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I was really drawn to this book from the blurb and was grateful to Legend Press via the Legend 100 Club for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

I found this a really difficult book to review because on the one hand, the story was captivating and interesting despite it being about some pretty despicable crimes (infanticide, child and domestic abuse, stalking and violence) but on the other, the writing style made it really, really hard to read which spoiled it for me in a big way. There are a lot of characters and the story jumps around a bit; I normally don’t mind this if there’s a thread which connects them all but in this novel, there were different threads that crossed but weren’t necessarily linked so this made it difficult for me to keep track. I also have an issue with the main character, Natalie King. Again, she’s difficult to critique. On the one hand she’s a very strong, independent woman but on the other, I found her to be extremely unlikeable and I wasn’t able to warm to her at all.

Having said all that, it’s very clear that the author knows her stuff and despite the difficulties I had in reading this particular book, I would be tempted to read another written by her.

My blog: <a href="">Reading Stuff 'n' Things</a>
*Copy received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review"

I could tell this was going to be a hot read from the first chapter when Frankie was fantasising about Jake–Steamy!–and I wasn’t wrong.

You get to see from both Frankie’s and Jake’s POV, which is an advantage when Jake is described as being a serious, moody guy by Frankie. But then seeing from Jake’s POV just why he’s behaving like that balances it out and it switches between every so often.

The first sex scene between the pair took up a fair bit of the book but it also contains an intriguing plotline. Who was Frankie’s stalker and why were they stalking her? Unfortunately we don’t find out in this one but I hope the author is well on her way to finishing a second book in the series so we can.

I liked it but I also feel slightly cheated since we didn’t find out who was behind the attacks against Frankie. I’m left with more questions than answer but at the same time I’m happy that Jake and Frankie got a happy ending as they are both really likeable characters and deserve some happiness after what they’ve both been through.

Short and sweet. I will certainly read the next in the series when it comes out.
46 of 220
Plague of the Shattered ( The Gateway Trackers 2)
By E.E. Holmes

When a spirit Shatters, no one is safe...
Once every five years, the Northern Clans of the Durupinen gather at Fairhaven Hall. There at the ancient castle, surrounded by the very spirits they are bound to protect and serve, the clans settle disputes and shape the laws that govern the Gateways to the spirit world. For the first time, Jess and Hannah Ballard have to represent their clan. It is an awesome responsibility—a great honor… and they are sure it’s going to be the most boring week of their lives.
Oh, how very wrong they are.
For something dangerous is stalking the halls of Fairhaven. It lies in wait, striking down victim after victim, undetectable and inescapable. No one knows what it is, or what it wants, but one thing is clear: no one is safe until it is captured.
As their fellow Durupinen fall victim one by one, it will be up to Jess and Hannah, the newest members of the Trackers, to solve the mystery before the entirety of the castle is possessed.

I’m so happy she decided to write this follow on series. I really enjoyed this one. Was great catching up with characters even those I grew to hate. Looking forward to more. Jess and Hannah are set to prove those that doubt them wrong again.
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