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Storyducks (0 KP) created a post

Apr 25, 2018  
I’m an avid reader who doesn’t have a lot of actual time to read lately - kids, teaching, soon-to-be graduate student, adulting. Books are life ?
Young Adult (2011)
Young Adult (2011)
2011 | Comedy, Drama
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Charlize Theron (2 more)
Patton Oswalt
Elizabeth Reaser
Patrick Wilson (0 more)
Adulting Not Suited For Everyone
First off, in order to enjoy this deliciously vapid slice of life film I highly recommend suspending your moral compass to get a truly enjoyable viewing. Charlize Theron is absolutely PERFECT as ghost writer Mavis Gary, who for the most part, hasn't matured beyond her glory days as a popular high school cheerleader and displays questionable morality traits as the film progresses. She's tall, blonde, and beautiful and as such was destined to go on to do amazing things in life...until life got in the way. Enjoying moderate success as a ghost writer of a once popular young adult series, Mavis's only real source of income is dwindling, as the series is coming to an end as she struggles to write a satisfactory ending which mirrors what's happening in her own personal life. As luck would have it, an old high school flame of Mavis's sends her an e-vite to a celebration for the birth of his first child and the events that unfold is anything short of cringe worthy, rage, and ultimately dissapointment. I highly recommend this quant little film that I feel doesn't get nearly as much attention and praise as it deserves, it makes for one heck of a Friday night in!
I have been a fan of Tamera Alexander's ever since I read her book, Inheritance. She captivated me with that book and I would read anything of hers blindly! I was super excited to take part in being able to review this newest release, the  third book in her Belle Meade Plantation series. Let me tell you what! I had so much fun reading this book. I loved the detail she incorporated into the story and the characters she created owned me while I read this book! It did not take me long to read it, I was that engrossed in it.  I love historical novels set around during, beginning and end of the Civil War. Ms. Alexander created this particular story post- Civil War and really made me feel a part of the time period. I could picture the clothing perfectly as the characters wore them, and the scenery was vivid in my mind. 

I adored Alexandra and Sylas' characters! Both were seeking a path in life that was their own and no one elses. Watching Alexander break away from her controlling father and seek a love that her heart wanted, was incredibly wonderful! Having dealt with a somewhat controlling mom a time or two, I could really feel my heart being tugged by Alexandra. The interactions between Sylas and Alexandra really popped in the story and I loved watching them together. I could see the sparks of interest literally fly off the pages! 

This story of following your own heart, seeking the true path that God has laid out for oneself was really soul capturing for me. Each page turn brought something new to the book and I thoroughly enjoyed it all. This trip to the Belle Meade Plantation was definitely not my last! I can't wait to go back and grab a copy of the rest of the books in the series. 

If you are looking for a fun, soul grabbing story rich in history (I loved learning about Fisk University!) and detail, and characters that come to life, then this book is definitely for you. Be warned! This 5 star novel will keep you so engrossed you will forfeit the rest of your adulting duties! Hats off to Ms. Alexander on an incredible new book! I can't wait to read another amazing novel by you! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe (2020)
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Like being back with old friends....
Tenet? I’m sorry, no, THIS was actually the biggest movie release of last week. Well, it is when you’re currently having to isolate at home and cannot go to the cinema for a few weeks. Despite that, I was actually way more excited for this to hit Disney+ this morning than a man my age probably should have been, and I have been for sometime, since it was first announced. I even managed to convince my daughter to get up early and watch with me, recreating those wonderful days when we both used to get up bright and early on a Saturday morning and sit and watch back to back episodes.

For the uninitiated, Phineas and Ferb are two step-brothers who spend their summer holiday coming up with highly elaborate ways to occupy every day, usually resulting in some wacky adventures and an extremely frustrated sister, Candace. Candace is forever trying to bust the boys and get their mum to catch them in the act, only to fail every time as some last second incident conveniently erases any evidence. Oh, and they also have a pet platypus called Perry, who without their knowledge works as an agent for a secret animal organisation, trying each episode to thwart the latest evil scheme hatched by Dr Doofenshmirtz. It’s very funny, features some incredibly catchy songs, and is just an extremely well written show for both kids and adults to enjoy. Running for four seasons, and racking up over 200 episodes before ending in 2015, the show also spawned a number of crossover specials involving Marvel and Star Wars.

Candace against the universe is the second feature length Phineas and Ferb movie and opens with Candace, lamenting the sad fact that no matter what she does, she never manages to successfully bust her brothers. All of this is delivered in the form of a song, and acts as a nostalgic reminder of some of the crazy inventions and adventures the boys have been involved in over the course of the series. The song ends with another perfect chance for Candace to bust the boys, who are currently enjoying themselves with their friends in the back garden. But of course, she fails. After heading out to the front of the house, and meeting up with friend Vanessa, she spots an alien spaceship. Believing her brothers to be behind it somehow, she and Vanessa are sucked up inside, before taking off and shooting up into the sky.

The boys see Candace flying away in the ship, and after photographing the alien license plate, are able to quickly identify where she’s headed (as you do…). They round up the gang and quickly rustle up a portal in their back garden (as you do…), in order to jump to the planet where Candace is being taken. The portal takes them via Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc, where they pick up Heinz Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus (unknowingly), before heading off in a spaceship of their own. When they do catch up with Candace, they discover that she is being hailed as ‘the chosen one’ by the alien race that captured her. But does the queen of the planet have a more sinister reason for bringing Candace all this way?

It’s fair to say that, unless you’re already a fan of the show, you’re unlikely to have any interest whatsoever in watching Candace Against the Universe. For fans of the show though, this is a wonderful trip down memory lane, unless you’ve already spent all of lockdown recently catching up on all of the episodes on Disney+, and it feels so good to be back in the company of such wonderful characters. There’s a lot of comfort to be had from the running gags and themes of the episode format of the show, and the only thing I found with this movie, and the crossover shows, is that they end up feeling like a dragged out episode at times, tending to sag a little around the middle.

It’s a very minor complaint though. The songs are as good as ever, including a song from Doofenshmirtz about ‘adulting’, and the humour is still smart and on point, although Buford does tend to get some of the funnier lines in my opinion. And when Buford gets ridiculed for bringing a canoe with him on their trip to the alien planet, and Doofenshmirtz gets laughed at for inventing something as stupid as a “Chicken Replace-inator” – basically a gun which swaps whatever you fire at with the nearest chicken – you just know they’re working on delivering us some great gags later on throughout the movie. And obviously, Perry the Platypus gets to save the day as usual, and without anyone even realising it. It’s like being back in the company of old friends. Fingers crossed that this isn’t the last we see of Phineas, Ferb and the gang.