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Buffy the Vampire Slayer  - Season 2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 2
1997 | Horror
Der Kinder Stood (5 more)
Lie to Me
The Judge
Ted (2 more)
Innca Mummy Girl
Go Fish
The competely love an episode or hate an episode season
This series has some of my favorite episodes and some of my least.
 It also introduced us to Spike so forever grateful to that.
It has my favorite one time character in the Whistler. When Glenn Quinn left i so wanted Whistler to replace Doyle in Angel.
Season 2 has my favorite one of There are some amazing moments in this series and some fantastic quotes.

“Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir... open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us... guides us. Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead.”

"Bottom line is, even if you see them coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So, what are we, helpless? Puppets? Nah. The big moments are gonna come, you can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are."

Dutch (59 KP) rated The Burning Soul in Books

Feb 22, 2019  
The Burning Soul
The Burning Soul
John Connolly | 2011 | Crime
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What's the worst thing you have ever done?
The worse thing Randall Haight has ever done was killing a 14-year-old girl when he was only a child himself. Now someone seems to have discovered his secret and is tormenting him anonymously, and, to further complicate things a 14-year-old girl has gone missing in the same town that Randall lives in.
Charlie Parker takes on the case against his better judgement as it brings back painful memories of the death of his own daughter and he also finds himself up against a mobster by the name of Tommy Morris, the FBI and a police chief who may have secrets of his own.
As a rule I generally navigate towards horror but in the Charlie Parker series John Connolly has crafted a multi-layered world that mixes in supernatural elements and a superb supporting cast (Louis, Angel, the Collector) as well as great writing, a flawed (but likeable) main character and most importantly stories that draw me in totally. In fact I would put John Connolly up there with Stephen King as one of my favourite authors and I absolutely cannot get enough of the Charlie Parker series. If you have a love for the crime or horror genres there is no excuse for not diving into this series.
The next book in the series is The Wrath of Angels and it marks the return of the Collecter and promises to bring back the more supernatural/horror elements of the series and that is certainly not a bad thing.
Envy (Fallen Angels, #3)
Envy (Fallen Angels, #3)
J.R. Ward | 2011
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's a J R Ward (0 more)
Got a bit repetitive (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
A man and a woman tread the lines of danger, desire, and deliverance in the new novel of the Fallen Angels from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

As the son of a serial killer, homicide detective Thomas "Veck" DelVecchio, Jr., grew up in the shadow of evil. Now, on the knife-edge between civic duty and blind retribution, he atones for the sins of his father- while fighting his inner demons. Assigned to monitor Veck is Internal Affairs officer Sophia Reilly, whose interest in him is both professional and arousingly personal. And Veck and Sophia have another link: Jim Heron, a mysterious stranger with too many answers... to questions that are deadly. When Veck and Sophia are drawn into the ultimate battle between good and evil, their fallen angel savior is the only thing that stands between them and eternal damnation.

This has to be my second best series done by J R Ward my first being Bourbon Kings. So again we see Davina and Jim go head to head! This one saw the loss of Eddie which I wasn't quite prepared for! So it's now just don't two the two angels while Davina continues to cheat!

I struggled in parts with this instalment to be completely honest I got a little bored with the side story of Veck and Riley but all in all an ok addition to the series.
Angelic Retribution
Angelic Retribution
Katrina Cope | 2017 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought the the first two installments of the Afterlife saga, following the exploits of human-turned-angel Aurora, were absoluately terrific. With this third installment I feel like I need to invent some new superlatives as all the existing ones seem somehow inadequate.

There's not much of the story I can discuss without giving things away, but this very much continues following the trend for the themes to get darker as the series has gone on. The angels are becoming desperate as the demon hordes press in relentlessly. After her actions in the second book Aurora is viewed with a great deal of suspicion by everyone and Abaddon is still focussed on getting her join the demon ranks.

The story that Cope tells here begs to be read; the stakes have been raised and it's really not clear what is going to happen next, and there are a number of shock twists and developments that take the plot in all sorts of directions I hadn't expected at the outset. As usual the writing and characterisation is flawless, smoothly flowing off the page throughout, effortlessly following the changes in pace as the story twists through its chapters.

If you enjoyed the first two books and want to find out what happens next to Aurora and her friends you will not be disappointed. If you have not read any of the series and are looking for something interesting, thought-provoking and pacey to read then I can't recommend these books highly enough.
Snow One Like You (Snowed In - Valentine's Inc #9)
Snow One Like You (Snowed In - Valentine's Inc #9)
Ashe Winters | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
LOVED this book!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted a copy of this book.

Oh yeah, I LOVED this book! So much!

Angelo and Spencer have a great deal of . . .not hatred cos that is too strong a word, but they really dislike each other, with a passion. And it's that passion that spills things over into something much more, something neither of them dreamed of.

So much passion, from these two, it burned the page! While what they say to themselves is hatred of the other, deep down, they both know that there is something more between them and getting stuck in a snow storm together is the time to let it all out, and just FEEL, you know?? So much the feels!

I loved the speed at which these guys fell, once they admitted to themselves at least what they were actually feeling. Usually I don't but the whole book (bar the epilogue) takes place over a few days, some 125 pages, so for it to work, it has to be fast. I loved that they were all in.

Both guys have a say, in the first person, so we get it all from them both. How much Spencer riles Angelo up. How much Spencer gets a kick out of calling him Angel. How much what they both want from the other means to them. LOVED these guys, I really did!

Can't see that I've read anything else by this author, and now I want more!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Black Christmas (2019)
Black Christmas (2019)
2019 | Horror
Fuck I really hated this.

Ignoring the politics side for a moment - it's a hugely poor horror film. It's devoid of any scares, it cuts away from any gore, and perhaps worst of all, it has the audacity to be called "Black Christmas" - which is quite simply one of the best slashers ever made.
Did this film even start as a Black Christmas remake? It basically goes: Men are shit - some people get killed offscreen - weird supernatural twist - oh shit, it's Black Christmas, better throw in a glass unicorn sculpture.
The supernatural part is something I'm not mad at actually - at least it tried something different rather than being a straight re tread.

Then of course, there's the aformentioned politics, which is what most people's issue is with this film. Feminist messages in horror movies can be hugely effective - the original Black Christmas does it well for example - but I can't help but feel that the message this version putting out there is severely mishandled. As a guy, I am willing to hear how I'm wrong in this instance, but it feels sooooo over the top with what it's trying to do. It's not too hard to be on board with for the most part, but the final scenes really go for it - I mean the lines "you're insane!" "No, we're just men" - really!? It just feels very in the nose to me.

Other than that, this film is turd. It gets a star for Imogen Poots and the creative snow angel death scene at the start. Watch the original instead.

Sarah (7798 KP) Dec 17, 2020

Definitely agree. On the politics too, it’s so badly done


Darren Fisher (2447 KP) Dec 21, 2020

Totally agree. It's a shit sandwich without the bread.

Her Wicked Angel (Her Angel: Eternal Warriors #3)
Her Wicked Angel (Her Angel: Eternal Warriors #3)
Felicity Heaton | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought that Veiron had stolen my heart but it appears that it is split in two and Asmodeus holds the other part! I will say that feisty, stubborn Liora is Asmodeus' perfect match. These two actually work together to move forwards. They know when they have hurt the other and take steps to say sorry or repair whatever damage may have been done. The interaction between these two is just perfect, whether it is witty or flirtatious banter or whether it is deep, soul-searching.

Erin and Veiron are also in this and continue to show just how wonderful they are together. I still love Erin's attitude and how she won't bow down to the male in her life but instead meets him toe-to-toe.

Amelia and Marcus also show up but Marcus appears to be more and more 'ghostly' as the series moves on. He is just fading into the background which is a shame whereas Amelia still feels that instead of the original angel, she is the ultimate matchmaker but no one is good enough.

Tears, laughter, sexiness - it's all here. I can't not give it 5 stars!

ps, does anyone know where I can get a couple of my own hellhounds? Romulus and Remus are brilliant!!!
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 6, 2016
Fall Into Darkness (Eternally Mated #1)
Fall Into Darkness (Eternally Mated #1)
Valerie Twombly | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ashley has lived her life as a freak, seeing a person's death in their eyes, and decides to move to Alaska and live in solitude. Eli is a hunter angel and is very concerned about where the angels are going under the guidance of the Seven. Angels and mates are disappearing, falling into darkness, and no one seems to care. When he is judged by them to find his humanity to be sent to hell for eternity, he ends up in Alaska and helps to rescue Ashley from the hellhounds attacking her.

As this story moves along, we find out more about the darkness, what is causing it, what happens to the mates, and how deep it has sunk its claws into the angels. We also learn just how far Ashley will go to save Eli. This is the first book in a series that shows incredible promise. I loved the story of Ashley and Eli, even though it was full of insta-love, it was done in such a way as to be believable. Both Ashley and Eli admit to things moving fast between them, but once they make the decision to be together, they are all in.

Well written and smoothly paced, with no grammatical errors that I found, this was a delight to read and I look forward to reading further into the series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 29, 2015
93 of 230
Angels of Bourbon Street ( Jade Calhoun book 4)
By Deanna Chase

Despite having lost half her soul, coven leader Jade Calhoun is determined to lead a regular life, and that means planning her wedding. With just five weeks until the big event, plans are halted when Jade falls victim to a ghost possession. Unfortunately, it appears the only way to keep the ghost at bay is to spend twenty-four hours a day with the last person Jade wants to share a house with - the angel who has the other half of her soul.

Things go from bad to worse when the ghost targets Jade's friends and her fiance, Kane. The ghost is using sex magic to steal Jade's power, and she'll stop at nothing to get what she wants. Even if it means forcing Jade into the arms of another man. In order to banish the ghost, fix her soul, and have a chance at her happy ending, Jade will need to find her father and uncover the decades-old secret her mother is determined to keep hidden.

I love this series the writing and character building is so good. It’s a really enjoyable series to read they get better as they go on. It’s great to see Jade fighting back and not giving up especially with half a soul , a ghost chasing her and friends as well as planning a wedding. Recommend for those witch story lovers.
Lucifer’s Rule (Hellfire #2)
Lucifer’s Rule (Hellfire #2)
Ella Moore | 2022
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Arren just wants to prove his worth. Being the young of the most elite warrior demon there has cast a dark shadow over him with some big boots to fill.

The only way Arren can see people thinking of him more than just the Wildfire Warrior's Son is if he joins Lucifer's Horde. A slight problem is that his mother can't stand the fallen angel and the hell she's been put through by him. Arren is determined, so he and his friend Mei set off to prove themselves.

This is the second book in the Hellfire series and I was excited to read it as I really enjoyed the first one. Although it has some references to some of the events in the first book, I think you could read it as a standalone as it does give you a quick description of the events. There is a lot of detail in the book and I find it adds to the quality with which it has been written. It means you're not missing any details that may only be small but are significant.

There are demons, archangels, battles, friendships made, rather racy sex scenes, as well as Lucifer himself. What more could you want in a story? I can't wait to read the next one in the series.

Recommend reading

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *