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Twilight (Twilight, #1)
Twilight (Twilight, #1)
Stephenie Meyer | 2005 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (160 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Fiction, Supernatural.

Type: Book one (1) of the Twilight Saga

Audience/ Reading Level: 14+

Interests: Vampires, Supernatural, Fantasy, Romance, Action.

Point of View: Third Person

Promise: A love story between a pair of star-crossed lovers whose forbidden relationship ripens against the backdrop of small-town suspicion and a mysterious coven of vampires.

Insights: I did a buddy read for a reread through of Twilight with a good friend of mine and boy, am I glad I reread it! I’ve always loved The Twilight Saga. But rereading it as an adult, really made me appreciate it a bit more. Yes, there were some grammatical errors that took away from the surrounding text and there were some parts that I found a bit of a bore. All in all, I fell in love with the love story between Edward and Bella again and really grew to appreciate the Cullen’s as a family.

I was surprised that I had quite a few different favorite parts that weren’t my favorite parts before. And I’m tremendously surprised that some of the parts that I loved when I first read Twilight, were actually still my favorite parts. It goes to show that a novel can be appreciated many years later, even though your opinions and tastes change.

Favorite Quotes: “I’d never given much thought to how I would die – though I’d had reason enough in the last few months – but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this.”

“You don’t care if I’m a monster? If I’m not human?”

“About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was part of him and I didn’t know how potent that part might be – that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.”

“He looks at you like… like you’re something to eat.”

“No coffins, no piled skulls in the corners; I don’t even think we have cobwebs… what a disappointment this must be for you.”

“Could you believe that, despite everything I’ve put you through, I love you, too?”

What will you gain?: A love story with a bite!

Aesthetics: I’ve always loved the simple and minimalistic cover on Twilight. The story was also a very easy read to get into and I enjoyed the love story (and action!) that took place throughout the novel.

“You are only human after all.”
Extras (Uglies, #4)
Extras (Uglies, #4)
Scott Westerfeld | 2006 | Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this book as an epilogue to the Ugly Trilogy. It resolved the one aspect that I thought was left hanging in Specials, the fate of the planet Earth itself in regards to how the current human race treated it, as opposed to how the Rusties were notorious for destroying it. I liked that I got to see how Tally and the other Cutters were viewed from an outsider with the viewpoint of Aya Fuse. In addition, the reputation economy that Aya lived in was unnervingly familiar to our own Western society of blogging, social networking, computer and television-centered lifestyles. Of the four books, I found this one the most enlightening and original, in the same genre as other dystopian literature. It seeks to reveal the truth through a piece of fiction, or as one character in the book proclaims, "I guess you sometimes have to lie to find the truth."
I did find the resolution that the Extras came up with regarding the protection of the wild to be a bit far-fetched and lacking detail and explanation - it takes much, much more to train for life in outer space than just floating around on zero-gravity attachments. The lightness with which this topic is approached in the novel does not do it justice by any means, but I had to remind myself that this is still a Young Adult novel. At the same time, this concept opens up a whole new plotline that Westerfeld could pursue in the Ugly series, should he want to, which I do appreciate.