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Craig Davidson (18 KP) rated Aliens (1986) in Movies

May 11, 2019 (Updated May 11, 2019)  
Aliens (1986)
Aliens (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Hudson (3 more)
Pulse rifle
Alien queen
First 20 mins (0 more)
Stop ya grinning and drop ya linen
Contains spoilers, click to show
So what can I say about aliens. Since its release in 1986 it's become probably one of my favourite and go to films. James Cameron at his best.
The whole cast are amazing and although the movie is a little yawn until the marines come in to it I just adore it.
The movie picks up where alien finished finding Riley in the escape craft form the nostromo 57 years later. She is picked up by a salvage craft and taken back to be grilled by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation (nooooo) as to why she destroyed the nostromo.
As usual the big wigs do not believe the story and inform Ripley that the planet LV-426 is now inhabited by terraformers who are changing the planet to be more earth kike. Soooo after the grilling Ripley gets Carter Burke (slimey weasel corporate man ) sends people from Hadleys Hope station to investigate the coordinates where the alien ship was first encountered. And of course Newts dad ends up with a beauty of a face hugger on his mush. This starts the chain of events that basically wipes out the whole station.
So after a while Burke and Lt Gorman. track down Ripely to ask her to join them as an advisor and go back to LV-426. She of course says no until she has a dream and leaves her ginger pussy at home.
So now the film really begins and the USS Sulaco comes in to shit looking like a giant gun.
We then meet the colonial marines including Android bishop and my favourite film character of all time hudson.
They all arrive and on the planet and eventually come across the little girl Newt (Rebecca but no body calls her that ,except her brother ) who has survived the alien invasion by crawling around the air ducts.
The marines eventually find the rest of the colony via there trackers and head to collect them. Of course they find the colony people stuck to the walls by some sort of secreted resin ( but secreted by why what ?) With there chest cavities well open exposing there inner organs. They then find a live one ( in a shit ya pants moment) and we get to see the alien push through the poor woman's chest.
The marines torch the little git and then all hell breaks loose. But we get to hear the iconic sound of the pulse rifle and get to hear Vasquez shout "let's rock" as they try to sort out the pesky bug problem by spraying the whole place with bullets.
We loose slot of the secondary cast in this scene and they also crack one of the nuclear reactors which will blow up soon.
The marines fight hard but they end up loosing the drop ship and are stranded. So the plan is hatched to remote a new drip ship down from the sulaco.
The android bishop has to crawl down a very long pipe in a very claustrophobic scene to get a signal to use the remote control.
The rest of the people left alive Ripley ,Hicks ,Gorman ,Hudson ,Vasquez ,Newt and the horrible Burke at left in the station to set up and defend themselves and fortify the area.
But the alien have there clever mama and they attack in force.
It's is in this attack we see how brave the loudmouth marine Hudson is in what is my opinion one of the greatest last scenes ever of a character "fuck you " being his last words.
After this the rest are lost apart from Hicks and Ripley and newt and bishop .
Newt takes a slide down a vent and gets lost , Ripley then goes and gets her and comes across the bad ass bitch that's has been laying the alien eggs . A fight happens and Ripley gets newt out and back to the drop ship and back to USS Sulaco with hicks and bishop. But ohhhhh no the mama alien was on board and rips bishop in half and covers the place in milk. Ripley beats the crap out of the mama alien with a really cool fork lift then they all go to sleep.
Aliens for me is a classic and better than the original.
Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
2014 | Drama, Sci-Fi
The actors (1 more)
The backing story
Had to be reinvented with a new name for the publicity
So with a story of an alien invasion in which a low tanker soldier finds himself dying but waking up the day previous every time he dies. Hence the name of the film. The film should have been really good, given that you have Hollywood superstar Tom cruise and is supported by Oscar nominee emiky blunt. But instead, the film falls short.

They spend a lot of time off of the battle field and in training and you see a lot of talking and very minimal action. The backing story for me is really good, or has the potential for it being really good. Spending most of there time running or talking in the film, cruise and blunt deliver there lines with perfect execution and I really feel that the film is let down by the writers imagination and the direction given in this film. I'd of given a higher rating if it was just that little bit more on the edge of your seat action.
Quatermass and the Pit (1967)
Quatermass and the Pit (1967)
1967 | Horror, Sci-Fi
7.7 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The best of the Quatermass films keeps all the unsettling ideas of Nigel Kneale's original TV scripts and adds Hammer's talent for coming up with smart casting and polished production values. Weird projectile turns up buried under London; the authorities initially assume it's an unexploded bomb from the Second World War, but the presence of fossil ape skeletons in and around the object indicates otherwise, as does a history of hauntings in the area going back hundreds of years. Professor Quatermass begins to suspect that this is a relic of a highly unusual alien invasion that happened before man had even evolved...

Pretty much a perfect fusion of horror and science fiction, giving a convincing extraterrestrial rationale for various paranormal and demonic phenomena; thoughtful and disturbing rather than actually scary. Andrew Keir rocks the joint as Professor Q but is well-supported by everyone else. The sequence in which London is transformed in the final reel is also very well done. Sets the standard for intelligent British SF movies; rather influential in its own way, too.
The Avengers - Season 5
The Avengers - Season 5
1967 | Comedy, Fantasy, Thriller
The Avengers' fifth season opens with a fabricated alien invasion and concludes with a shrink-gun, and while the odd more serious and down-to-earth episode sneaks in, this sort of sums up the scope of the series at this point: a mixture of B-movie sci-fi, extravagant whimsy, and knowing wit. As in the previous year, dapper security operative John Steed is assisted in his investigations by Mrs Emma Peel.

However, not quite up to the standard of the previous year - the show now seems pitched towards the American networks, hence the move to rather garish colour, and it's often much more knockabout as a result. The fact that most of the episodes are written by either Philip Levene or Brian Clemens also results in a certain reliance on formula - the show even resorts to remaking some of the earlier videotaped stories to avoid having to come up with brand new scripts. However, episodes like The Hidden Tiger and Epic still stand up as well as anything in the run of the series.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Gamera: Advent of Legion (1996) in Movies

Mar 15, 2019 (Updated Mar 15, 2019)  
Gamera: Advent of Legion (1996)
Gamera: Advent of Legion (1996)
1996 | International, Sci-Fi
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Startlingly sophisticated mash-up of the giant monster and alien invasion B-movie genres; second in Shusuke Kaneko's trilogy of Gamera movies. A meteorite brings the gestalt organism Legion to Earth, specifically Japan (of course). Scientists and the army embark on a desperate race to figure out how to stop the various manifestations of the creature, but may have to rely on their unlikely ally: the giant nuclear turtle Gamera.

The bare bones of the plot make it sound fairly absurd, but the combination of a clever, cine-literate script that knows exactly when to play it loose and when to get to the point, and superbly accomplished special effects mean this is one of the highlights of the Japanese monster movie tradition; arguably very influential within the genre, not least for the way it plays with all the classic tropes and manages to rationalise many of them. The design of the antagonist monster could have been a bit less weird, but you can't have everything I suppose. Exceeded in its crazed grandiosity only by the third part of the trilogy, but still outscores that in the script department.