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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated You in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Caroline Kepnes | 2014 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
Joe Goldberg works in a bookstore in New York. One day, a gorgeous girl walks into his store, and Joe is immediately transfixed. She charms Joe in their brief encounter and so he searches for the name he saw when he swiped her credit card. He lucks out, easily finding Guinevere Beck all over the Internet. In fact, she seems to live a great deal of her life publicly on Facebook and Twitter, allowing Joe to digitally watch her from afar. But quickly, Joe begins to actually watch "Beck," as he learns she is called: hiding outside her apartment and eventually arranging a chance encounter. Beck and Joe's lives quickly become entwined, as Joe becomes more and more obsessed with his perfect girl. Beck thinks Joe could be the ideal boyfriend, and he's determined to be just that: no matter what it takes.

Oh my, I have some mixed feelings about this book, but ultimately wound up rating it 4 stars simply because I just couldn't put it down, and I don't think I will stop thinking about it anytime soon. I actually found myself feeling suspicious of other people during and after reading it, as if being watched -- that's how good Kepnes was at weaving her tale of stalking and obsession. Joe is a fascinating character, and you become almost immediately sucked into his delusions. The book is told from his point of view, and it's written as if he's speaking directly to Beck. Once you become used to that, it's compulsively readable.

This is not a book full of characters with whom you will love and empathize. Now I admit that there were times that Joe felt so normal that you forgot he's basically batshit insane, and sometimes Beck herself (the victim, you have to remind yourself) is pretty terrible, too. This is a book about awful people doing terrible things to everyone in their lives. It's dirty (Joe's brain is not a pretty place) and dark, so dark. It dragged a little bit for me about 3/4 through (it's a pretty long book), but picked up very quickly as it neared the end.

In the end, I found this book to be amazingly intense. I continued to have complicated feelings for Joe up until the last pages. The novel is certainly a warning about our digital age and how easy it is to have your digital footprint (and subsequent actual life) invaded. It's also a twisted story of obsession. It will keep you turning the pages late into the night (with the curtains CLOSED).

Louise (64 KP) rated You in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Caroline Kepnes | 2014 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is a great debut novel for Kepnes, I haven’t read a stalker book before and was intrigued, however in parts it felt a bit repetitive, I didn’t like any of the characters in the book and I was starting to get a little bored with the story. The book is written in such a way that it feels like Joe is actually talking about you….ha ha ha see what I did there!*hangs head* So it can be a very creepy book depending on how you read it.

Joe is a total psychopath! I didn’t like him at all, he stalks Beck to no-end, he has Facebook, twitter, email accounts and watching her every move. He is obsessed with Beck and is determined to be her boyfriend and nothing will get in his way.The thing that shocked me the most was that he didn’t believe he had issues and that he was actually protecting her from her friends and other men that looked her way.

Beck is so annoying I really didn’t like her, she was an attention seeking little cow-bag, she had her own issues but would flaunt around with no bra on and get dressed in front of her window that had no blinds or curtains. Flirt with pretty much anyone. And I know this is probably awful to say but she brought a lot of this on herself. She is such a user as well, she was stringing Joe along at times just for odd job duties and I was starting to feel sorry for him, but I had to remind myself that he was the one in the wrong and I shouldnt be feeling like this.

I felt the story went on a little too long and I was getting bored in places, it was sometimes just him constantly checking email updates and tweets to see if beck was thinking about him. It was a bit predictable as well, even though I haven’t read a stalker book I figured it out pretty early on.

This is a book that will make you step back and have a reality check, there could be someone stalking you but you just don’t know it. With all the social media and how easy it is for people to access the information is very scary.

This is an adult book and does contain explicit language and sexual scenes so it will not be for everyone or a younger audience.

Overall I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5.

Steve Fearon (84 KP) rated Halloween (1978) in Movies

Sep 5, 2018 (Updated Sep 5, 2018)  
Halloween (1978)
Halloween (1978)
1978 | Horror
Well shot, intense, patient and the birth of a horror icon (0 more)
A little tame compared to the horrors that followed, at times the soundtrack can overwhelm the dialog to the detriment of the film. (0 more)
John Carpenter's Slasher still stands tallest
Contains spoilers, click to show
That theme song starts.

You feel it somewhere deep inside, that feeling that something special is going to happen.

Halloween is THE Slasher, with a silent antagonist, an over-the-top performance from Donald Pleasance, the introduction of Jamie Lee Curtis, and the establishment of John Carpenter as one of the foremost purveyors of horror.

Patiently paced, with little time given to explanation of exposition, we are taken on the slow build up of tension as we go from the legendary intro sequence, to a breakout at the asylum, through to the stalking of teenagers by the man in the William Shatner mask.

Lots of shots of Myers just watching, waiting, judging, which could be interpreted as boring on paper, but it is just the right side of unnerving, and it is this constant threat which means the viewer is constantly scanning the edges of the screen, looking for our antagonist.

It contrasts beautifully with the naivety and innocence of his victims, who are just trying to enjoy Halloween as most teenagers are wont to do.

Yes this film is relatively tame compared to the films that have come after, but few can touch the pure sinister feel and atmosphere that Carpenter creates, and it is a simply iconic entry in cinema history.

Watch it for what it is, a genre changing horror film, that changed all that followed it.

No Myers, No Friday 13th, No Scream, No Nightmare On Elm Street.

Its that important.
Beautiful Dangerous (Philly Heat Series, #4)
Beautiful Dangerous (Philly Heat Series, #4)
Becky Flade | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked this, just didn't love it.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

The book title shows as book 3 in the Philly Heat series, but some sites has this at book 4, but it doesn't matter where it sits, it can be read as a stand alone within the series. Alex (Fall To Pieces) and Trudy (Yesterday's Over) do appear here, but you don't need their stories to follow this one. I've read both those books, and much preferred Fall To Pieces then Yesterday's Over and indeed, this one.

I liked this book, I just didn't love it.

I liked (if that's the right word!) the increasing issue with the stalker. That they were ALREADY scaring Hannah before she met with Doyle. And said stalker gets mighty angry about Doyle, let me tell ya!

I liked that I didn't see who was doing the stalking, at all! That one threw me off a bit, cos it was not who I thought. I liked the twist that took, too, heading back a year ago to her brother's murder.

I felt the romance came out of nowhere. there seemed to be little build up to that. I liked that it is, again, a backdrop to the major crime going on, rather than front and centre. I think I might have enjoyed this one if there had been NO romance on page, to be honest.

It's well written, from both Doyle and Hannah's point of view. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

I just think that maybe this author isn't really for ME. I stress the ME point! I really did enjoy Fall To Pieces, but the other books have been a bit behind that one.

3 good, but not for me, stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

BookInspector (124 KP) rated The Split in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
The Split
The Split
Sharon J. Bolton | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story is told from multiple perspectives, but the main characters would be Felicity and Joe. Felicity is a scientist, who specialises in ice. She is an amazingly written character in my opinion. All the parts from this character’s life are filled with mystery, intrigue and mindblowing twists. Joe is a very important character in this book as well, he is a psychologist, who together with his detective mother, try to figure out Felicity and her connection to very strange events. I loved how different the characters are in this book, the police officer is an older, overweight woman who loves a pint, but great at what she does nevertheless. I am normally met with these young detectives that are so fit and superhero kind at what they do, that it is kind of refreshing to see a different type of woman that is absolutely amazing at what she does. There are many different characters coming in and out of the picture, and they all have a story to tell.

The book is set in two completely different places, it begins in the remote island of South Georgia, that is absolutely incredible! I loved the research that the author done for this book, the description of South Georgia is unbelievable, it felt like I was there with the characters, running alongside them. The other part of the book was set in Cambridge, where Felicity lives, and all the creepy and unexplained events took place. The narrative is absolutely beautifully developed and delivered. It has everything the reader might want from a thriller and more. It is full of layers, very well placed twists and turns, the suspense was overwhelming, and I was left gobsmacked on many occasions. There are some pretty important topics that the author discussed in this novel, such as homelessness and a lack of psychological help for them, obsession, stalking, child abuse, psychological trauma and many more. The mood and the atmosphere was constantly changing throughout the pages, and it was a true page-turner for me.

I love Sharon Bolton’s writing style since her first book, she knows how to lure the reader with brilliant characters and a superb plot. The audiobook I listened to was narrated by Katie Scarfe, and she did an amazing job with her voice intonations, she brought this book to life. The chapters are quite short, so I believe the pages are just going to fly by too many readers. The ending was very well written, and I was left satisfied with the outcome. I have to tell that this book has plenty of gory and disturbing things related to small children, so please approach this read with caution.
Dead Man's Shoes (2006)
Dead Man's Shoes (2006)
2006 | Drama, Mystery
British films don’t really come more powerful as this, Shane Meadows has delivered a film so intense it’ll feel like the quickest most terrifying ninety minutes of your life.

Richard (Considine) has returned home from active service in order to seek vengeance against those who tormented his mentally challenged brother Anthony (Kebbell) some years ago.

Those responsible, Sonny (Stretch) the local drug dealer and his gang, attempt to tackle Richard head on, but Richard is stone faced and not in the least bit afraid. All the while Anthony follows Richard around like a lost puppy, happy just to have his brother with him.

Meadows uses black and white flash backs revealing just what happend to poor Anthony, which puts you at ease that what Richard is doing is more than justified. Nobody likes a bully but everyone loves it when they get their comeuppance.

With the group realising that there efforts are all for nothing it becomes just a waiting game as to when Richard comes for them, and come for them he does. Richard initially makes his presence in the town known, subtly at first and in the beginning he toys with the gang before taking his intentions just that little bit further.

It’s a violent film make no question of that, you almost feel sorry for Sonny and his gang.

One particular scene sees Richard spike the kettle with a concoction of drugs that gives three of the gang the most spaced out cup of tea they’ve ever had. Watching it almost makes you feel like you’re high with them. Considine gives a breathtaking performance, Richard is a cold and calculated killer and he’s not in the least bit afraid. He plans everything meticulously, like a lion stalking its prey.

That said all the cast do an amazing job, and its a brilliantly written script as well, with Meadows delving into each character. The film also has a slight black comedy element to it, while we shouldn’t be laughing in some scenes although it is hard not to, this doesn’t detract from the fact its a brutally disturbing film, and is arguably the best British film I have seen.