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Titanfall - Expedition
Titanfall - Expedition
Fans of Titanfall can celebrate the release of three new maps in the brand-new Titanfall Expedition DLC. The collection retails for $9.99 but is available for $24.99 for those who wish to save some money and purchase all three of the planned content packs ahead of time at a reduced price.
While the collection does not offer anything new in terms of gameplay modes, weaponry, or significant upgrades, what it does offer is three new highly enjoyable and highly detailed maps which can be played in both attrition and variety pack modes.
Attrition is the classic Team Death Match where essentially if it moves, shoot it, while the variety pack is like having the game on iTunes shuffle as you could be playing Capture the Flag one moment and attrition the next.

Swamplands is the first pack that I played and this is an interesting mix of combat in the Temple as well as within a swamp as the name would suggest. With plenty of roots, trees, and various to hide it could be a sniper’s delight but for those stealthy enough to take advantage the cloaking abilities you can point your opponents and rack up some impressive streaks. I found that alternating between my Wingman side arm and machine gun work very well and I was not against using some up-close melee combat to finish enemies off.
For me setting my Titan in auto mode was the best option due to some tricky terrain that time could create bottlenecks and leave your Titan a sitting duck.

Wagames takes the best of Titanfall’s industrial maps and combines them into a combat simulator complete with holographic displays and environments. There were some Tron-esque elements to the landscaping and I love the elevated platforms it allowed me to take out enemies arriving via dropship below and pouncing down upon them and enemy Titans that passed by. With a nice mix of street combat as well as rooftop and building interiors this is ideal for run and gun gameplay enthusiasts such as myself.

Runoff is the final map and the least unique of the new offerings. That being said it is extremely well designed in that the feature of the map is that it is best suited for gamers who were on the move. Set in a water filtration plant, everything from Walks and towers, to ditches and drains make up this environment and the ability to leap from one environment into the water is very enjoyable.
There is a nice mix between close quarter and ranged combat and having a nice variety in your combat areas does allow for a welcome change of pace.

While none of the new maps are certain to be items that push you over the top if you’re already on the fence about purchasing the game, remember you are essentially paying $3.33 per map, less if you purchase a season pass. So in summary, while it is not necessary to have it certainly adds to the enjoyment level of the game in that you get three new diverse and enjoyable environments in which to test your skills at a very affordable price which makes it very easy for me to recommend.

The collection is available for the PC, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 versions of the game.
Happy Salmon
Happy Salmon
2016 | Animals, Kids Game, Party Game, Real-time
Brain burners. We have all played them. They typically aren’t my cup of tea because usually when I get to play games it is later in the evening. By that time I have had a full day’s work, taken care of a toddler (or more depending on when you read this), and thus my brainpower tank is already close to empty. Throw a game or two on top and I’m all mushy upstairs. ENTER: HAPPY SALMON.

Disclaimer (if needed): We are only reviewing the green version of this game. We know you can buy the blue version and add the cards for more players, but we haven’t done that yet. So we are just sticking with green for now. -T

In the activity Happy Salmon (let’s be honest, this isn’t necessarily a “game” so much as an “activity”) each player has a color-coded personal deck of cards that must be shuffled and held face-down. The players then stand in a circle. Setup is complete. The object of the game is to be the first player to deplete your deck of cards. You do so by turning over the top card of your deck and hopefully matching its face with another player who has turned over their copy of that card. Sounds easy right?

The “activity” portion and/or meat of this game happens when you find your match – you must both DO the action listed on your card. It could be as easy as high-fiving each other. Or pounding knuckles. Or simply switching places in the circle (see photo below). But then you have the ol’ Happy Salmon card which requires each player to do this absurd salmon handshake action that could be entertainment enough for the group if you have players with less-than-stellar bodily coordination.

So this doesn’t really sound all that appealing, I know. And I also wouldn’t have given it another thought, except I heard the guys from Dukes of Dice podcast raving about how rejuvenated they felt after having played this in the middle of an intense game sesh. I trust the opinions of Sean and Alex, and the price was right for me, so I picked it up. Boy am I glad I did! Now, this isn’t a game that I will bring out to every game session, nor with every play group, but I WILL pull this out if anyone is getting a little sleepy, or if we just want to shake out our bodies and our brains to hit up another long game.

The components are easy to discuss. It’s a fish made out of mousepad material that zips open and holds all the cards. The fish is great, but I really don’t care for “boxes” that aren’t… well, boxes. It’s great quality though. The cards, on the other hand, are really flimsy and make your hand sweaty. I don’t think I will sleeve these cards ever, as a replacement set is VERY affordable, and I do not really have any other suggestions to alleviate this “problem,” but the cards are just okay-quality. I suppose you are just flipping them over and then chucking them on the floor anyway, but for an extra $5 on the price of the game I would have preferred more rugged cards.

What this game lacks in hardcore thinkyness, prestige, and strategy, it makes up for in fun, hilarious moments, and plays that become raucously entertaining bits of your life you may never forget. It will never be on my Top 10 list, but it’s currently on my Top 100 and I will never get rid of my copy. For those reasons Purple Phoenix Games gives Happy Salmon a very appreciative 12 / 18 (Laura claims to have never played it).