and he tries to get his bike back, and through this adventure he ends up pitching his story to a movie studio, which makes his adventure into a feature film at the end. It’s just great that he thought this movie up and wrote it, with Phil Hartman, who was one of my favorites from Saturday Night Live. It’s for kids, but it’s for adults. He’s just such a good actor in this movie – Paul Reubens should have gotten an Oscar for this."

Postcards from the Edge (1990)
Postcards from the Edge (1990)
1990 | Comedy, Drama

"I think it’s always incredibly difficult to thread that needle between real pathos and comedy. And I think Postcards dances on that knife’s edge, not to go overboard with the metaphors, but it’s just so beautifully calibrated because the script, Carrie Fisher’s. There is no greater writing mind ever; Carrie Fisher had such a particular lens that she looked through the world with, and it just translated incredibly into her writing. I just thought the script was just so funny, but the performances! It’s one of those movies that for me is the whole package. Although I did not grow up with a mother who was in show business, the relationship between them was not dissimilar from mine in a way, and made me feel connected to the material. But it’s the kind of movie that I actually own still on VHS. I remember buying this movie and wanting it, so I have it for just memory’s sake, but I also have it on DVD, and Cody Fern, who’s an actor on American Horror Story last year, as a wrap present gave me an original poster. That’s how much I love the movie and that’s how much people around me tend to know I love the movie, because I do quote it a lot. And you just don’t want to sit next to me when we’re watching it though, because you won’t hear the movie. I’m just doing the whole thing, line by line."

Blood Red Sky (2021)
Blood Red Sky (2021)
2021 | Action, Horror, Thriller
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Blood Red Sky is a movie that has some decent ideas, and some great performances, but is sadly bogged down by a whole lot of waff.
Honestly, it's a shame that the marketing for this gave away the whole vampire aspect. Had it been advertised as a airborne hijack thriller with hints of a supernatural element, then the twist could have hit the same way that it did back in the 90s, when I was but a young boy innocently watching From Dusk Till Dawn, blissfully unaware of what was about to happen.
The pacing is so so. The narrative premise is a good and straightforward one, but it's dragged down by constant flashbacks that feel unnecessary and like padding. Whenever things get interesting, another flashback is thrown in. It's frustrating, mainly because everything surrounding these negatives are solid! The vampires themselves are brutal, and reminiscent of the creatures seen in 30 Days of Night. Lead actor Peri Baumeister puts in a fantastic performance, as does her onscreen son, Carl Anton Koch. The two of them make proceedings relatively impactful, especially during the closing moments. The whole climactic scene is pretty entertaining to be fair, and goes some way to making up for all of the faffing about.

Blood Red Sky isn't half bad overall, but it's could have done with dropping all of the unnecessary exposition and ultimately achieving a shorter runtime.