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Isobel ( Dark Warrior Alliance book 9)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

Elsie has everything she could ever want - mated to the Vampire King, working at her dream job, surrounded by family and friends and expecting her first child. Her bliss quickly turns into a nightmare of epic proportions when her newborn daughter becomes the primary target of the nefarious archdemon. Seeking guidance from the Goddess, Elsie and Zander discover the only way to protect their fragile baby is to summon a Guardian Angel. When the enticing guardian appears, Elsie and Zander face far more challenges than merely keeping their daughter safe. As feelings ignite, jealousy threatens to tear them apart and for the first time, being Fated may not guarantee an eternity together.

I just loved this! We have been waiting so long for this baby and in one short book she makes her appearance and boy does she come into the world with a bang! Elsie has to deal with a hell of a lot In this book especially with Ramis showing up and knocking the wind from her, but she’s just such an inspiring female character she handles it well Zander not so much 😂. This series is just so much fun to read.
Erin A. Jensen | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first heard of Benevolent by Erin A. Jensen through the blogging community. It sounded very interesting especially the more I heard about it. When an opportunity to review Benevolent came about, I jumped at the chance. Although Benevolent does mention the television show Supernatural throughout the book, you don't have to be a fan of Supernatural or know anything about the show to enjoy this novel. I will admit that I've only seen a few episodes of Supernatural back when it first began, but my limited knowledge of Supernatural did not take away my enjoyment of Benevolent. I'm really glad I got the chance to read Benevolent because it truly is a gem of a book!

The plot of Benevolent was a truly interesting one that really tugged at my heartstrings throughout. Benevolent begins with a teenage girl, Abigail (or Abbie as she's sometimes called) losing her best and only friend to cancer. She is comforted by an angel who appears in the form of Castiel from the television show Supernatural (her and her best friend's favorite). The reader is then taken through a journey throughout Abbie's life including all the ups and downs. Her angel, Castiel, plays a big role in her life's journey, and Abbie's left wondering if Castiel is real or if he's just a figment of her imagination. Benevolent is more than just that though. It's a gripping and emotional love story, but not in the romantic sense.

I could not put Benevolent down! In fact, I pretty much read this book in one sitting. It's a fairly short story, but the pacing was absolutely perfect throughout. I love how each chapter title was a song title. In fact, it makes for a great playlist whilst reading the chapter that features it or before and/or after that chapter. I was pulled into Abigail's world as soon as I started reading the first page. I loved how every loose end is tied up before Benevolent ends, and every question I had was answered. The world building is fantastic, and I can't fault anything about it. Erin A. Jensen is such a talented writer based on Benevolent!

I absolutely enjoyed every character in Benevolent. Abigail felt like an old friend. In fact, I felt like I was reading a true life biography about Abigail instead of just a work of fiction. Everything about Abigail's character was just laid bare for everyone to read about, and I think that's what made me love her so much. She had been through a lot, and I could relate to her on so many levels. The character of Castiel was written perfectly too. Like I said, I had only watched a few episodes of Supernatural before they introduced the character of Castiel, so I can't comment on how much Benevolent's character of Castiel was like the one on Supernatural. However, it is mentioned in the beginning of Benevolent that Abigail's angel took on the form of Castiel and his name and mannerisms to make Abbie feel more comfortable. It is said that he isn't the actual Castiel from Supernatural. We also get to know Danny, Abbie's childhood best friend, through Abbie's memories. Danny seemed like such an awesome person, and even I was saddened by his death.

Trigger warnings for Benevolent include death, cancer, attempted suicide, overdosing, drug use, alcohol, and some profanity but nothing too bad.

Overall, Benevolent is one of those books that will stick with you long after you've stopped reading. It's a book that tugs on your heart strings and won't let go until the very end. Benevolent has such a fantastic plot with such a relatable main character that it just makes for an awesome read. What makes Benevolent even more awesome (which is saying something since Benevolent is highly awesome already) is that 100 percent of the profits from its sales will be donated to Random Acts charity. I would wholeheartedly recommend Benevolent by Erin A. Jensen to everyone aged 15+ no matter what genre of book they like. I feel like this book will touch everyone who gives it a read.
(A special thank you to Erin A. Jensen for providing me with a paperback of Benevolent in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Good visuals, not much else to recommend it
A few of my loyal readers recommended that I check out ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL in the biggest screen I could find, and in 3D. And...I'm glad I did for this film is a visual feast for the eyes, filled with eye-popping CGI and an interesting futuristic world on which the events of the film take place.

Unfortunately...that is all that there is to this film, for the rest of the movie does not live up to the fantastical elements laid forth visually.

Adapted to the screen from filmmakers James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez, ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL is a combination of the first 4 of Yukito Kishiro's series of 9 manga books, and (hopefully) the first in a trilogy of films that follows a robot, Alita, who is put back together by the mysterious Dr. Ido. When she awakens, she does not know what her past was, but as events transpire, it soon becomes apparent that Alita is much more than the sweet, young girl robot that her outward appearance would suggest.

Rosa Salazar is winning enough as the completely CGI creation of Alita, but no so charismatic that she can carry the film on her own, she will need help - and that's where this film falls down. Christoph Waltz is mediocre in the underwritten part of Dr. Ido. Instead of being interesting and mysterious, he is bland and boring. I'm beginning to think that Waltz needs the words of Quentin Tarantino to shine (because he does shine in Tarantino films) but is just so-so when speaking someone else's lines. Jennifer Connelly is wasted as Ido's ex-wife, somehow connected to the power elite of the Universe and Marashala Ali (who will soon win his 2nd Oscar) is completely shutdown and "one-note" as the big bad guy. Ed Skrein, Jackie Earle Haley (completely unrecognizable in voice or character as the CGI bad guy Grewishka) and Keean Johnson are all very forgettable as others in this world. Only Jeff Fahey (as a robot-Cowboy bounty hunter) is able to jump off the screen with what is the beginnings of an interesting character.

The battles, races, action and plot twists and turns are all "standard issue", pretty predictable and unsurprising. It is clear that Cameron and Rodriguez were so focused on the CGI and world building that they did not spend enough time on the plot, dialogue or pacing. And that's too bad, for besides the impressive visuals and graphics (and they are impressive), there is not much else to recommend from this film.

Letter Grade: B- (for the visuals)

6 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Slayer (Slayer #1)
Slayer (Slayer #1)
Kiersten White | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
World continuity (0 more)
Not great explanation of past events (0 more)
I am a Buffy fan. I'm not the biggest Buffy fan I know - that honor goes to a friend of mine, who I just gave a giant box of Buffy comic to, since we're downsizing in preparation for the move to the new house. I haven't seen anyone that happy in a while, and it made my day. (And hers, judging from the bouncing and squeeeeing and hugging!) But I am still a Buffy fan. I own DVDs of the entire show, plus Angel, plus the original movie. The box of comics I just gave away was Season 8 and some spin offs. Slayer takes place after all of that.

First I'm going to say, if you're not a Buffy fan, seriously don't bother with this book. You won't understand a lot of what goes on, and while there are cursory explanations given in the book, it's really not meant for people that haven't watched/read the rest of the world. You'd be okay not knowing much about Angel, but you really do need to have watched the TV show of Buffy, especially that last season. While the book takes place after the comics, they're not necessary to understand the plot as that, at least, is explained.

So, for the rest of us Buffy fans, this is a great continuation of the Buffy-verse. Nina is the daughter of Watchers - in fact the daughter of Buffy's first watcher, the one before Giles. Given what befell the Watchers, the ones that are left are kind of antagonistic towards Slayers in general and Buffy in particular. So when Nina becomes a Slayer, her world goes sideways.

The world is mostly the same, but with a twist due to events in the comics. (It's explained. You don't need to have read them.) The book expands on how Slayer powers work, a bit, especially their dreams now that there's more than one of them alive at a time. We do see mentions of familiar characters, with one notable scene where an old favorite appears briefly.

I really enjoyed the book, and I'm eager to read the second half of the duology when it comes out. I need to know how Nina's story ends! The book ended on a subtle cliffhanger; the main conflict has been resolved, and the characters think it's over, but we know it's not. Similar to how many episodes of Buffy ended, actually.

So yeah. If you're a Buffy fan, pick up this book, it's pretty great. If you're not - take a pass. Or start with the TV show and get yourself a new fandom if you're feeling bored!

You can find all my reviews at

KittyMiku (138 KP) rated Rebekah in Books

May 23, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
First, let me say that I loved this book and have just one major issue with it—there is no second book! Even though the book was very good (although short) it left me with questions unanswered and wanting more. This is good considering not all books do so. Even though the book has been out for a little over a year, I was very sad to see there wasn't another one, and have even contemplated writing to the author to tell her how much I love her book and desire a second one. I have never felt so passionate about a novel as I do now.

The characters were lively and easy to understand for the most part. To be able to give Angels and Demons such different personalities that made you love, hate, or respect them in different ways was truly appreciated. I especially enjoyed how the story was told in Rebekah's point of view, so it was easy to understand how something could look and feel from an Angel's perspective. Especially with how much an Angel could see where are human's would not be able to see. I felt that having it from Rebekah's view allowed Reyna to be able to reflect more on how Rebakah and felt and why she felt so strongly one way or another. This was smart and allowed the reader to really understand her and the actions she took.

There was romance involved in the story, and I found it to be the perfect amount among all the mystery shrouding Miss Rebekah. With so many love interests, it made you wonder why she was so special and what could be the reason behind how she acted when it came to choosing a lover or sticking with one over another. However, the romance scenes were brief and only added to the story about Rebekah and Lucifer. It definitely allowed Lucifer's possessive side show and how if something would get in his way how he would react which were very nice touches.

I would have to say my favorite part of the story was seeing how someone who is so different from those around them and appears to be useless in planning things could come up with the best ideas for a battle. I also enjoyed how when someone cares deeply about another, they are willing to make sacrifices. I definitely think this book deserves 5 stars out of 5 stars and should have a follow-up book. Although it was very short, it was interesting and kept me wanting more and turning pages. I would recommend this book who is into the Angel, Demon, Heaven and Hell kind of books. It will definitely make allow you to see different views of the same kind of battle while keeping you highly entertained.
The Crow
The Crow
James O'Barr | 1998 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emotionally written (2 more)
Brilliantly drawn
My All Time Favourite
This graphic novel is my all time favourite. I have read it countless times, sometimes in a row. This is where it all began, and the author's tragic backstory, really helps bring forth the emotion from the pages.

This is a story of love and loss, but mostly of vengeance and a sense of mental torment that no one, dead or alive, should suffer.

There's a belief that when someone dies, their soul is carried to heaven, hell or some form of afterlife, and then there's this graphic novel that suggests that if the soul was wronged in their life, they may return as an avenging angel, to seek vengeance on those who wronged them.

Eric and his Fiancé where murdered for no good reason, and so his soul is brought back from the dead, with some additional abilities, such as a healing factor, meaning that he cannot be killed (again) by mortals.

This book also contains poetry among its pages. Beautiful poems that really add to the emotion of the book and the story. I love comics, graphic novels etc. Anything Marvel or DC, and of course indie comics, but The Crow will forever remain my favourite one among them all, because it is poetic justice written beautifully and emotionally, unlike anything I have ever read before or after it.
The Trelayne Inheritance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
At first I wasn't too impressed with this book, it seemed simple and the scenes at the ball and immediately after almost turned me off it. I don't know if it was how I was feeling at the time (I was a little out of it :P), but it just seemed surreal to me. Luckily, that passed and I really enjoyed the rest of the book. It was fast-paced and had some original ideas in it. There was enjoyable banter between Angel and Max, who suited each other (imho), and I absolutely loved Shelly! Although what color are her eyes, green or grey? I don't know if the did that author purposely or not, although I think not since nothing is explained about it. I did wish Ms. Shannon had gone more into Angel's background, like who is her father? A human, I would presume, but who knows? How exactly did she become a vampire? How (or why) was her mother able to give birth to her? I'm a little iffy about Max having loved Angel's mother, too, since apparently Angel's a spitting image of her. Though that's just my personal preference not to have something like that in a book dealing with vampires. I did suspect who turned out to be the "Beefsteak Killer," but I enjoyed the story nonetheless and would definitely get more from this author.
Blessed Fury (Angels of Fate, #1)
Blessed Fury (Angels of Fate, #1)
C.S. Wilde | 2018
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once you face the devils, there’s no going back.
Guardian angel Ava Lightway has spent a century watching over her charges, whispering the words of the gods in their ears. But her peaceful existence ends when she’s assigned to Liam Striker, a supernatural detective with no memory of his past.
Liam might be Ava’s biggest challenge yet. Stubborn and dangerously captivating, he’ll stop at nothing to find the demon who murdered his father. Even if it costs him his life.
Keeping death away from her new partner is an impossible task. And even if their investigation doesn’t destroy Ava, succumbing to Liam’s smoldering touch just may.
Read the sizzling, breath-taking tale of angels gone bad!

Wow; this was an absolute amazing read.
This is an epic adventure of angels, demons, vampires, werewolves, Warriors and Erudites.
I love that it has so many different paranormals in this.
So action packed but at the same time there are so many sweet moments that happen with the forbidden romance that is happening.
Really loved the plot and storyline.
I am in love wiyh the characters and can't wait to see them develop further.
I can't wait to get stuck into the next one now.
Recommend reading.

I received an ARC from the very talented author and this is my honest voluntary review.
Divided Paths (Afterlife #4)
Divided Paths (Afterlife #4)
Katrina Cope | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Although the fourth book in the Afterlife series released, this serves as the back story to both Zacharius and to events in the related Supernatural Evolvement series. This can also be read as a stand alone or as an introduction to both series.

Zacharius is an angel used to fighting demons and protecting his friend Archangel Michael from danger. When Michael gives him an important mission he doesn't expect it to be protecting a young girl living on a remote farm. However he soon discovers that the girl may indeed be as special as Michael suspects.

This is a great read from cover to cover. After the jaded and somewhat embittered version of Zacharius in the earlier books, it is good to see him not only fully fit but a suitable angelic hero. This story answers a few of the questions left over from the two series it touches upon and further expands the world of angels, demons, witches and shape changers that Cope has managed to conjure.

The story isn't complex but that just allows the characters to stand out, particularly Zacharius and Ava for obvious reasons, but also the other players in the cast.

As usual with any of Cope's stories the only disappointment is getting to the last page and having to wait to see what happens next.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated London Has Fallen (2016) in Movies

Aug 19, 2019 (Updated Aug 19, 2019)  
London Has Fallen (2016)
London Has Fallen (2016)
2016 | Action
6.1 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
London's: Big Ben Bridge
I forgot that olympus has fallen got a sequel and this was the sequel. Did anyone remeber that this movie came out? Does anyone remeber this movie and what happened in it. No, well thats what happens when a forgetable sequel to a fogetable movie with forgetable chacters comes out. So in words its forgetable.

The plot: After the death of the British prime minister, the world's most powerful leaders gather in London to pay their respects. Without warning, terrorists unleash a devastating attack that leaves the city in chaos and ruins. Secret Service agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) springs into action to bring U.S. President Benjamin Asher (Aaron Eckhart) to safety. When Asher falls into the hands of the sinister organization, it's up to Banning to save his commander in chief from a horrible fate.

What was the last Gerard Butler movie that was good and you can watch from beginning to end and think its not stupid. Oh 300, right. That came out in 2007, so ever movie since has been bad and cant watch watch the whole film without thinking its stupid and dumb.

Wait a 3rd movie is coming out this coming week, why? Were the first 2 movies succesful, i guess so because "Angel Has Fallen" is coming out this friday.