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Bloodrush (The Scarlet Star Trilogy #1)
Bloodrush (The Scarlet Star Trilogy #1)
Ben Galley | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It is hard to describe this book purely because it appears to try to do too much.

It is set in an alternate universe where much is familiar but some things are very different.
It is a western, mostly set in an frontier town in Wyoming with the usual cast of restless townspeople, lone prospectors and ruthless land owners.
It is a fantasy involving faeries and magick

Yet in Galley's capable hands these elements are moulded into a seamless and thrilling story. All the different aspects fit together neatly and consistently producing a terrific platform for the characters and plot.

The main character is 13 year old Tonmerion Hark (known as Merion), son of the Prime Lord (think Prime Minister) of an alternate version of Victorian Britain. When his father is murdered by assailants unknown he is sent to his last remaining relative - an aunt living in Wyoming. Travelling with him is is best friend, a faerie called Rhin who is a fugitive from the rest of the Fae. Desperate to get back to London to find his father's killer and rescue his inheritance, Merion is instead drawn into conflict and underhand dealings in the small town of Fell Falls where is aunt is the undertaker.

The alternate universe is particularly striking. Very nearly everything is familiar but with important differences. The biggest of these is clearly that creatures such as the Fae exist (even if few people have ever seen one) but other changes include the natives of America, the Shohari, not being quite human and a lot of clever differences in London that really make it clear what kind of world Merion inhabits. The magick is also well thought out with a lot of thought and imagination given to its mechanics and its implications.

Galley's writing is a joy. It is clear and concise yet conveys the scene to the reader with impressive ease. The hot sun and gritty sand of the desert feel very real indeed. The characters are very well described and a great deal of care has been taken to express them. These are not cardboard cliches, which would have been easy. Merion is the hero but at heart is still a 13 year old boy, a boy who is impetuous and complains how life is unfair. All through the book there is a subtle undercurrent of wry humour.

What this whole book reminded me of - both in the writing and in the almost but not quite like our world setting - was a slightly darker Terry Pratchett. That is not an exaggeration, This book really is up there with the very best Discworld books in terms of story and inventiveness. It is darker in tone than anything Pratchett would write and not quite as laugh out loud funny in places but it is damn close.

The story itself unfolds at a fast pace - which is good because there is a lot to get through with several plots running intertwined through the narrative and sparking off each other as they twist and turn through every reveal. The final showdown is suitably climactic and the prose as well as the magick crackles off the page in a breathless rush towards the final chapter.

I do like to balance my reviews with maybe some small point that counts against the book but I really can't think of one for Bloodrush. It simply is a magnificent piece of work. You may not have known you wanted a alternate reality fantasy western but once you have read this you will wonder where the next one is coming from.

Very very highly recommended and the 5 star rating was easy to give.

Rated: Strong language so not for the youngest of young adults
Futurama: Bender's Game (2008)
Futurama: Bender's Game (2008)
2008 | Action, Animation, Comedy
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The third of the straight to DVD Futurama movies, “Futurama: Bender’s Game” has arrived and continues the winning formula of the television series and two previous films.

This time the film starts out as a standard episode rather than continue the events of the past film. In true Futurama style, there are references to past characters and pop culture gags throughout. The early focus of the story is on the Dark Matter fuel shortage that is controlled by the greedy Mom and her corporation. Mom insists that prices are way up so she has to charge more for the precious starship fuel, but avoids any questions related to her record profits related to the ever rising fuel prices.

With the rising fuel costs the Planetary Express Office, is put on a very strict flight schedule that causes havoc amongst the crew. Fry (Billy West), still drifts aimlessly about life, Amy (Lauren Tom) is as shallow as ever and Leela (Katey Sagal), has an ager issue and is outfitted with a shock collar that jolts her whenever she loses her temper.

Bender (John Di Maggio), has a larger issue as he spots some of the staff children and their friends playing Dungeons and Dragons and wants to be a part of the action. It is learned that robots were not built for imagination so when Bender takes up the game and becomes the entity Titanius, he soon has a hard time distinguishing between reality and fantasy. Combine this with Leela’s entry of the Planet Express ship into a Demo Derby and you get a premise ripe with laughter.

The story shifts into high gear when Professor Farnsworth (Billy West), decides to use his anti-backwards crystal to end his old flame Moms hold on the fuel industry. The Crew make a startling discovery as they battle mom, and thanks to the power of the crystal and Bender, find themselves in a strange medieval world where each of them has new identities in this alternate universe.

In a race against time, the Planet Express staff must not only survive the alternate universe, but defeat Mom and her plans for universal domination.

With sharp picture and sound, this is a very enjoyable new adventure for fans.
There are loads of extras which include deleted scenes, commentaries, and a look at the next film “Into The Wild Green Yonder”.

All in all a welcome and satisfying film that should delight fans and help keep us happy until the new film arrives next year.
Injustice 2
Injustice 2
2017 | Fighting
Large Roster (4 more)
Simple but Deep Mechanics
Worthwhile and Well-written Campaign
Loot in a Fighting Game!
Harley Quinn Kicks Ass
Loot Acquisition Could Have Been Better Implemented (0 more)
Superhero Brawling at its Finest
As a fighting game, Injustice 2 is near perfect. As a DC superhero story, it's better than most movies. The fighting mechanics are sharp and simple, while still offering plenty of depth and nuance for dedicated fighting fans. Most of the character design is great (you may have heard about or seen the new "Hot Topic Joker"), and all serves to fit the alternate Injustice universe. The only real gripe I have with the game is that loot acquisition is randomly decided through loot boxes called Mother Boxes. These boxes drop through completing single-player missions in the Multiverse, but it could have been a lot more fun if loot dropped from defeated enemies like most other loot-based single player experiences. It's a minor complaint, I admit, but something that throws off the experience for me. In the end, Injustice 2 is a fantastic game that fights to be innovative in a crowded fighting game market. It largely succeeds, and due to the Multiverse and the loot you'll never run out of things to do.
Fae’s Captive (Fae’s Captive #1)
Fae’s Captive (Fae’s Captive #1)
Lily Archer | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
191 of 200
Faes Captive ( Faes captive book1)
By Lily Archer

My college roommate is the worst. Cecile steals my food, brings guys over at all hours, and parties instead of studying. But those quirks pale in comparison to what she does next. She drugs me, and I wake up imprisoned in an alternate universe full of terrifying creatures. Now, the biggest and scariest creature of all--a fae king--believes I'm his mate. He's freed me from the dungeon but keeps me close. So close, in fact, that I'm beginning to like his wintery gaze and ice-chiseled body. But secrets and villains lurk throughout this new world, and I don't know if I'll survive long enough to figure out how to get back home.
Author's Note: Fae's Captive is the first book in a series that will set your imagination--and other parts of you--on fire. Mind the cliff, but book 2 is already out.

Had so much potential but read as a novella instead of a novel! Short and apart from the kidnapping and palace escape (which I didn’t actually get why as he was a king in his own right wasn’t he? ) not much happened! I will continue hoping the others get better!
Obscura Burning
Obscura Burning
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I love the cover of this. It's very sci-fi-y and drew my attention straight away before I even read the synopsis.

So I found this to be a bit confusing with the continuous switching between realities and it took me a while to get used to it, especially keeping up with how all the other characters interacted with Kyle between the two realities he was living. In one people are alive who should have been dead, in the other he was friends with a girl who treated him like crap in the former. Another strange fact is that while he's in one alternate universe, he continues to function in the other, so he zips back and forth and can be in the middle of doing something that he then doesn't remember starting.

The girl I just mentioned above, Mya, tries to help Kyle figure out what's happening by taking him to a scientist/professor who did a paper on multiverses. In the "Danny's dead" world, I really like her, she's friendly and fun, while in "Shira's dead" world, well, she's not. (I think I got that right...)

As for Danny and Shira, I don't think I was a fan of them from the start. I'm not sure why, maybe it was because we never really saw enough of them, or the them before the fire that injured/killed them. But by the end, I definitely didn't like them.

The writing style was easy to get into and I kinda devoured the book when I finally just sat back and let myself read it without any distractions.

Don't be put off with it having a gay relationship in it, there's nothing overtly graphic between Danny and Kyle, just references, it doesn't go into great detail. It doesn't go into detail with Kyle's female relationships either.

This was probably a little too sci-fi for me; alternate universes? Erm...not really my thing but I did enjoy it. If you like sci-fi and mystery then you'll probably like this.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
A whole new universe of Spideys!
Finally got around to watching this after reading lots of great reviews and it really delivered.

Having not known anything about the Miles Morales storyline or origin story, I was excited going into this without much prescreen knowledge (which doesn't happen much these days).

Basically a Brooklyn teenager gets bit by the that darn radioactive spider and then starts to exhibit his own Spidey traits after the original Peter Parker is killed in action. Much to the surprise of Miles, another wisecracking out of shape Peter shows up and says he's from another alternate universe or something where things are different. Eventually, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man Noir, Peni Parker, and Spider-Ham also arrive to take on the Kingpin and a female version of Doc Ock to try and save the Earth from destruction.

The humor in the film is rally good. I guess I would say equivalent to a PG version of Deadpool with lots of wisecracks and sarcasm. My kind of screenplay. While not necessarily made for adults, I think both young and not so young would enjoy the fast pace of the film with very few dull spots.

They don't focus very much on the Peter Parker origin which is great since we have seen this already many times within the last few incarnations of the character. It's actually kind of amusing the way the keep repeating it in slightly different ways when the new Spideys emerge. The colors are bright and vibrant (I only saw in 2D) and the environments and backgrounds are interesting and complex which makes you dazzle for the cinematic eye candy for sure.

Due to the success critically as well as box office cred, it looks like this is the beginning of a franchise which is all right by me. I would highly recommend.


MelanieTheresa (997 KP) Jun 10, 2019

I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would! Really liked it.


Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 10, 2019

Yes me as well.

What feels like a gimmick or stunt casting (what if the Kelvin timeline encountered Q far earlier than they should) becomes a well put together adventure, anchored by the start in the Prime Universe. Q initially approaches Captain Picard, (now Ambassador) to console him over the death of Spock. He drops the bombshell that Spock didn't die, but set the alternate time line events in motion. Q of course, can't help but meddle, and challenges Kevlin Kirk to solve a true no win scenario by flinging the Enterprise and crew far into the future, where the events of the Dominion War ended far differently (and catastrophically) for the Federation.

This "post-apocalyptic" style story works incredibly well, and the cameos by established characters from down the line are met with great amounts of fun and just the right bit of timing. My one complaint is Kirk, who seems reactionary throughout the tale, and never manages to proactively become the hero (in fact, it is Spock and Q who solve the problem). But small potatoes, as they say. This was actually the first arc that convinced me to give IDWs Trek comics a chance, and while I disagree with their story telling choices on most of the run, the stories themselves are still entertainingly told. This one is no exception.