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Steve Fearon (84 KP) rated Halloween (1978) in Movies

Sep 5, 2018 (Updated Sep 5, 2018)  
Halloween (1978)
Halloween (1978)
1978 | Horror
Well shot, intense, patient and the birth of a horror icon (0 more)
A little tame compared to the horrors that followed, at times the soundtrack can overwhelm the dialog to the detriment of the film. (0 more)
John Carpenter's Slasher still stands tallest
Contains spoilers, click to show
That theme song starts.

You feel it somewhere deep inside, that feeling that something special is going to happen.

Halloween is THE Slasher, with a silent antagonist, an over-the-top performance from Donald Pleasance, the introduction of Jamie Lee Curtis, and the establishment of John Carpenter as one of the foremost purveyors of horror.

Patiently paced, with little time given to explanation of exposition, we are taken on the slow build up of tension as we go from the legendary intro sequence, to a breakout at the asylum, through to the stalking of teenagers by the man in the William Shatner mask.

Lots of shots of Myers just watching, waiting, judging, which could be interpreted as boring on paper, but it is just the right side of unnerving, and it is this constant threat which means the viewer is constantly scanning the edges of the screen, looking for our antagonist.

It contrasts beautifully with the naivety and innocence of his victims, who are just trying to enjoy Halloween as most teenagers are wont to do.

Yes this film is relatively tame compared to the films that have come after, but few can touch the pure sinister feel and atmosphere that Carpenter creates, and it is a simply iconic entry in cinema history.

Watch it for what it is, a genre changing horror film, that changed all that followed it.

No Myers, No Friday 13th, No Scream, No Nightmare On Elm Street.

Its that important.
Beautiful Dangerous (Philly Heat Series, #4)
Beautiful Dangerous (Philly Heat Series, #4)
Becky Flade | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked this, just didn't love it.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

The book title shows as book 3 in the Philly Heat series, but some sites has this at book 4, but it doesn't matter where it sits, it can be read as a stand alone within the series. Alex (Fall To Pieces) and Trudy (Yesterday's Over) do appear here, but you don't need their stories to follow this one. I've read both those books, and much preferred Fall To Pieces then Yesterday's Over and indeed, this one.

I liked this book, I just didn't love it.

I liked (if that's the right word!) the increasing issue with the stalker. That they were ALREADY scaring Hannah before she met with Doyle. And said stalker gets mighty angry about Doyle, let me tell ya!

I liked that I didn't see who was doing the stalking, at all! That one threw me off a bit, cos it was not who I thought. I liked the twist that took, too, heading back a year ago to her brother's murder.

I felt the romance came out of nowhere. there seemed to be little build up to that. I liked that it is, again, a backdrop to the major crime going on, rather than front and centre. I think I might have enjoyed this one if there had been NO romance on page, to be honest.

It's well written, from both Doyle and Hannah's point of view. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

I just think that maybe this author isn't really for ME. I stress the ME point! I really did enjoy Fall To Pieces, but the other books have been a bit behind that one.

3 good, but not for me, stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

BookInspector (124 KP) rated The Split in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
The Split
The Split
Sharon J. Bolton | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story is told from multiple perspectives, but the main characters would be Felicity and Joe. Felicity is a scientist, who specialises in ice. She is an amazingly written character in my opinion. All the parts from this character’s life are filled with mystery, intrigue and mindblowing twists. Joe is a very important character in this book as well, he is a psychologist, who together with his detective mother, try to figure out Felicity and her connection to very strange events. I loved how different the characters are in this book, the police officer is an older, overweight woman who loves a pint, but great at what she does nevertheless. I am normally met with these young detectives that are so fit and superhero kind at what they do, that it is kind of refreshing to see a different type of woman that is absolutely amazing at what she does. There are many different characters coming in and out of the picture, and they all have a story to tell.

The book is set in two completely different places, it begins in the remote island of South Georgia, that is absolutely incredible! I loved the research that the author done for this book, the description of South Georgia is unbelievable, it felt like I was there with the characters, running alongside them. The other part of the book was set in Cambridge, where Felicity lives, and all the creepy and unexplained events took place. The narrative is absolutely beautifully developed and delivered. It has everything the reader might want from a thriller and more. It is full of layers, very well placed twists and turns, the suspense was overwhelming, and I was left gobsmacked on many occasions. There are some pretty important topics that the author discussed in this novel, such as homelessness and a lack of psychological help for them, obsession, stalking, child abuse, psychological trauma and many more. The mood and the atmosphere was constantly changing throughout the pages, and it was a true page-turner for me.

I love Sharon Bolton’s writing style since her first book, she knows how to lure the reader with brilliant characters and a superb plot. The audiobook I listened to was narrated by Katie Scarfe, and she did an amazing job with her voice intonations, she brought this book to life. The chapters are quite short, so I believe the pages are just going to fly by too many readers. The ending was very well written, and I was left satisfied with the outcome. I have to tell that this book has plenty of gory and disturbing things related to small children, so please approach this read with caution.
Dead Man's Shoes (2006)
Dead Man's Shoes (2006)
2006 | Drama, Mystery
British films don’t really come more powerful as this, Shane Meadows has delivered a film so intense it’ll feel like the quickest most terrifying ninety minutes of your life.

Richard (Considine) has returned home from active service in order to seek vengeance against those who tormented his mentally challenged brother Anthony (Kebbell) some years ago.

Those responsible, Sonny (Stretch) the local drug dealer and his gang, attempt to tackle Richard head on, but Richard is stone faced and not in the least bit afraid. All the while Anthony follows Richard around like a lost puppy, happy just to have his brother with him.

Meadows uses black and white flash backs revealing just what happend to poor Anthony, which puts you at ease that what Richard is doing is more than justified. Nobody likes a bully but everyone loves it when they get their comeuppance.

With the group realising that there efforts are all for nothing it becomes just a waiting game as to when Richard comes for them, and come for them he does. Richard initially makes his presence in the town known, subtly at first and in the beginning he toys with the gang before taking his intentions just that little bit further.

It’s a violent film make no question of that, you almost feel sorry for Sonny and his gang.

One particular scene sees Richard spike the kettle with a concoction of drugs that gives three of the gang the most spaced out cup of tea they’ve ever had. Watching it almost makes you feel like you’re high with them. Considine gives a breathtaking performance, Richard is a cold and calculated killer and he’s not in the least bit afraid. He plans everything meticulously, like a lion stalking its prey.

That said all the cast do an amazing job, and its a brilliantly written script as well, with Meadows delving into each character. The film also has a slight black comedy element to it, while we shouldn’t be laughing in some scenes although it is hard not to, this doesn’t detract from the fact its a brutally disturbing film, and is arguably the best British film I have seen.
Stalker (Joona Linna #5)
Stalker (Joona Linna #5)
Lars Kepler | 2019 | Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting story (0 more)
Slow start (0 more)
5th novel in the Joona Linna series. Can stand-alone
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Stalker by Lars Kepler is the 5th novel in the Swedish police series involving the main character, Joona Linna. Linna is a detective who is on the hunt of an obsessive, stalking serial killer who secretly video records his victims before brutally murdering them. He taunts police by sending them videos showing the victim alive and clearly unaware they are being recorded.

This novel can stand-alone but, according to reviews on Goodreads, the earlier novels provide information and background stories on characters in the series. I have never read the previous books but have had several of them on my "want to read" list since the 4th book, Sandman, could be found all over social media last year.

I was hesitant to start the series because, I have found when a book has that much hype surrounding it, it feels like a disappointment when reading. I did not feel that when reading Stalker. The novel started off slowly. This may be because I was not familiar with the characters. Familiar or not, after the slow start, I was sucked into the story and will be moving the rest of the series to the top of my "want to read" list.

Review published on on 3/21/19.
This Common Secret
This Common Secret
Susan Wicklund, Alex Kesselheim | 2007 | Biography, Gender Studies, History & Politics
An eye-opening first-hand account of being an abortion doctor
Let me begin by saying I am a feminist. I am pro-choice. This was a difficult read because it talks about the lengths people will go to infringe on the rights of women like me to make that choice. Dr. Wicklund goes into detail about the dangers she personally has faced as an abortion provider – from stalking, to assault, to arson and death threats. The murders of Dr. Hill and Dr. Britton are mentioned, and the attempted murder of Dr. Tiller. (An attempt on Dr. Tiller’s life was successful two years after the publication of the book.) She resorted to wildly varying routines, different methods of transportation, elaborate disguises, as well as hiring private security guards, none of it really alleviating her fear that she could be next.

Running throughout the entire book is Dr. Wicklund’s concern for her patients. She is a dedicated, compassionate woman who wants nothing but the best for the women in her care. In many cases, that’s not actually abortion. One of the things that makes her an excellent doctor is ferreting out what is really in her patients’ best interests.

The book is mercifully short; I have no doubt she had many more stories she could have told, but the topic is brutal and hard to read, and keeping it concise and on-message was well done. I still had to set it down and play some mindless video games when I was done, as it was a little overwhelming.

This Common Secret also touches on why people keep it a secret. Why people don’t talk about their abortion. And why people should. If more people realize that the women that get abortions are your neighbor, your sister, your grandmother – not just that “whore that slept around” – although she, too, deserves an abortion if that is the right choice for her. Maybe they would rethink their opposition to it.

I’m honestly probably not giving this book justice – it’s a decade old, but could have been written yesterday. And I am infuriated by anti-choice assholes.

You can find all my reviews at
Relentless (Relentless, #1)
Relentless (Relentless, #1)
Karen Lynch | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever picked up a book and thought that you knew exactly where it was heading before you even started it? Well, that's what I thought about this book. I thought it would be a light, easy read where the story follows the 'set' pattern and it would while away a couple of hours. Boy, was I wrong!!!

This story is simply fantastic. It is fresh and incredibly well-written. There aren't many books out there that can blend fantasy with paranormal but Karen Lynch can and does with aplomb. The synopsis states that vampires are involved so fair enough but I certainly wasn't expecting trolls, imps, sylphs, undines and demons - to name but a few! There are enough characters in here so that everyone can have their favourite although I suspect I'm in the majority for thinking that Nikolas is just "Oh Yeah!". The relationships between Sara and her two best friends, Roland and Peter, are not only believable but also in the minority in books. Yes, people, you can be friends with a guy without any benefits apart from a solid friendship. It was so nice to read this part even with the explanation given by Aine as to the why.

Sara has special gifts, some of which can be explained by Nikolas and some that remain a mystery. Sara states that she is not a warrior. Warriors come in different shapes and sizes but Sara definitely is. She has much to learn and I'm really hoping that Nikolas will be there to help her.

Relentless is full of secrets which I loved reading about, it is also full of humour. Sara is a strong female lead and she is not afraid of speaking her mind, especially to Nikolas. One of my favourite parts is when she speaks to Nikolas on the phone and calls Chris "Dimples". It may not be funny here but read the story and you'll see what I mean.

This is book 1 of a trilogy with book 2 (hopefully) due out late this year. I am now stalking, I mean, following 😉 Karen Lynch on Facebook and GoodReads so that I can see it as soon as it's available. Good things come to those that wait and if this book is any indication, book 2 is going to be even better. So many things that I want to see happen. Definitely recommended for anyone who likes YA, Fantasy or Paranormal. Excellent!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 9, 2014
Trouble in Paradise (Paradise, #4)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am not entirely certain that I want to publicly acknowledge having read this book. The blurb is not only poorly written, but inaccurate. The cover art - is that art? I'm not sure what or who it's supposed to depict, and after reading the book I still couldn't describe the four main characters in terms of anything but sexual characteristics, and even then, all three men might as well be one guy copied a few times, what with all the huge, throbbing, hard, chiseled, tan, and muscled going on.

I probably wasn't supposed to demand any kind of real plot or continuity out of erotica, but I'm contrary that way. We meet a woman who has worked all night in her garage. We're told she has exceptionally good hearing as she takes off her iPod headphones. Shortly afterwards, we learn that some THING has been stalking her - wait, she worked all night in an unlocked place without an alarm system, wearing headphones that block her oh-so-good hearing, despite supposedly being all anxious about a killer who is after her? I don't buy it.

I frequently felt that this might be an excerpt of a larger work, or from a series of stories that readers are expected to be familiar with. Decent authors know how to repeat key information without boring returning fans so as to help new readers get their footing. Is that just not done in erotica?

Yes, I'm probably being too critical. But if it doesn't work for wanking, it should work as story. And it didn't work for either, for me, at least.
The Spite Game
The Spite Game
Anna Snoekstra | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Creepy and readable but rather strange
Ava was terribly bullied in high school by three girls she idolized: Melissa, Cass, Saanvi. One particular incident so traumatized her that she cannot move on and years later, she finds herself unable to get past it. So she watches her former classmates--online and in real life--and she plots. If she can just find a way to get even, Ava thinks, then she can move on with her own life. But Ava's stalking threatens to overtake her life and perhaps her sanity. She finds herself in a police station, waiting to tell her story to a detective. What has Ava done?

"The bad thing inside of me took root there. Like mold, it grew in that hot moist place. You won't want to hear any of this. My story. I know that. But if you want me to confess, then you'll have to listen."

This one reminded me of a lesser version of Roz Nay's Our Little Secret, where so much of the tale is our main character telling her woes and recapping her life while in a police station. I didn't love Ava or hate her: I often felt sorry for her. Her inability to move past high school basically crippled her entire life, and her revenge mission is all she has.

This was a weird book. It switches in time frequently, going between whatever the present moment is and then Ava remembering moments in high school. I found the timeframe to be confusing at times. Ava's singular focus on her former classmates--and getting even--could be frustrating at moments, yet the book was also oddly compelling and somewhat addictive. It certainly did a good job at capturing the meanness of high school girls. What a terrible time that is.

"I was so naive, so ready to give those girls everything: my loyalty, my trust, my devoted friendship. I was ready to spill every secret I ever had, to follow them to the ends of the earth. I guess the last bit turned out to be true, in some ways."

It was a creepy read sometimes. I guessed the ending a bit early, but that didn't really make it any less enjoyable. Overall, I found this one a little odd and a little off-putting. It was a strange read, with a pointed focus on its main character (and her own mission). Still, it was rather readable.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).

Kim Pook (101 KP) rated Ma (2019) in Movies

Jun 2, 2022  
Ma (2019)
Ma (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
A teen, her mum and dog are moving to a new neighbourhood, on her first day of school she is invited to a party but turns it down to hang with her mum, however, her mum is too busy with her new job so she decides to go to the party. The party ends up being cancelled and the teens decide to drink instead, but as they're underage they struggle to get anyone to buy them alcohol, until a seemingly nice woman agrees to buy it for them. It soon becomes apparent that this woman is dodgy as we see her stalking the teens on Facebook (how did she get their full names?) and phoning one of their dads to tell him of their drinking plan who then phones the police to stop them in their tracks. This doesn't stop them trying again the next day by asking the same woman to buy them alcohol. This time she invites them to drink in her basement which the teens quickly agree to.
The evening turns sour when sue Anne pulls a gun out, but she soon turns it around as a good prank and invites them to party again and again. Eventually the teens realise how obsessed sue Anne is when she's constantly messaging them and they all decide to block her. That's when things go from bad to worse with a few surprises on the way.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this movie, it was in the horror section of Netflix but for the first hour I didn't really get a horror vibe, I got the vibe of a lonely woman so desperate to be liked that it becomes obsessive and I did feel sorry for her........ At first.
I liked the inclusion of her back story as I felt for her even more, making the second half of the movie such a kick in the teeth. I mean this woman is proper psychotic and the things she does is messed up, but damn it's a good watch! Octavia Spencer plays Ma so incredibly well, I honestly couldn't have picked anyone else to play her.