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Marriage Story (2019)
Marriage Story (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama

"What a surprise! Actually a movie about people! No special effects, no super heroes, no gunfights; just a riveting two hours and 15 minutes about some human beings you can recognize as real, going through the agonizing upheavals of a marriage that is no longer working, and therefore facing the daunting, heartbreaking throes of divorce. That’s Noah Baumbach’s new picture, “Marriage Story,” and it is right up there with the best of this exceptional director-writer’s finest work, thus only confirming my long-held opinion that Baumbach is vividly among the top picture-makers of his generation. It is a joy to see and hear actors speaking dialogue that is superbly crafted and profoundly believable. And to watch a film during which the camera is always in the right place for the actors to shine and the scenes to play most effectively for the audience. All this talented and insightful direction, of course, results in brilliant performances. If there is a more nakedly affecting and moving turn by an actor than Adam Driver’s here, I certainly haven’t seen it. He’s always good, but this is truly striking, vividly touching, and simply as good as it gets in modern pictures. I always enjoy Scarlett Johansson’s work, and she certainly doesn’t disappoint here. And Alan Alda’s aging character is memorably drawn. Like so much of the best American movies, Baumbach’s work here is both deeply personal (though not autobiographical) and at the same time quite clearly universal. I really hope that this picture is successful enough to encourage other filmmakers to bring real people to the screen, and to tell stories that resonate with reality."


Ross (3282 KP) rated The Grim Company in Books

Sep 27, 2017  
The Grim Company
The Grim Company
Luke Scull | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once I got into the swing of the book (it chops and changes between different characters each chapter) I started to really enjoy it. I like being thrown into a world without having a long made-up history lesson first and getting straight into the action.
I liked the setting for this book: numerous city states ruled by magelords who are constantly battling each other.
We join the action just as one magelord overcomes another (from a distance), but in the aftermath a third looks to capitalise on the weakened victor's defences.
I like how nobody was really the good guy here, everyone was pretty sure they would be fighting for an evil overlord against someone who would likely be just as evil. Citizens were unwilling to fight for their own magelord because their own lives couldn't possibly get any worse.
As is common in more modern, "grimdark" fantasy, none of the characters are the flawless hero of old, all have their own failings and foibles, whether it be drug abuse, being useless, being a psychopath or just generally nasty. All except Brodar Kayne, who for me was somewhat reminiscent of Logen Ninefingers from Joe Abercrombie's First Law series. He is an aging warrior who is no longer welcome in the savage North and is looking for a new life in the baffling, more civilised South.
I found the story and characters somewhat similar to Joe Abercrombie's in other areas, but the writing style was very different, flowing much more smoothly I would say. And this is not to suggest in any way it is a rip-off of the First Law series, only that some of the characters and certain aspects of the plot bore a similarity.
Altogether a thoroughly enjoyable read with a well designed world and great characters.
The Last Unicorn (The Last Unicorn, #1)
Peter S. Beagle | 1968 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
harpy scene (2 more)
the characters
The timelessness and that it grows with you
harpy scene (0 more)
As a child l loved this movie. And I cannot write a review with out chiming in with the movie. Both the book and screenplay was written by Peter S. Beagle. So they are very similar the book expands most of the scenes. And the only thing that is omitted is basically chapter 10(?). I had watched the movie the first time when I was around 5 or 6 and first read the book while I was a college student 17 or 18 and loved it too. The book and movie is for all ages (although that harpy scene...) and it does and doesn’t change as you grow older. It’s about love and duty, innocence and aging, loss and sorrow and many many things in between. Smendrick is still my favorite character although know I’m older I realize the importance of Molly Grue. A very well written story. Good on a lazy day when you don’t want to rush through a book.
I will leave with this one quote:
“It’s a rare man who is taken for what he truly is,...there is much misjudgment in the world. Now, I knew you for a unicorn when I first saw you, and I know I am your friend. Yet you take me for a clown, or a clod, or a betrayer, and so must I be if you see me so. The magic on you is only magic and will vanish as soon as you are free, but the enchantment of error that you put on me I must wear forever in your eyes. We are not always what we seem, and hardly what we dream.”
My One and Only (2009)
My One and Only (2009)
2009 | Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“My One and Only” is the 1950’s story of Anne Deveraux (Renée Zellweger) wife of two-timing Dan Devereaux (Kevin Bacon) who has decided to leave her husband and move to another city in pursuit of a better life. Anne soon learns that the process of enticing men has grown increasing challenging with time and that she now must raise her two sons George (Logan Lerman) and Robbie (Mark Rendell) on the road and on her own or face the defeat of returning to her unfaithful husband.

Beautifully shot, the film immediately sweeps viewers into another time in American history. The use of detailed sets and props, from the varied homes the family lives in to the light powder-blue car, creates a visual dynamic ripe for the telling of this 1950’s gem. Additionally, the use of literature, film, and music throughout “My One and Only” make it a delight to watch even without the somewhat well crafted plot.
As characters go, Zellweger delivers again, this time as the likeably flawed heroine Anne. Yet it was maturely acted roles of Anne’s sons, George and Robbie, stood out as undeniably honestly and direct.
Majority of the plot is solid covering the ups and downs of Anne’s attempts to secure a new home and husband for her family. It was only the rushed and disjointed ending that lessened the caliber of film.
“My One and Only” touches on themes of respect, feminism, aging, and security. A good film overall, filled with laughs and moral realities of the time, I enjoyed getting to know Anne’s family.

A visually strong, well cast film with a less than satisfying ending, “My One and Only” is an entertaining and spirited story of a non-traditional family growing up during a time of change in America.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Sep 2, 2021  
Check out my book review for CREATRIX RISING: UNLOCKING THE POWER OF MIDLIFE WOMEN, a self-help memoir, by Stephanie Raffelock. (I loved this book so much!) Enter the giveaway to win your own signed copy of the book and a $25 Starbucks gift card - four winners!

From the author of the award-winning book A Delightful Little Book on Aging comes a new self-help memoir Creatrix Rising: Unlocking the Power of Midlife Women (She Writes Press). In her new book, Stephanie Raffelock liberates mold-defying midlife women, tired of the oft-inaccurate characterization of the “old crone,” to amplify the resounding strength within.

Ever since Eve was banned from the garden, women have endured the oftentimes painful and inaccurate definitions foisted upon them by the patriarchy. Maiden, mother, and crone, representing the three stages assigned to a woman’s life cycle, have been the limiting categories of both ancient and modern (neo-pagan) mythology. And one label in particular rankles: crone. The word conjures a wizened hag—useless for the most part, marginalized by appearance and ability.

None of us has ever truly fit the old-crone image, and for today’s midlife women, a new archetype is being birthed: the Creatrix.

In Creatrix Rising, Raffelock lays out—through personal stories and essays—the highlights of the past fifty years, in which women have gone from a quiet strength to a resounding voice. She invites us along on her own transformational journey by providing probing questions for reflection so that we can flesh out and bring to life this new archetype within ourselves. If what the Dalai Lama has predicted—that women will save the world—proves true, then the Creatrix will for certain be out front, leading the pack.
Ascension (Southern Spirits #7)
Ascension (Southern Spirits #7)
Bailey Bradford | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Connor has been the mischievous spirit from Book 1, even when it wasn't the right time or place. So much so, that Sev is very surprised when Connor makes a comment and he is 100% correct about it. It was wonderful to read this part, and I hope that Connor gets the recognition for it, and realises that he doesn't have to be the pesky spirit all the time. Going by the end of the book, he still has that cheeky side but has rounded out other aspects of his personality.

Another aspect of this book that I enjoyed is that Laine, Sev and all the others, are AGING!! Yes, what happens to most people has now caught up to the town of McKinton. Although this is an unexpected twist that usually doesn't appear in books, I really enjoyed this and even enjoyed Connor's stealing of Sev's hair dye and facial creams.

With a supernatural sweet and hot love story, this is perfect for Connor and Ro's happy ending, whilst still leaving it open for more fun and frolics. Don't get me wrong though, this isn't always nice. There is a section about how Ro deals with his mum's death that is hard reading. JD is not a nice person and whilst I wanted him to get his comeuppance, I also understand that it wouldn't have been possible without raking Ro's name through the mud.

A wonderful addition to the series and definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 16, 2015
Sleigh Bells on Bread Loaf Mountain
Sleigh Bells on Bread Loaf Mountain
Lindy Miller | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
cute and sweet!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

If you follow my reviews, you'll know I'm all about the book feelings and how much I hate using the word NICE to describe a book. But sometimes, that word sticks at the tip of my fingers and I can't shift it no matter what.

So, this is a nice book.

Roxy goes home for Christmas for the first time in several years, at the request of her aging grandmother. Her (currently) off-again boyfriend is in Milan. A conversation between them sets Roxy off in a bad mood and things go downhill from there. Or rather, Roxy goes uphill but the weather turns for the worse and Roxy runs off the road in a blizzard and she only packed her good clothes. Ranger Mark finds her, and there follows a lovely tale of finding your true self.

I liked it. It's relatively clean, just some kissing. Low angst, although Roxy does have to dig deep to make the decision she does. Just Roxy has a say though, and maybe if Mark had been given a voice, I might have enjoyed it more.

I refer back to the book feelings. My first and most lasting feeling about this book is that it's a Hallmark Christmas movie, wrapped up in some 178 pages. It didn't seem that long though.

It's incredibly sweet, and I think, for ME, just a bit too much.

But! This is the first I've read of this author, under either name she uses, and I'd certainly give her another go. A book with a bit more bite might be more for me.

3 good, twinkly stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn
The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn
Taylor Jenkins Reid | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
97 of 220
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
By Taylor Jenkins Reid

Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. But when she chooses unknown magazine reporter Monique Grant for the job, no one is more astounded than Monique herself. Why her? Why now?

Monique is not exactly on top of the world. Her husband has left her, and her professional life is going nowhere. Regardless of why Evelyn has selected her to write her biography, Monique is determined to use this opportunity to jumpstart her career.

Summoned to Evelyn's luxurious apartment, Monique listens in fascination as the actress tells her story. From making her way to Los Angeles in the 1950s to her decision to leave show business in the '80s, and, of course, the seven husbands along the way, Evelyn unspools a tale of ruthless ambition, unexpected friendship, and a great forbidden love. Monique begins to feel a very real connection to the legendary star, but as Evelyn's story near its conclusion, it becomes clear that her life intersects with Monique's own in tragic and irreversible ways.

I went into this book hoping that the hype was worth it. It certainly was you completely forget that this is a fictional character and start thinking she’s real. The tragic underlying lying story is not being able to love who you want to until it’s just to late. This was genuinely heartbreaking In places and really well written. I didn’t think it was as mind blowing as some say but it was definitely a very very interesting read. Also how self destructive some people can be especially when they want that fame in life.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated How to Stop Time in Books

Jun 30, 2017  
How to Stop Time
How to Stop Time
Matt Haig | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
Favourite book of 2017 so far
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

All the world’s a stage/And all the men and women merely players/They have their exits and their entrances/And one man in his time plays many parts …

How to Stop Time is British author Matt Haig’s latest novel, and a very interesting one it is, too. In the present day, Tom Hazard is a 40-something-looking man who has landed himself with the position of history teacher at a comprehensive school in Tower Hamlets. Despite not having any formal training, Tom is the perfect candidate for the position because, despite his looks, he is 439 years old. But, that is a secret that no one must ever discover.

The book jumps back and forth between the current time period and flashbacks to various events during Tom’s extensive past. Born in 1581, Tom has experienced a great part of British history and major events around the world. Constantly changing his name and identification, he moved around the world, switching locations whenever people began to get suspicious of his never-aging body.

After a couple of centuries, Tom met a man with the same condition as himself, who revealed that there were many people in the same predicament. Promising to be able to help keep him safe, the stranger coerces Tom into a union called the Albatross Society. There are many rules and conditions to follow, however, the most important advice is to never fall in love. Unfortunately, Tom has already done this.

In London 1623, Tom met the love of his life, Rose, who he eventually married and with whom he had a daughter. Although Tom does age, it is at the rate of one year every 15; therefore he eventually had to leave his family in order to keep them safe. However, his daughter Marion has inherited his condition and Tom spends his subsequent years trying to find her. With promises to help him on his quest, Tom reluctantly joins the Albatross Society, despite their questionable ways.

All Tom wants is to be able to lead a normal life, yet the narrative reveals how impossible this has been, both in the past and now in the present. From Elizabethan England to Elizabeth II’s reign, Tom lives through several monarchs, wars, colloquial changes, industrialisation, sanitisation of comestibles, and the introduction of digital technology. Without the added pressure of keeping his true identity disguised, it is very interesting to experience historical events through the eyes of the protagonist.

The ending, unfortunately, does not quite satisfy the growing excitement and interest of the rest of the novel. Important things happen too quickly, making it confusing to understand the main storyline. The majority of the story appears to only be setting the scene for the final couple of chapters, but as this is so fascinating, there cannot be too much complaint.

Presuming that Haig has done his research and that the historical periods are factually correct, How to Stop Time is as educational as it is entertaining. History lovers will enjoy reading about famous people such as Shakespeare and Charlie Chaplin, as well as getting an insight into the daily lives of past societies. Most importantly, Tom is a captivating character, who, despite having lived for four centuries, is still as socially awkward as the best of us.

How to Stop Time contains a fantastic concept about the progression of time and aging, but its most poignant point is the emphasis on finding and being you. Change is an inevitable certainty, as witnessed by Tom whose current world looks nothing like his memories. Although people must adapt to the on-going changes, living how you want is more important than adjusting to fit in with everyone else. In essence, do not be afraid to let the world see your true self.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Modern Lovers in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Modern Lovers
Modern Lovers
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zoe, Andrew, and Elizabeth have been friends since their college days at Oberlin. Back then, they were part of a band with their fourth friend, Lydia. Now the first three are nearing fifty, living in the same New York suburban neighborhood. Zoe resides with her wife, Jane, and their daughter Ruby. Meanwhile, Andrew and Elizabeth, now married, have a teenage son, Harry. The friends have been together through thick and thin, but things are starting to get a bit more difficult as they face the trials of aging. Zoe isn't sure if her marriage is going to hold, while Elizabeth is struggling with issues of her own. And Andrew, well, is Andrew going through some sort of midlife crisis? The three friends must confront their past (and some well-kept secrets) as well as deal with their future, including their growing (and rapidly maturing) offspring.

I wasn't one of those who adored Straub's previous novel, [b:The Vacationers|18641982|The Vacationers|Emma Straub||26440459], though I liked it, but this one sounded interesting and worth a try. And, in its defense, it was. It receives bonus points immediately for having lesbian characters who are simply part of the fabric of the novel (what, lesbians simply living regular life? surely not!). Straub's characters are crisp and well-defined. They are also a bit "New Yorky" and fall into that bucket that I so often find of whiny, self-involved New Yorkers. Andrew, in particular, though I suppose that is perhaps the entire point of Andrew. Still, overall, I found the book witty and wise. The younger protagonists--Ruby and Harry--in particular, offer fresh and fun voices. They are teenagers, after all: they are allowed to be self-involved! This was a quick read; it's engaging, fun, and occasionally sweet, even if it causes you to roll your eyes from time to time. 3.5 stars overall.

I received a copy of this novel from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available for publication everywhere on 5/31/2016.