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When Grace Sings (The Zimmerman Restoration Trilogy, #2)
When Grace Sings (The Zimmerman Restoration Trilogy, #2)
Kim Vogel Sawyer | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story continues with Alexa Zimmerman. We are back with the Zimmerman family, with Alexa bed and breakfast known as Grace Notes. We meet the Brauns and their daughter Anna-Grace. Stephen is gifted his grandfather's land. Stephen and Anna-Grace are to stay in Arborville. Alexa seems to be feeling that she is not fitting into the Zimmerman family. Alexa is having doubt about herself and feeling like she an imposter.

We know about Anna-Grace birth parents for we dealt with them in the first book called "When Mercy Rains". When Mercy Rains introduces us to Anna Grace birth parents. Anna Grace is given an envelope that has her birth parents names. Anna-Grace cannot decide if she wants to know or not know her birth parents names and why they gave her up for adoption.

Stephen is dealing with what he wants to do in life. He does not know if he want's his grandfather land in Arborville. He seems to want to sell it, but he does not know for sure. He seems to want to be a teacher. Can he tell his parents or Anna Grace that he wants to be? Stephen decides to have Anna Grace decide if she can stay there or not live in Arborville and if he should keep or sell his grandparents farmland.

We also meet Bailey Forrester who is a reporter and is sent to Arborville to find a story on this community. There are four people looking in the wrong places. Bailey has his Aunt Marit that come through to him. He also tries to want to feel important. Will they all find Grace? What will happen with Stephen and Anna-Grace?
The Kite Runner
The Kite Runner
Khaled Hosseini | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (40 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not entirely sure what to make of this book. At points, I was moved by the story at others I was frustrated and sometimes just bored. I listened to the audiobook narrated by the author, which is useful as I would have stumbled over all the words in Farsi peppered throughout the book; I assume just in case at any point we forgot the book was from the perspective of an Afghan man.

The first 3rd of the book gripped me, dealing with the childhood in Afghanistan of Amir a boy from a privileged background and Hassan the son of one of his father’s servants. I did feel the atmosphere and was moved at several points through this book.

Once the book moved to America I lost a lot of interest especially when we had to go through the descriptive struggle with infertility which seems to be covered in every other book I read at the moment and it’s not getting any more interesting. As a plot line it always leads to either a) a miracle baby b) Infidelity by the women to get pregnant by someone else or c) A combination of events that lead to a child needing adoption. Don’t think IVF ever seems to actually work but I digress….

Amir is fairly hard to like character and I did want to slap him on numerous occasions, as a tale of redemption, I didn’t find Amir much redeemed in my eyes by the end. I'd of loved to of had a perspective from Hassan. The last part of this book although more interesting then the American section did feel like it lost its way; becoming dependant on coincidences and cringe-worthy cliches.

Overall a worthwhile and interesting read.
The Odd Life of Timothy Green (2012)
The Odd Life of Timothy Green (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cindy and Jim Green are sitting in an adoption agency, where they’re trying to tell their story about Timothy and how they would be good candidates in adopting a child.
The story they tell, started when they were accepting their fact that they would never be able to conceive and of having a baby. They spend time trying to accept their situation but struggle to come to terms with the heartbreaking reality.

One day Jim decides that they should imagine how their kid would be and write it down on a paper. Going through ideas on how their ideal kid would be as well as imaging how it would feel to be parents, Jim and Cindy decide to lay their ideal kid to rest and bury the paper in a box in their garden.

Little did Cindy and Jim know but something magical happened while they were asleep. A thunder storm appears, raining over their house alone and during the storm, magically, a boy name Timothy appears.

Cindy and Jim was confused at first, but came to realize where Timothy really came from and try their best to make him into an ordinary boy. But, Timothy had a few special features of his own, that would change everything.

Jennifer Garner’s acting was very well convincing as was Joel Egerton, playing Jim Green, a strong supportive husband/dad, C.J. Adams, who played Timothy Green, was very well cast as C.J. made Timothy look like every parent’s ideal kid and made it believable from the start.
The movie is an emotional film that moved more than one member of the test screening audience to tears, but such is the magic of the movies. Taking a fantasy and touching so many people in a deep and personal way.

The film is a really good family movie and it will move you.