
Chroma Crossing Chronicles: Blood Moon Part 2
Blood Moon—part 2: Candy endeavors to understand the monochromatic ‘beige-world’ she landed...

Debbiereadsbook (1318 KP) rated Smith's Corner: Layla & Levi (The Heartwood Series #2) in Books
Aug 31, 2021
Layla's history is dark, and painful reading and I cried for Layla
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
This is book 2 in the Heartwood Series. I would STRONGLY recommend you read book one, Delilah & Dallas, before this one. THAT book sets this one up nicely.
I also said in my review for that book, that I made put the clues together, and made a picture, but that I was fairly certain it was going to be worse than I thought.
And I wasn't wrong.
Layla has had to be strong, for Delilah and Cora but both girls are growing up now, and moving on with their lives. Levi is one of Dallas' older brother, and is quite literally, smitten with Layla. He knows she has secrets (Dallas knows some of them but wont tell Levi) but Levi also knows Layla is his, and he won't let her go.
I loved that Cora plays a bigger part here than Delilah, that Cora approves of Levi, and that Cora actively helps Levi win Layla over. And he does that beautifully!
When Layla eventually tells Levi all, he does exactly as Dallas does, all Alpha-Male-Protect-whats-Mine, but he tempers his reaction, he holds it all in til he is not in Layla's presence, and I loved him for that.
Layla's history is dark, and painful reading and I cried for Layla. Layla the child, but also Layla the adult. She has a huge support network now, but she didn't always, and she still struggles with letting people in. That Levi takes his time with Layla, getting to know her and letting her set the entire pace of their relationship was probably the only way he could have gotten in.
When Layla's past comes back to cause problems, I loved that ALL the brothers came to stand with her, beside her, to see that the past stays there. And that all solves itself so differently to what I was expecting!
And we are set up nicely for Ash and Alora, who are next. Ash has a tale to tell, and I can't wait to read it!
This book contains triggers: please be mindful of those reading this book.
Creeping up from 4 stars to 4.5 stars but rounded up for the blog.
same worded review will appear elsewhere
This is book 2 in the Heartwood Series. I would STRONGLY recommend you read book one, Delilah & Dallas, before this one. THAT book sets this one up nicely.
I also said in my review for that book, that I made put the clues together, and made a picture, but that I was fairly certain it was going to be worse than I thought.
And I wasn't wrong.
Layla has had to be strong, for Delilah and Cora but both girls are growing up now, and moving on with their lives. Levi is one of Dallas' older brother, and is quite literally, smitten with Layla. He knows she has secrets (Dallas knows some of them but wont tell Levi) but Levi also knows Layla is his, and he won't let her go.
I loved that Cora plays a bigger part here than Delilah, that Cora approves of Levi, and that Cora actively helps Levi win Layla over. And he does that beautifully!
When Layla eventually tells Levi all, he does exactly as Dallas does, all Alpha-Male-Protect-whats-Mine, but he tempers his reaction, he holds it all in til he is not in Layla's presence, and I loved him for that.
Layla's history is dark, and painful reading and I cried for Layla. Layla the child, but also Layla the adult. She has a huge support network now, but she didn't always, and she still struggles with letting people in. That Levi takes his time with Layla, getting to know her and letting her set the entire pace of their relationship was probably the only way he could have gotten in.
When Layla's past comes back to cause problems, I loved that ALL the brothers came to stand with her, beside her, to see that the past stays there. And that all solves itself so differently to what I was expecting!
And we are set up nicely for Ash and Alora, who are next. Ash has a tale to tell, and I can't wait to read it!
This book contains triggers: please be mindful of those reading this book.
Creeping up from 4 stars to 4.5 stars but rounded up for the blog.
same worded review will appear elsewhere

BobbiesDustyPages (1259 KP) rated Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles in Books
Jul 23, 2017
This was bad. read in 2013
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have to say this is one of the most misleading titles I have ever seen. I was really excited to read this book it sounded interesting and I've been a fan of both Alice in Wonderland and Zombies since I was just a kid so this seemed right up my alley..too bad that's not what I got at all. I read a little less than half the book and I just couldn't make myself finish it it was causing me actual pain.
One of the things that really got to me that actually had nothing to do with the plot was that it was so damn preachy and that was only in the first chapter, I don't mind books that talk about religion or a charter having a set religion but please do not make me feel like I'm being tricked in to going to church with out warning.
The only thing that this book had to do with Alice in Wonderland was a cloud that looked like a white rabbit, the name Alice and a few very small things.
Also, it was like the author looked up every cliche for a YA book and every teenage cliche from books and movies,(the perfect popular girl, the stunningly pretty but I'm so average protagonist, and the dark bad boy and slut shaming.)threw them in a blender and came out this.
Alice or Ali could have been a strong female lead but she came off as a mean, selfish, and a whiny person that I did not connect with at all, actually the only character I kind of like was her little sister Emma..and that didn't last long.
Cole was absolutely horrid, please stop making these alpha male asshole characters in YA books it's not clever or cute or romantic it down right unhealthy.
The writing was about average and since I know nothing about this author it doesn't really make me want to give any of her other works even a chance if this is what I'm in for.
The only thing I liked about this book was the title which wasn't even original and the cover art.
So all in all if you're looking for:
A take on Alice in Wonderland
Zombies and everything that comes with them
A teen girl kicking ass and killing the undead
Actual zombies at all
A good book
Then move along and don't waste your money because you'll get none of that here.
One of the things that really got to me that actually had nothing to do with the plot was that it was so damn preachy and that was only in the first chapter, I don't mind books that talk about religion or a charter having a set religion but please do not make me feel like I'm being tricked in to going to church with out warning.
The only thing that this book had to do with Alice in Wonderland was a cloud that looked like a white rabbit, the name Alice and a few very small things.
Also, it was like the author looked up every cliche for a YA book and every teenage cliche from books and movies,(the perfect popular girl, the stunningly pretty but I'm so average protagonist, and the dark bad boy and slut shaming.)threw them in a blender and came out this.
Alice or Ali could have been a strong female lead but she came off as a mean, selfish, and a whiny person that I did not connect with at all, actually the only character I kind of like was her little sister Emma..and that didn't last long.
Cole was absolutely horrid, please stop making these alpha male asshole characters in YA books it's not clever or cute or romantic it down right unhealthy.
The writing was about average and since I know nothing about this author it doesn't really make me want to give any of her other works even a chance if this is what I'm in for.
The only thing I liked about this book was the title which wasn't even original and the cover art.
So all in all if you're looking for:
A take on Alice in Wonderland
Zombies and everything that comes with them
A teen girl kicking ass and killing the undead
Actual zombies at all
A good book
Then move along and don't waste your money because you'll get none of that here.

Debbiereadsbook (1318 KP) rated Let Me Show You in Books
May 30, 2019
super sweet but so bloody good!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
Carter finds himself stuck, and naked, when construction worker, Tanner comes to price up some renovations on his home. Tanner immediately takes a shine to the sexy but very shy vet. When Carter has problems at work, and when they go out, Tanner goes all alpha-male-MINE on Carter, and Carter thinks FINALLY! Tanner’s best friend needs him though, it’s why he moved to town. Can Tanner commit to Carter the way Carter wants, and needs?
OH, SO very stinking cute, this one! AND warm and fuzzies! I really kinda fell into this one, and it was SOOOOO good!
Carter isn’t looking for love, it kinda finds him and knocks him for six. Tanner is a breath of fresh air, and after weeks of flirting they FINALLY get down and dirty. I mean, I was waiting, and waiting and bloody WAITING for them to get their act together and give in to the attraction but it takes them FOREVER!!!
I LOVED that it did! The tension between builds over time, and I really did appreciate being made to wait for the main event.
It’s not overly dramatic, with no real drama, just a guy in a bad place taking it out on Carter at work. It’s not especially explicit, but it IS so bloody sexy. It’s not too complicated a plot to follow and there is no real violence.
There is, though, a lotta love! A lot of people love Carter and Tanner, together and separately. And they make no bones about what they want for their friends, which is for Carter and Tanner to be together.
It’s well written, from both Carter and Tanner’s point of view, in the first person. Each voice is clear and distinctive, and each change of voice occurs as the chapter changes and is clearly headed. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.
It’s one of those books you just FALL into, you know. You can lose a couple of hours on a wet and windy Tuesday morning, after all the chores are done, you sit down with a cuppa tea, and read a bit, and before you know it, the book is finished!
It really was far too stinking cute for its own good, and you know what?? I wrote four stars at the top of the page, but I can’t figure out why, so changing my mind, and giving it the full..
5 stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Carter finds himself stuck, and naked, when construction worker, Tanner comes to price up some renovations on his home. Tanner immediately takes a shine to the sexy but very shy vet. When Carter has problems at work, and when they go out, Tanner goes all alpha-male-MINE on Carter, and Carter thinks FINALLY! Tanner’s best friend needs him though, it’s why he moved to town. Can Tanner commit to Carter the way Carter wants, and needs?
OH, SO very stinking cute, this one! AND warm and fuzzies! I really kinda fell into this one, and it was SOOOOO good!
Carter isn’t looking for love, it kinda finds him and knocks him for six. Tanner is a breath of fresh air, and after weeks of flirting they FINALLY get down and dirty. I mean, I was waiting, and waiting and bloody WAITING for them to get their act together and give in to the attraction but it takes them FOREVER!!!
I LOVED that it did! The tension between builds over time, and I really did appreciate being made to wait for the main event.
It’s not overly dramatic, with no real drama, just a guy in a bad place taking it out on Carter at work. It’s not especially explicit, but it IS so bloody sexy. It’s not too complicated a plot to follow and there is no real violence.
There is, though, a lotta love! A lot of people love Carter and Tanner, together and separately. And they make no bones about what they want for their friends, which is for Carter and Tanner to be together.
It’s well written, from both Carter and Tanner’s point of view, in the first person. Each voice is clear and distinctive, and each change of voice occurs as the chapter changes and is clearly headed. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.
It’s one of those books you just FALL into, you know. You can lose a couple of hours on a wet and windy Tuesday morning, after all the chores are done, you sit down with a cuppa tea, and read a bit, and before you know it, the book is finished!
It really was far too stinking cute for its own good, and you know what?? I wrote four stars at the top of the page, but I can’t figure out why, so changing my mind, and giving it the full..
5 stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Captive Heart (The Warrior Maids of Rivenloch #2) in Books
Jan 18, 2018
I have been wanting to read this book for awhile novel. I have been putting it off because I already have so many books that still need to be to read that I felt guilty spending money on any more. Finally, I broke down and bought, though, because I have been wanting to read it that badly.
Despite feeling guilty about spending money on a book, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Its been long enough that I dont feel confident in my abilities to compare the first in the series to the second. Its not necessary to read the first one to enjoy the second. Everything you need to know, the author casually reminds you of during the storyline. Despite my poor memory, I can say that both novels left me with warm fuzzy feelings and I was content with the ending.
Helenas story was much more frustrating that her older sisters, however. There were moments I had to walk away because I wanted to scream alongside Helena. I agree that she can be impulsive and stubborn, but I found myself agreeing with her more often than not. I loved her passion and fire, and the chemistry she had with Colin was palpable. Colin was absolutely precious. I loved his playful nature, especially as it broke Helena out of her angry shell. Watching them together was adorable.
I think what I love most about this series is watching the couples grow to love each other. Despite their differences and disagreements, you can actually see and feel the love they develop for each other. The men want what is best for their lovers, but they dont turn alpha male and try to control them. The men took and accepted their women as they were. It was a powerful message, especially in a historical romance novel.
Overall, Captive Heart was worth every penny. Helena never lost her fiery spirit and was well-matched with the playful Colin. However, I am not sure if I will read the third and final book in the trilogy which pertains to Miriel and the Shadow. I understand Miriel didnt have that much to do in the first two novels, but she didnt leave much of an impression on me nor am I particularly interested in her story. I probably will end up reading it for curiositys sake, but I dont feel the urgency to read it as I did Helenas story.
Despite feeling guilty about spending money on a book, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Its been long enough that I dont feel confident in my abilities to compare the first in the series to the second. Its not necessary to read the first one to enjoy the second. Everything you need to know, the author casually reminds you of during the storyline. Despite my poor memory, I can say that both novels left me with warm fuzzy feelings and I was content with the ending.
Helenas story was much more frustrating that her older sisters, however. There were moments I had to walk away because I wanted to scream alongside Helena. I agree that she can be impulsive and stubborn, but I found myself agreeing with her more often than not. I loved her passion and fire, and the chemistry she had with Colin was palpable. Colin was absolutely precious. I loved his playful nature, especially as it broke Helena out of her angry shell. Watching them together was adorable.
I think what I love most about this series is watching the couples grow to love each other. Despite their differences and disagreements, you can actually see and feel the love they develop for each other. The men want what is best for their lovers, but they dont turn alpha male and try to control them. The men took and accepted their women as they were. It was a powerful message, especially in a historical romance novel.
Overall, Captive Heart was worth every penny. Helena never lost her fiery spirit and was well-matched with the playful Colin. However, I am not sure if I will read the third and final book in the trilogy which pertains to Miriel and the Shadow. I understand Miriel didnt have that much to do in the first two novels, but she didnt leave much of an impression on me nor am I particularly interested in her story. I probably will end up reading it for curiositys sake, but I dont feel the urgency to read it as I did Helenas story.

Debbiereadsbook (1318 KP) rated Five Minutes Longer (Enhanced #1) in Books
Sep 18, 2018
different but brilliant
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted the AUDIO file of this book.
Some 30 years ago, children began waking up with a mark on their faces and enhanced abilities: speed, strength, mental abilities. Talon, now given the job of setting up a human/enhanced task force within the FBI, was one of the first. He doesn't want to work with normals on his team, but this task force is his, and the other enhanced team members, last chance at becoming a useful member of society, not just a mark on his face. Finn wanted to join the FBI forever, and worked hard to get to apply, but he is not accepted. Instead he gets a cryptic phone and flies to Florida, and finds himself face to face with several huge enhanced, one of whom makes Finn want that boyfriend he never had. They have four weeks to make this team work, do or, quite possibly, die.
Oooooo-eeeee! Loved this! Different, very different and different is always good in my book!
The guys on the team really don't want Finn around, but know they gotta put up with him, at least for a little bit, but he grows on them, Talon especially but Talon fights that attraction all the bloody way, and when he finally gives up the fight?? Oh yes ma'am, that boy falls hard and he falls FAST! And when Finn gets caught in the cross fire at a bank robbery?? Talon goes all MAJOR Alpha-Male- Protect-What's-Mine!
I loved that not everything is fully revealed about the guys abilities, I think there is quite a bit more to come!
Nick J Russo narrates and he does a sterling job! He's a firm favourite of mine, and each and every time I listen to his work, it becomes my NEW favourite!
Russo's voices are clear and distinctive, even in multi person conversations. He reading voice is deep and even and I had no trouble, not at all, keeping up.
He gets cross all of Finn's emotions and his reactions to the guys, to Talon. His intense dislike of his brother and how his mum was with his dad. Russo gets across all of Talon's fighting, and that boy fights hard, his feelings for Finn, and you get just how much Finn means to him, when he thinks Finn is lost.
This is book one, there appears to be an underlying story arc running through these books, and I look forward to watching that unfold, and to watching these guys fall, like dominoes, one by one.
Off to listen to book 2, which is a continuation of Finn and Talon's story.
5 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
5 stars overall
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Some 30 years ago, children began waking up with a mark on their faces and enhanced abilities: speed, strength, mental abilities. Talon, now given the job of setting up a human/enhanced task force within the FBI, was one of the first. He doesn't want to work with normals on his team, but this task force is his, and the other enhanced team members, last chance at becoming a useful member of society, not just a mark on his face. Finn wanted to join the FBI forever, and worked hard to get to apply, but he is not accepted. Instead he gets a cryptic phone and flies to Florida, and finds himself face to face with several huge enhanced, one of whom makes Finn want that boyfriend he never had. They have four weeks to make this team work, do or, quite possibly, die.
Oooooo-eeeee! Loved this! Different, very different and different is always good in my book!
The guys on the team really don't want Finn around, but know they gotta put up with him, at least for a little bit, but he grows on them, Talon especially but Talon fights that attraction all the bloody way, and when he finally gives up the fight?? Oh yes ma'am, that boy falls hard and he falls FAST! And when Finn gets caught in the cross fire at a bank robbery?? Talon goes all MAJOR Alpha-Male- Protect-What's-Mine!
I loved that not everything is fully revealed about the guys abilities, I think there is quite a bit more to come!
Nick J Russo narrates and he does a sterling job! He's a firm favourite of mine, and each and every time I listen to his work, it becomes my NEW favourite!
Russo's voices are clear and distinctive, even in multi person conversations. He reading voice is deep and even and I had no trouble, not at all, keeping up.
He gets cross all of Finn's emotions and his reactions to the guys, to Talon. His intense dislike of his brother and how his mum was with his dad. Russo gets across all of Talon's fighting, and that boy fights hard, his feelings for Finn, and you get just how much Finn means to him, when he thinks Finn is lost.
This is book one, there appears to be an underlying story arc running through these books, and I look forward to watching that unfold, and to watching these guys fall, like dominoes, one by one.
Off to listen to book 2, which is a continuation of Finn and Talon's story.
5 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
5 stars overall
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

JT (287 KP) rated The Grey (2012) in Movies
Mar 10, 2020
Director Joe Carnahan has a popular back catalogue. One that is considered his best to date is Narc. Of course he helmed the bat shit crazy, guns-a-blazing Smokin Aces and who could forget for a minute the over the top and some what bonkers reboot of The A-Team.
Here, Carnahan teams up with Liam Neeson once again, although it was very nearly Bradley Cooper, but we’re glad that Neeson got the gig! Neeson plays Ottway, a crack shot with a rifle whose job it is is to keep the many oil drilling workers off the menu from the local four legged carnivores.
When the plane transporting the crew back from the end of season crashes in Alaskan no man’s land, Neeson must battle the elements and inhospitable terrain to find safety – while at the same time avoiding a rather pissed off pack of hungry wolves. If there is anyone you’d want by your side in this type of situation (Bear Grylls not present) it’s Nesson. With a few choice words for his new found friends “nobody’s going to find us….and if we don’t move we’re all fucked!” They abandon what little is left of the plane and set out into the wilderness.
This is clearly not the best idea, and it’s not long before the group are picked off one by one as the race to safety intensifies. With the Alpha male calling the shots wolf side, it’s Neeson doing the same for the humans, as he battles with his own issues as well as those around him. A few nights opening up round the fire and you realise that these men have a significant reason to want to get home alive.
Neeson is level headed and cool, but then put into a situation like this you have to be. The film, lacking in any visual landscape must use the survivors to really build the story, and Carnahan delivers enough tension to the audience to keep them on a knife edge.
The action is integrated well into the emotional side of the plot and that makes the film all the more enjoyable, as by the end you feel for each and everyone of those guys. The scenes are a little more believable, no tanks shooting down planes here. Although we do wonder if Carnahan took inspiration from Cliffhanger for one particular scene.
The Grey packs an intense punch all the way through and it will play on the heart strings as well. Neeson is the stand-out but has a solid supporting cast who don’t let him carry the burden all the way through till the end.
Here, Carnahan teams up with Liam Neeson once again, although it was very nearly Bradley Cooper, but we’re glad that Neeson got the gig! Neeson plays Ottway, a crack shot with a rifle whose job it is is to keep the many oil drilling workers off the menu from the local four legged carnivores.
When the plane transporting the crew back from the end of season crashes in Alaskan no man’s land, Neeson must battle the elements and inhospitable terrain to find safety – while at the same time avoiding a rather pissed off pack of hungry wolves. If there is anyone you’d want by your side in this type of situation (Bear Grylls not present) it’s Nesson. With a few choice words for his new found friends “nobody’s going to find us….and if we don’t move we’re all fucked!” They abandon what little is left of the plane and set out into the wilderness.
This is clearly not the best idea, and it’s not long before the group are picked off one by one as the race to safety intensifies. With the Alpha male calling the shots wolf side, it’s Neeson doing the same for the humans, as he battles with his own issues as well as those around him. A few nights opening up round the fire and you realise that these men have a significant reason to want to get home alive.
Neeson is level headed and cool, but then put into a situation like this you have to be. The film, lacking in any visual landscape must use the survivors to really build the story, and Carnahan delivers enough tension to the audience to keep them on a knife edge.
The action is integrated well into the emotional side of the plot and that makes the film all the more enjoyable, as by the end you feel for each and everyone of those guys. The scenes are a little more believable, no tanks shooting down planes here. Although we do wonder if Carnahan took inspiration from Cliffhanger for one particular scene.
The Grey packs an intense punch all the way through and it will play on the heart strings as well. Neeson is the stand-out but has a solid supporting cast who don’t let him carry the burden all the way through till the end.

Debbiereadsbook (1318 KP) rated Ready For It (MacAteer Brothers #2) in Books
Feb 3, 2021
a much more enjoyable, but darker read than book one, and I loved it!
Indepedent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
This is book 2 in the MacAteer Brothers series, and it would help to have read book one, Run With It. Not totally necessary, but I would personally recommend you do. You'll get a better feel of Melanie, and Owen and his brothers, I think.
Melanie is Bev's best friend, and looks after herself and stuff anyone else. Owen is one of Connor's younger brothers. Owen has had a bit of a crush on Mel for a long time, and when Mel is left in a difficult place, he steps up. Then the reasons WHY Mel is the way she is with men comes out, and Owen is all Alpha-Male-Protect-Whats-Mine.
I found this a much darker read, given Mel's history, but also I bloody LOVED it!
Mel has a voice in the first person, and Owen in the third. I knew this going in, and expected it, and I enjoyed reading Owen's voice so much more than Connor's. Owen is a gentle giant with a stutter and a speech impediment, that leaves him somewhat tongue tied amoung people he doesn't know, or isn't comfortable with. VERY quickly, Owen is speaking with mel in full sentences, with no sign of his problem. That should have clued him up, right quick, that somethign special was happening between them.
It takes time for Mel and Owen to fully commit, and to get together, and I LOVED being made to wait for it. I think I would have loved it even they had NOT got to the smexy times, I really do. Mel's little problem not withstanding. But once they do? OOOOEEEEE! They are committed and all in. I loved that.
Owen doesn't say much, verbally, but when we get him in his chapters, he is deep. He was hurt before, and you understand why he holds himself back some, but he loves Mel, from very early on, and it pained me when she kept friend-zoning him!
We get a bit more of Garrett, Owen's twin, and his book is next. We also meet the lady who will steal his heart. THAT book is next on my list, and given what we learn here, and reading the blurb, I think it may well be a bit darker than this one!
Billed as s spin off to the Dragon Runners series, it's not necessary to read those. I didn't like them, to be honest, but I'm loving these and I look forward to reading about the other set of twins further down the series!
5 full and shiny stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
This is book 2 in the MacAteer Brothers series, and it would help to have read book one, Run With It. Not totally necessary, but I would personally recommend you do. You'll get a better feel of Melanie, and Owen and his brothers, I think.
Melanie is Bev's best friend, and looks after herself and stuff anyone else. Owen is one of Connor's younger brothers. Owen has had a bit of a crush on Mel for a long time, and when Mel is left in a difficult place, he steps up. Then the reasons WHY Mel is the way she is with men comes out, and Owen is all Alpha-Male-Protect-Whats-Mine.
I found this a much darker read, given Mel's history, but also I bloody LOVED it!
Mel has a voice in the first person, and Owen in the third. I knew this going in, and expected it, and I enjoyed reading Owen's voice so much more than Connor's. Owen is a gentle giant with a stutter and a speech impediment, that leaves him somewhat tongue tied amoung people he doesn't know, or isn't comfortable with. VERY quickly, Owen is speaking with mel in full sentences, with no sign of his problem. That should have clued him up, right quick, that somethign special was happening between them.
It takes time for Mel and Owen to fully commit, and to get together, and I LOVED being made to wait for it. I think I would have loved it even they had NOT got to the smexy times, I really do. Mel's little problem not withstanding. But once they do? OOOOEEEEE! They are committed and all in. I loved that.
Owen doesn't say much, verbally, but when we get him in his chapters, he is deep. He was hurt before, and you understand why he holds himself back some, but he loves Mel, from very early on, and it pained me when she kept friend-zoning him!
We get a bit more of Garrett, Owen's twin, and his book is next. We also meet the lady who will steal his heart. THAT book is next on my list, and given what we learn here, and reading the blurb, I think it may well be a bit darker than this one!
Billed as s spin off to the Dragon Runners series, it's not necessary to read those. I didn't like them, to be honest, but I'm loving these and I look forward to reading about the other set of twins further down the series!
5 full and shiny stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Kara Skinner (332 KP) rated Mine Forever in Books
Sep 10, 2019
What do you do when the love of your life is almost kidnapped by druggies? You do everything you can to convince her to come home with you, of course. Which is exactly what Simon does with Kara. But even with Kara reluctantly living with Simon again, things aren’t perfect. Kara won’t accept anything less than a relationship and Simon is still trying to figure out how to be in one. Can Simon put his past behind him so he can finally have happiness with Kara?
Like Mine for Tonight and Mine for Now, Mine Forever is a fantastic erotic romance. I like it even better than the second one because aside from getting Kara to move in with Simon again,the under-developed druggie plot has all but disappeared. and Kara is showing that she’s not willing to take any crap from Simon, even refusing sex until he opened up to her about his past. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of hot sex scenes that can make you blush, but Kara still needs Simon to open up.
And Simon, despite being an alpha male, is still awkward and endearing. 15479193670_d73f1ff314_mIt’s really obvious that he has no idea what to do in a relationship, to the point of absurdity. I mean, you have to be living under a rock not to know that flowers and chocolates are basic gifts for Valentine’s Day. As much as I like an awkward love interest, I really didn’t like how Simon handled Valentine’s Day. Getting help from his female employees is good and so is being nervous and wanting to make things right with Kara, but buying an entire carload of Valentine’s Day merchandise? That was a little to ridiculous for me. First of all, it’s unrealistic. Nervous binge-shopping and being a billionaire don’t go hand in hand. Binge-shopping leads to a broke hoarder real quick, I don’t care how high your salary is. Second of all, does he even know Kara? She’s hardly a material girl. Why would a large quantity of material goods make her happy? But Simon does express his love with gifts, so I guess that does fit.
We finally learn how Simon got his scars in this book. The suspense had actually been killing me to find out and the reason did not disappoint. Honestly, I’d have relationship problems too if I went through the same thing. And now that he’s opened up to Kara he can finally begin healing for real.
This book is one of my favorites of the series, right up there with the first one. You can’t find it by itself anymore. You’ll have to buy the entire Billionaire’s Obsession series. But if you like contemporary romance that flirts with the erotica genre, then you’ll like this series.
Like Mine for Tonight and Mine for Now, Mine Forever is a fantastic erotic romance. I like it even better than the second one because aside from getting Kara to move in with Simon again,the under-developed druggie plot has all but disappeared. and Kara is showing that she’s not willing to take any crap from Simon, even refusing sex until he opened up to her about his past. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of hot sex scenes that can make you blush, but Kara still needs Simon to open up.
And Simon, despite being an alpha male, is still awkward and endearing. 15479193670_d73f1ff314_mIt’s really obvious that he has no idea what to do in a relationship, to the point of absurdity. I mean, you have to be living under a rock not to know that flowers and chocolates are basic gifts for Valentine’s Day. As much as I like an awkward love interest, I really didn’t like how Simon handled Valentine’s Day. Getting help from his female employees is good and so is being nervous and wanting to make things right with Kara, but buying an entire carload of Valentine’s Day merchandise? That was a little to ridiculous for me. First of all, it’s unrealistic. Nervous binge-shopping and being a billionaire don’t go hand in hand. Binge-shopping leads to a broke hoarder real quick, I don’t care how high your salary is. Second of all, does he even know Kara? She’s hardly a material girl. Why would a large quantity of material goods make her happy? But Simon does express his love with gifts, so I guess that does fit.
We finally learn how Simon got his scars in this book. The suspense had actually been killing me to find out and the reason did not disappoint. Honestly, I’d have relationship problems too if I went through the same thing. And now that he’s opened up to Kara he can finally begin healing for real.
This book is one of my favorites of the series, right up there with the first one. You can’t find it by itself anymore. You’ll have to buy the entire Billionaire’s Obsession series. But if you like contemporary romance that flirts with the erotica genre, then you’ll like this series.

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