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Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Grim Fandango Remastered in Video Games

May 7, 2020 (Updated May 7, 2020)  
Grim Fandango Remastered
Grim Fandango Remastered
Classic: Land of the Dead
Grim Fandango- is a classic game, yes i know im reviewing the remastered, but its a remaster from the ground up. Its still a excellent game.

Grim Fandango - is 1998 adventure game directed by Tim Schafer and developed and published by LucasArts for Microsoft Windows. It is the first adventure game by LucasArts to use 3D computer graphics overlaid on pre-rendered static backgrounds. As with other LucasArts adventure games, the player must converse with characters and examine, collect, and use objects to solve puzzles.

Grim Fandango is set in the Land of the Dead, through which recently departed souls, represented as calaca-like figures, travel before they reach their final destination. The story follows travel agent Manuel "Manny" Calavera as he attempts to save new arrival Mercedes "Meche" Colomar, a virtuous soul, on her journey. The game combines elements of the Aztec belief of afterlife with film noir style, with influences including The Maltese Falcon, On the Waterfront and Casablanca.

Grim Fandango received praise for its art design and direction. It was selected for several awards and is often listed as one of the greatest video games of all time. However, it was a commercial failure and contributed towards LucasArts' decision to end adventure game development and the decline of the adventure game genre.

I remember playing this game on the computer when i was around age 7-9. Its a excellent game.

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Aftermath in Books

May 14, 2021 (Updated Jul 26, 2023)  
Terri Blackstock | 2021 | Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
AFTERMATH tells you the sad story of three friends attending a concert when a bomb goes off and only one of them survives. Move onto an unknown character getting stopped by police on an anonymous tip, only to find explosives in his car boot. Enter the lawyer, a child from his youth, determined to prove his innocence.

This was an interesting story, with strong characters who moved the story along. The pacing was very good, giving enough action and suspense whilst not overloading the reader. Unfortunately, I felt the big bad and the situation about the why's and whatnot's was a bit too predictable. Knowing this was set in America, and knowing how expensive healthcare is, it certainly did not come as a surprise, nor did his actions afterwards.

This is a Christian Fiction novel so be prepared for an emphasis on God, what is right and wrong, and the possibility of an afterlife.

On the whole, this was a good story that I enjoyed, but there wasn't anything that really surprised me. If you like Christian Fiction and Suspense, then I can definitely recommend this one.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 14, 2021
Unrest (2006)
Unrest (2006)
2006 | Horror
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
For many medical school students the most daunting class they face early in their studies is that of Gross Anatomy. The class which introduces aspiring doctors to their first bodies, as well as the reality and complexity of the human anatomy is often seen as a make or break moment for the challenging studies that lay ahead.

In the film Unrest Writer/Director/Producer Jason Todd Ipson follows a group of new students in a Gross Anatomy class. At first the students are shocked by the disfigured cadaver in front of them, but soon begin the dissection they are required to do.

The appearance of the corpse they are working on becomes a source of fixation for one of the students named Allison (Corri English), who becomes convinced that something is not right with the body they are working on, as something tells her that things are not as they seem.

Allison’s concerns are dismissed as her being overwhelmed by her first encounter with a body, and she is told that her concerns will soon pass. Soon after, one of the dissection group is affected by a freak accident, and Allison becomes convinced that there are evil forces at work, and that nobody will be safe until the mystery behind the corpse is settled.

As the body count rises, Allison and her friend Brian (Scot Davis), face a race against the clock and the supernatural to find the cause of the unrest and make things right, before they end up the next victims of a vengeful specter.

Unrest is a very impressive debut for Ipson, who himself was a promising surgeon before turning his talents to directing. The film is well paced and has plenty of tension and suspense without resorting to the clichéd horror staples that have become all too common.

The plot is refreshingly original and deeper than most films in this genre attempt to achieve, as its complexity is deceiving simply. The film can be taken as a simple scare fest, but for those willing to look beneath the surface, there are deeper layers to the film that tackle areas such as the afterlife, intuition, possession, second sight, and the supernatural. While all of those have been covered before in various films, few have ever combined them in such an intelligent fashion that allows the audience to reach their own conclusions on the topics the film introduces.

The cast is solid especially Davis and English who take what could easily be stock characters and infuse a sense of purpose which helps the audience relate to them and their situation.

While the film might have what appears to some to be plot holes, the film is actually a clever examination of the spirit and afterlife, and delivers the goods. While much has been made about the alleged use of real body parts in the film, Ipson is careful not to let his film become a gratuitous gore fest and uses blood and carnage only in the amounts necessary to propel the story.

Unrest is a very solid effort that marks the emergence of a talent to be watched and will delight fans of the genre who want some intelligence with their horror.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
2021 | Action, Sci-Fi
Back in 1984 when big hair and neon were the norms; a movie appeared that soon became a cultural phenomenon. The movie involved a team of unlikely Paranormal Investigators and the mix of comedy, FX, and Ghosts turned the movie into a smash hit and a Pop Culture mainstay. The abundance of products that followed and the inescapable theme song and tagline soon gave rise to a sequel which while a success; did not resonate the way the original film had and thus the “Ghostbusters” film franchise became dormant.

While a successful video game and merchandise line kept the franchise alive; the 2016 reboot with an all-female team failed to capture the magic at the box office and again put the franchise’s cinematic future in question.

Thankfully after several delays due to the Covid 19 Pandemic; “Ghostbusters Afterlife” has arrived and is the worthy sequel that does justice to the original film and sets the stage well for future cinematic exploits.

The film follows a down on her luck mother named Callie )Carrie Coon) and her children Trevor (Finn Wolfhard); and Phoebe (Mckenna Grace), as they are forced to move to a dilapidated farm in rural Oklahoma following the passing of Callie’s estranged father and her subsequent eviction.

A series of unexplained earthquakes clues the smart and precocious Phoebe that something is up and with her new friend Podcast (Logan Kim), and teacher Mr. Grooberson (Paul Rudd); help her uncover her connection to the original Ghostbusters and the abundance and significance of the gear that her Grandfather has left on the farm.

Things soon take a turn for the worse and despite skeptical locals and the emerging danger, Phoebe, Trevor, and their friends have to battle the forces of evil to save the world.

The movie takes its time getting to the action and spends plenty of time establishing the characters, their motivations, and their relationships with one another. There are abundant homages to the original film; some of which are very subtle and clever but never seem gratuitous or tacked on.

The film also does not rely on the FX to tell the tale as while there are some solid effects in the film; this is a character-driven tale and the new cast works well with some surprise guests who pop up throughout the film.

Director Jason Reitman; son of the Director of the original film; clearly knows and loves the material as he not only helped craft the story but deftly weaves a new tale into the franchise which also fits well with the first film and does not attempt to reboot but rather continue the franchise.

There are two extra scenes in the credits that you will not want to miss as not only are they great fun; but also tease of future adventures to come.

The film also has a few touching moments that caused some unexpected emotion from the audience at our Press Screening and helped establish “Ghostbusters Afterlife” as not only a winning entry into the series but also one of the most enjoyable films of the year.

4.5 stars out of 5.

Dana (24 KP) rated Beloved in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
A.S. Byatt, Toni Morrison | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
6.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had to read this book for my craft of fiction class. This was my first time reading it, but we were able to look at it as more than just plot, and more about how it was written and why it was written that way.

There are spoilers, so read at your own risk.

I very much enjoyed this book. I loved this view into a post slavery world filled of women who have to deal with the grief that has followed them throughout their lives. Sethe, though she has made her mistakes in her life, is still a sympathetic character who relies on her grief to survive through what she has done. Her daughters are strong women in their own rights. Beloved, being childlike and taking out her rage of her death on her mother and her family through stealing the attention and food for herself. She isolates, makes it so the others feel death hanging over themselves to understand her pain.

The format, being more stream of consciousness and not a cohesive, linear narrative, lends itself well to the magical realism of this book. This is nothing like a Harry Potter type of magical realism though. This is steeped in the tradition of former slaves, magical in their beliefs of the world and the afterlife. Not the people being able to control magic, but allowing it to be a real thing in their lives either way.

I really liked this book. If you want to understand why, check it out for yourself.
Angelic Retribution
Angelic Retribution
Katrina Cope | 2017 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought the the first two installments of the Afterlife saga, following the exploits of human-turned-angel Aurora, were absoluately terrific. With this third installment I feel like I need to invent some new superlatives as all the existing ones seem somehow inadequate.

There's not much of the story I can discuss without giving things away, but this very much continues following the trend for the themes to get darker as the series has gone on. The angels are becoming desperate as the demon hordes press in relentlessly. After her actions in the second book Aurora is viewed with a great deal of suspicion by everyone and Abaddon is still focussed on getting her join the demon ranks.

The story that Cope tells here begs to be read; the stakes have been raised and it's really not clear what is going to happen next, and there are a number of shock twists and developments that take the plot in all sorts of directions I hadn't expected at the outset. As usual the writing and characterisation is flawless, smoothly flowing off the page throughout, effortlessly following the changes in pace as the story twists through its chapters.

If you enjoyed the first two books and want to find out what happens next to Aurora and her friends you will not be disappointed. If you have not read any of the series and are looking for something interesting, thought-provoking and pacey to read then I can't recommend these books highly enough.