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Lindsay (1717 KP) rated Ghost Owl in Books

Apr 9, 2019  
Ghost Owl
Ghost Owl
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ghost Owl is a story of Mariah Easter. Will she find out about her potential and learn about herself? She seems to struggle with her gift. I love the fact that Nacy show us a way into the afterlife and that maybe we are all reincarnate or we move through space and different dimensions of space.

Is everything an illusion or is it something as we see what want to make or see what we want to see? Is life as we see it or is what we think it is. Could it be that there are different parts of world that we can travel to any dimensions we want to and choose to live in the dimension where were born or do want to go higher. Is there nothing in this world, we do not exist. We are in body to experience that lifetime but then shred it and go to another life or travel somewhere else.

As we travel though Mariah Journey, is death even real? Nancy has you guessing and trying to believe that maybe we come back and travel to dimension and live there. It just us making that choice. Are what we pass to the next life and experience higher. Mariah meets someone and what about this new gift and maybe smell she or essence she got. What tribe is part of and why? We learn some of this as we read about Mariah Easter and her journey.
Satellite (The Satellite Trilogy #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Satellite by Lee Davidson What a book this is for readers. You can read this book in several ways. I would let you decide if you want to read it these ways.

Story of Grant
Afterlife kinda story
Story of Friendships
Story of Mystery

You can decide for yourselves. I really enjoyed the book. To me it was a story of Grants life and learning the truth about about his life. He makes some mistakes and he needs to learned. He does not want to remember his life with Tate.He starts to makes friends. He does not know about his Legacy. He meets her and does not not know that his first assignment has to do with her. He goes about doing it until he makes a big mistake. He does some really strange things. There are surprises along the way. Grant needs to learn a few things. There are different page turners.The characters are done well. I had a really hard time putting this book down once I started it. It was that good. I really hope to get the next book to read or to review. I was enjoying Grant and Willow and now I also enjoyed Ryder and Troy.  It really strange and we meet Elliott and it a surprised that I do not want to give you an ending of this book away or what Elliott is doing or how he see Grant or know Grant.
The Gatekeeper (Afterlife #0.5)
The Gatekeeper (Afterlife #0.5)
Katrina Cope | 2017 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you've read the author's rather excellent young adult Afterlife series about angels battling demons for control of mortal souls you will know The Gatekeeper as the cackling, taunting old man. If you have not read the series this novella may be a good introduction.

Aker might seem like a normal boy but there is something different about him. He is a little more cruel, a little more keen to cause trouble and misery than his peers. His downward path soon brings him to the attention of the demon world, a world he adapts to with ease. But demons survive either on their strength or their wits. Aker may not be strong but he is very cunning and very eager to prove himself.

One of the major achievements of this story is that the main protagonist is (hopefully) in no way relateable to the reader; he is sly, selfish and cruel, caring nothing at all for anybody but himself. Yet the writing means that although we might not agree with any of his choices, it is clear why he makes them. So although the reader has no sympathy for Aker, there is some understanding of him.

The story moves quickly as Aker progresses through the demon world and there is little to time to catch one's breath between scenes. This makes it an easy read, and one that manages to provide a lot of background on the wider series without ever deviating from telling the central story.
    Die With Glory

    Die With Glory

    Games and Entertainment

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    Die with Glory is an epic adventure game where your goal is to die in glorious fashion. You must...