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Dana (24 KP) rated Crown of Midnight in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Crown of Midnight
Crown of Midnight
Sarah J. Maas | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
If I could, I would give this book more than five stars. I know I say this about a lot of books, but honestly, this was one of the best books I have read. As you know, I freaking loved the first book. When people say that it only gets better from there, they are not lying. A lot of times, second books fall flat, just place markers for the next book. This one far exceeds those. The characters are continuously evolving and reshaping their identities. The plot is very interesting and has almost no slow spots (which is really rare for books). The stuff that happens will make you sit on the edge of whatever seat you are reading this book on! Even though the book has a lot of pages, the pace is set so you don't even realize how fast you are reading it.

I am not going to lie, there are a lot of really intense moments in this book. You will have to be prepared for that. The emotion is very raw and it gets dark, but if you work through those dark places with the characters, you will not be disappointed! There are a lot of really cute and fluffy moments too that will make your heart very happy! (I know those moments made me have a lot of feels!!)

This is a great series to start fantasy with if you are not very acquainted with it. While there are quite a few magical elements to the story, there are a lot of really down to earth moments that go along with them. You never feel like there is too much going on at once with the fantastical things. It all blends very nicely together!

If you want my advice, pick up this series right now and start reading it. You will definitely not regret it.

Sarah J Maas, you did an awesome job with this and I can't wait to read the next one!!
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent idea (1 more)
Doesn’t alienate you
Only true fans will get the most out of this (1 more)
Some characterisation is a bit weak
A unique adventure where you want the hero to really win!
I was inspired to read this book when I found out Spielberg was adapting it into a film. One quote described it as the matrix meets willy wonka and the chocolate factory. Although I think such matchmaker comparisons are lazy, it’s almost unavoidable in this case as that seems an accurate description.

The basic plot is a gazillionaire has past away and locked his vast tonnes of money away in a virtual reality game. To get the money, players have to obtain three eggs. The hunt is on. The story is told through Wade Watt’s eyes and his character is likeable for the most part. There are some choices he makes that don’t seem in tone with the character but the focus here is on the journey and being led from one clue to the next.

The movie has some big differences so there’s no advice on which you do first except for me to utter a cliche the book is better than the film. But only just. Spielberg masterfully puts the unfilmable book up on screen and the changes that are made are probably contractual ones rather than artistic. The bonus for readers of the book is that they are treated to different kinds of Easter eggs. Some could argue there are too many. I argue that makes it rewatchable numerous times. Cineastes will get the majority of the references straight away but there will always be something missed. The book and its references mostly appeal to kids of the 80s. I grew up with 90s references but that’s not a criticism because it would be difficult to be more universal. Either way, like watching The Matrix for the first time, I will be envious of anyone reading this for the first time as it is an amazing and original adventure.
The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air, #2)
The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air, #2)
Holly Black | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
<h2><strong>It's no secret I disliked <a href=""><em>The Cruel Prince</em></a>.</strong></h2>
And I mean, I disliked <em>The Cruel Prince</em> A LOT. I didn't give a single fuck for the romances involved, and very much hated the whole Jude/Cardan ship. But I still liked some parts of <em>The Cruel Prince</em> and that's what got me into <em>The Wicked King</em>. I loved Jude and her stabby, human self, and I <em>really</em> enjoyed the world Holly Black built so.

<h2><em><strong>The Wicked King</strong></em><strong> is amazing.</strong></h2>
Okay, I said it. If you're in the minority like me who didn't like <em>The Cruel Prince</em> for:
~ being slow in pacing
~ the main ship
~ the other romances
You'll be happy to know <em>The Wicked King</em> is much, much better than the first book.

<h3><strong>The pacing picks up!</strong></h3>
I didn't <em>want</em> to put down the second book in <em>The Folk of the Air</em> trilogy down. I wanted to know what happened next all the way until the last page of the book. <strong>There are so many twists and turns throughout </strong>and now I want to know what happens in <em>The Queen of Nothing</em> when it comes out. But if there's any advice I should give anyone who hasn't read <em>The Wicked King</em> yet, trust no one at all. NO ONE. I'm just saying.

<h3><strong>I still don't care for the main ship in <em>The Wicked King</em> but...</strong></h3>
We get more behind the scenes in the court, resulting in more Jude and Cardan together. There's no avoiding it this time - they kind of have to deal with each other.
Demolition (2016)
Demolition (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It is often said that when we lose a loved one, we often lose a part of ourselves. In mourning, we have to come to terms with the loss and where we are headed in the future. Who are we now that part of us is gone? Demolition starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Naomi Watts discusses the various aspects with healing and finding oneself. Davis Mitchell (Jake Gyllenhaal) returns to work after losing his wife in a horrific car accident.

While grieving, he writes a complaint letter to a vending machine company about a recent experience he had while waiting in the hospital. Through the letters he lets a stranger and the audience in on his mindset and the reality that he feels disconnected from the world, his wife, and himself. When the company’s customer service rep reads the letters, she feels compelled to contact Davis. She offers a sympathetic ear to his pain and numbness. As their friendship grows, he begins to rebuild his life. The task is large and requires him to follow the advice that his father-in-law passed down to him; In order to fix something, sometimes you need to take it all apart in order to see how it works. Davis begins to deconstruct various pieces of his life in order to find peace with his loss so he can move forward.

Demolition offers a unique and provocative look at loss, grief, and identity. This is a film that will have its audience asking questions about their own lives and if they feel fulfilled or satisfied. The plot stays with you. The performances of each of the characters carries the story and makes us truly connect with them. There isn’t a single moment when you cease to care about who they are or what their lives have in store. There is depth and authenticity throughout this film.
Very concise and to the point. (2 more)
The exercises at the end of each chapter are an absolute gift for new and aspiring writers (and I'd imagine even experienced ones). Each one is actionable and aims towards publishing successfully.
Essential for any authors that want to be self-published (especially on Amazon), as the author is writing from their own experiences.
The only reason I even knew this book existed was because I stumbled upon the authors YouTube channel.

From watching his videos, I understood the level and tone of the advice he would be giving in his books, and I've gotta say, the guy is an absolute gift to the writing community.

Even if you don't buy any of his books, there is so much to learn from him for free on his YouTube channel: from plotting to selling, this guy pretty much has it all.

Saying that, I still 100% recommend buying his Write Faster, Write Smarter book series, because I can't stress enough how amazing his targeted exercises are.

For this specific book in the series, he explains how to effectively sell books to targeted audiences. This can sound a bit controversial, as if you were simply copying an idea and trying to cash in on it. BUT THAT'S NOT IT AT All. Chris Fox himself shuts down the idea of copying hit books quite early on. What this book will do, is explain to you how to use popular tropes to your advantage.

If you're not really sure about this book from my review, check out its page on Amazon and read the first few pages. Better yet, check out Chris Fox's YouTube channel and get a feel for what this guy is like, because at the end of the day we all absorb information differently and find certain things useful that others simply don't.

Anyways, I hope that this helped someone find the tools that they need in order to do Storytelling some justice.

Peace out,
Lost In Translation (2003)
Lost In Translation (2003)
2003 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Characters – Bob Harris is a faded movie star that can still gain a large pay check by starring in commercials, which is why he is in Tokyo, he is feeling lonely because his wife and children haven’t travelled once again, he does offer Charlotte advice about enjoying her life, but not rushing into anything. Charlotte is in Tokyo because of her husband’s work, this sees her feeling lonely as he is always work and she doesn’t know anybody else in the city, she makes friends with Bob as they start to experience the city together, she opens up about her struggle about finding her own calling in life. While Jon is the husband to Charlotte, we don’t really learn to much about him other than he is working.

Performances – The performance revolve around Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray, they are both wonderful to watch as they show us just how talent they pair can be either alone or as a pair on the screen.

Story – The story follows two people from different worlds in America that are lost in Japan, only to find each other to keep each other company during their time in Tokyo. The story dives into the idea that being in a new country can be isolating and you will need to learn to find somebody new to help them enjoy their time in the country, it does show you can find somebody new could give you a conversation you aren’t able to with friends in your life.

Settings – The film uses the setting of Tokyo which shows just how difficult it can be to find yourself in a country where you have never visited.

Scene of the Movie – Karaoke

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It is just slow.

Final Thoughts – This is a life drama that shows us just how important communication is to the everyday life in a new country.


Overall: Just a life drama.
A Voice at Midnight (Regency Rhapsody #4)
A Voice at Midnight (Regency Rhapsody #4)
Elizabeth Cole | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Veronica Swift is given an ultimatum by her step-father - she must marry by the New Year or she will have to learn to live without her inheritance. After arguing against this as best she can in those times, she accepts the advice of her companion and goes to visit her friend for the holidays who is hosting a party.

When she gets there she meets two men who are also attending together and feels a strange sense of familiarity with them both. Then the atmosphere of the castle comes into play and people start acting strangely, shadows are cast by no one and music can be heard where there should be none.

The ghosts at Wyemont Castle are real and they are certainly not like Casper! There has been a curse placed on the castle and its inhabitants and the ghosts keep trying to make history repeat itself so that the curse won't be broken.

This is a wonderfully written novella with enough action going on to keep you intrigued as you turn the pages. It is written in a genteel style so completely appropriate for the times. This is not a bodice-ripper but is all proper and above board (unless you count a couple of kisses between Vero and Tristan before they announce their courtship/engagement). With this story, you could either read it on the build-up to Samhain/Halloween for the ghost story aspect or on the build-up to the Winter Solstice as this is when the story reaches its climax. Either way, I would recommend curling up with this book, a hot drink and relax.

I love Elizabeth Cole's writing style and have enjoyed more than one of her books. I can recommend her highly without hesitation.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

August 11, 2016

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Makar and Baruch (Fueled By Lust #7) in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated Apr 13, 2023)  
Makar and Baruch (Fueled By Lust #7)
Makar and Baruch (Fueled By Lust #7)
Celeste Prater | 2015 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this is the seventh book in the series and if you've seen my reviews for the other six books, you will know that by now I am a MAJOR fan of Celeste's and love this series.

I don't even know where to start with this review. Makar and Baruch is funny (hilarious in places), heart-warming, heart-breaking, sassy, raw, and poignant. You will need some tissues because, for me at least, there was crying involved and not the nice, pretty kind either!

I won't go into too much detail, partly because if you haven't read any of these books, it won't make sense anyway. The other reason is that I absolutely refuse to give away any spoilers. Suffice it to say, Keeley has her own issues to deal with and they're not what you think. My heart was breaking for her and the epilogue ending... WOW!!! Let's just say, I had a vicious little smile on my face and a feeling of satisfaction in my heart.

Makar and Baruch are the perfect pair for Keeley - they are exactly the same as the rest of the Insedi, warm, caring, attentive, protective, in fact, everything that you could want in a mate. They have their own story to tell which is heartbreaking in its own right.

We have a reunion with some 'old' favourites and Cato works his magic as usual. Cassie is also around to give Keeley some helpful advice on seeing patterns and changing them. This was sheer perfection for me as it not only made 100% sense but also helped Keeley in a way that no one else could see that she needed help with (if that makes sense!)

Another candle on top of the Fueled By Lust cake!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 17, 2015

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Bear Creek Christmas (Holiday Mates #1) in Books

Dec 3, 2021 (Updated Jul 9, 2023)  
Bear Creek Christmas (Holiday Mates #1)
Bear Creek Christmas (Holiday Mates #1)
Alexander Elliott | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
BEAR CREEK CHRISTMAS is the first book in a new series, Holiday Mates. If you are looking for a slightly humorous, warm and fuzzy, low-angst bear shifter book, then you've come to the right place.

Levi has left his ex-boyfriend and family behind as he moves to Bear Creek to start again. His boyfriend was only interested in Levi's looks, and Levi wants to be more than just eye candy on someone's arm. Knox is the local bear shifter handyman who has just about given up on meeting his mate. When Knox first scents Levi, his bear roars to the front, determined to claim his mate. This scares Levi back and he has to seek the advice of a good friend before he decides what to do next.

If you like books where the main characters fall for each other, instead of insta-lust, then this is just the thing. Levi wants to take it slow, and Knox will fight his bear to give Levi that time. Knox worships Levi and will do all he can to give him what he needs, even if it's not what Knox wants.

The ex turning up wasn't a surprise, him dropping out of the story the way he did, was. I kept expecting him to return and cause more trouble, but then, that may be against the warm and fuzzy Christmas story we've got going on.

One thing to be warned about - there are comments about a lot of exclamation marks! 😉 Personally, I didn't notice that many and so didn't affect my enjoyment of the story. If you read this book with the expectation of a gentle, holiday-themed, slow-burn love story then you won't be disappointed. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 2, 2021
The Apartment Upstairs
The Apartment Upstairs
Lesley Kara | 2022 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me give you a piece of advice; if you have never read one of Lesley Kara's books, get yourself to your usual book supplier or library and put it right by picking yourself one (or more!) You will not regret it because each and every one is unique and enthralling and The Apartment Upstairs is no different.

This is yet another cracker by Lesley Kara.

Would you want to live in a house where a beloved family member was brutally murdered? I don't think I could but Scarlett is clearly stronger than I am. Not only has she moved back into her flat beneath where her Aunt Rebecca was murdered by her partner who then committed suicide, but she is having to organise the funeral and manage the debilitating condition, ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis).

Dee is the owner of the 'alternative' funeral directors Scarlett contacts to make arrangements for her aunt's funeral. Dee has struggles of her own; as well as her own personal circumstances, her best friend went missing almost 10 years ago and she is organising an event to keep her in the public consciousness.

Little do Scarlett and Dee realise but their lives are going to become intertwined in the most unexpected and shattering way.

There is creeping sense of tension and unease from the very beginning which continues throughout and which had me gripped desperate to know what was going to happen but I definitely didn't see that ending coming ... and what a great ending it is!

With strong characters, a good pace and an engaging and enthralling plot that had me guessing, this is a book that I devoured quickly and one which I have no hesitation in recommending to those who enjoy a character-driven, gripping thriller.

Thanks go to Random House UK, Transworld Publishers and NetGalley for enabling me to read The Apartment Upstairs and share my views.