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Fallen (Fallen, #1)
Fallen (Fallen, #1)
Lauren Kate | 2009 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.3 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, Fallen. What do I think? Well I’ll start with the phrase, “I’ve read worse.” But not many.

Whilst that doesn’t seem like a good place to start it’s pretty much all I have for this book. A story based around ‘star-crossed lovers’, fallen angels, slight love triangles, blah, blah, blah, your get the picture. So the story centers on Luce, a girl who has been sent to a reform school and goes through her first couple of weeks there. The love element starts pretty quickly but in my opinion never really goes anywhere. He blows hot and cold and then there is a big realisation of love. It feels like a rehash of every other YA romance/para going.

The author has tried really hard to make it a different type of YA book. But seemed to lack the ability to structure the book in a way of you coming to realisations on your own as a reader. There were often times a Luce would be in a conversation, and then ‘think’ so far ahead of the story you felt push to that conclusion, or that it had been handed to you on a plate rather than having a light bulb type moment due to good writing.

I know there are others in this series, so it may be hard to judge this as a stand-alone book as the story seems to go somewhere within the last two chapters. But I honestly don’t think I liked it enough to bother with the rest. It felt like a chore to read and I don’t think it’s even worth reading to form your own opinion of it. Pretty disappointing on the whole.
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Minor spoilers ...

This started out so well. It was incredibly magical - secret doorways on earth, which took the main character Karou, into a shop where her chimeara 'family' resided. Karou has little knowledge, being human, about her own origins or how she ended up in the care of Brimstone, the shop's custodian. All she knows is that he collects an endless supply of teeth (which she is often sent to pick up from around the world - the shop's doorway acting as a portal that deposits her anywhere on earth). There is a second door within the shop, which Karou is not allowed near and she has no idea what lies beyond it. Messages are sent to her via a crow-like creature. So far, so mysterious. It reminded me a little of Narnia or The Adventures of the Wishing Chair / Magic Faraway Tree. Oh, and if that's not enough - the teeth are used to help grant wishes (ranging from minor to major).

I'm a big fan of dual-world/magic-portal books. However, as the novel went on it became less intriguing. It slips into the sort of insta-love that is ten-a-penny in YA fiction. Also, I just felt that the 'big reveal' of what was behind the second door was a bit of a letdown. And the whole war between angels and chimera felt somehow jarring and unimaginative. I feel mean-spirited saying this, but the dynamic and world-building just didn't capture my imagination. The layering of the back-story also felt a bit forced and I started to find it dull.

I suppose the real test of the first book in a trilogy (as this is) is whether the reader can't wait to pick up the next instalment. Personally, I'm not sure I would bother. A shame, really, as it started out so well.
Running From Darkness (Dark River Stone Collective #3)
Running From Darkness (Dark River Stone Collective #3)
JP Sayle | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
That he wanted in Conall's bed was secondary to making sure Calli was safe.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Dark River Stone Collective series. While not strictly necessary, I would recommend you read at least book one, The Light Beneath The Dark. It will give you a better picture of Linc and Mason, as it's their story and they play a large part here. Some references are made to that book, so it might help. BUT book 2, When Darkness Turns To Light, was a far more gripping read. So, you know, just read 'em both!

Conall and Kyle are perfect for each other, right from the start. I loved that Kyle knew he wanted Conall, but he wanted to HELP Conall and his sister Calli first and foremost. That he wanted in Conall's bed was secondary to making sure Calli was safe.

Because Conall finds her being attacked by their step-father and reacts with violence. Which I totally get and fully approve of, given as Calli is 14. Running to the Dark Angels was the quickest way to get her safe.

I loved that Mason is very . . loose . . with his words, and helps Conall keep Calli safe. Calli will be a force of nature, once she has some time to come to terms with what's happened, she really will. She shows great courage here, and I loved that River kinda attached herself to Calli.

This book doesn't quite bite the way book 2 does, but it bites in a very different way. I still enjoyed it as much as book 1 though, and it is a welcome addition to this series.

Who is next?? I dunno, I don't really care, but I will be reading it!

4 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Merissa (11765 KP) rated Betrayed (The Emrys Chronicles #2) in Books

Jul 5, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Betrayed (The Emrys Chronicles #2)
Betrayed (The Emrys Chronicles #2)
E.E. Everly | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BETRAYED is the second book in The Emrys Chronicles and Einion is now all grown-up. Catrin has changed from his aunt to someone who sees him as a man, and it leaves him very confused. A time apart sounds like a good thing, but then along comes Rhianu to confuse him even further.

I didn't enjoy this one as much as book one. There are reasons for this, so let me explain. First of all, the thing with Catrin and Einion. I don't know, but this just didn't work from the start for me. I found myself losing patience with both of them. Maybe because I knew they wouldn't be together? I don't know. The other was the angels. I understand what the author was going for, but that word just seemed out of place amongst all the dragons. And finally, Aerona. She flipped too quickly for me. For so long saying one thing, and then changing her mind on the flip of a coin.

Now I've said that, let me say this. I DID enjoy this book. It is full of action and adventure, light and darkness, and choices to be made. I thought Einion was a great character, all too real with his worries and concerns about doing a job to the best of his abilities. I liked Catrin in Ahnalyn’s book, so I'm hoping once I read hers, I'll be back on the same wavelength again. Meinwen is another fantastic character.

This was a good addition to the series that moved the overall story arc forwards. I enjoyed it and recommend it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 5, 2021
The Horus Heresy - Book 1: Horus Rising
The Horus Heresy - Book 1: Horus Rising
Dan Abnett | 2006 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brilliant intro to the characters (3 more)
Well written
Difficult to put down!
Great story arch that leads into the next books
Very little (0 more)
Outstanding entry book to the series
Contains spoilers, click to show
The book is divided into 3 distinct sections with parts 1 & 3 focusing on the XVI Legion, The Luna Wolves (who are later renamed The Sons of Horus), and part 2 focusing on the III Legion, The Emperors Children.

The 1st section of the book nicely introduces the main characters of the Sons of Horus consisting of Horus Lupercal, who has recently taken over as the Warmaster of Imperium of Man's Great Crusade, and his Mournival of 1st Captain Abaddon, 2nd Captain Torgaddon, 4th Captain Sejanus and 5th Captain Little Horus. With the death of Sejanus in the opening pages of the book we are introduced to the main protagonist of this book (and the following 2) in 10th Captain Loken along with some more supporting characters such as remembrancers, the Warmaster equerry Maloghurst and various other space marines.

The book follows Loken and the Sons of Horus as they, and the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet, bring world Sixty Three Ninteen to compliance and Lokens doubts about his role within the mournival and the morality of their campaign. Towards the end of section one Loken is faced with a fellow space marine who has been corrupted by chaos and attempts to kill him. This is Lokens first experience with chaos and, as such, he is unfamiliar with what has corrupted is Astartes comrade and subsequently forced to cover it up by the rest of the mournival and Horus himself.

Part 2 brings in the III Legion, The Emperors Children, and introduces Lord Commander Eidolon, 10th Captian Tarvitz and 13th Captain Lucius who have received a distress signal from the Blood Angels legion currently engaged against Megarachnids on the world Murder.

Whilst the 63rd expedition moves to join the Emperors Children at Murder, Loken discovers the existence of forbidden warrior lodges and that a number of the crew, and indeed the rest of the mournival, are part of. This leads Loken to further question his place within the legion. This part of the book also provides the first evidence of people worshipping the emperor as a deity in opposition to Imperial Truth. The section ends with the Sons of Horus aiding the Emperors Children with their campaign on Murder before being relieved by Blood Angels reenforcements and provides a brief introduction to their Primarch, Sanguinius.

Finally the 3rd part of the book see the Sons of Horus encounter the Interex, a Human civilisation that have incorporated certain aliens and alien customs into their society which is in direct opposition to the Imperium of Man who view xenos as inferior and to be exterminated. The Interex warn Loken of the existance of Kaos however it is clear that this is unknown to Loken which the Interex find uncomfortable. During negotiations between the Interex and Horus things come to a head when the Sons of Horus are accused of stealing an anathame, a semi sentient weapon created by one of the Interex's alien subject races, and war breaks out which leads to the eventual destruction of the Interex. The book ends with the Word Bearers Legion Chaplin, Erebus, having taken the anathame for study and the 63rd fleet moving on to the moon of Davin at his request.

All in all this book is very well written and highly engaging. It was one of those books that i didn't want to stop reading until it ended and have since read twice more.

Anyone wanting to get into the lore of Warhammer 40k, the background of how the 40k universe became as it now is or simply an engaging sci fi book cannot go wrong with this one.

The only negative i can find is that it ended however this is book 1 of a trilogy !
Ethereal Custody: Anthologies
Ethereal Custody: Anthologies
Byron Allanvre | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<img src=""/>;

Ethereal Custody: Anthologies is a story about a young man, who was born in an underground slum and decides to risk his life for a chance to reach the surface. During his pursuit, he discovers that he is part of a much larger scheme of a supernatural nature, in an alternate reality. To escape his world, he grasps the opportunity to create utopia. But paradise has a dark side too.

While we follow this main character, we also follow different characters, who are part of the alternative world that this man created in his dreams - with their own stories of supernatural nature, Angels and people with animalistic tendencies involved as well. 

<b><i>“We don’t hold grudges against Angels who didn’t save us. Our self-held grudges stem from the idea that we should have been able to save ourselves.”</i></b>

The story follows a few different planets, with a lot of different characters.

The book is written in the form of a journal. For me, it was very difficult to keep track of the planets and characters. I was losing interest very quickly, re-reading the same page a few times, seeking for adventures and plot twists, when all I could see were descriptions of places and objects. Sometimes there were good parts, where the story was really intriguing. Other times, I had to put the book down and read something else.

<b><i>“I don’t know if it’s forgiveness or love or grieving. But life feels like this slow and heartbroken process of learning to live without something we wanted so badly that we cannot have. To go on without those loved people we miss so much and all the precious moments we could have shared and knowing those futures will never be. It’s having to learn how to trek forward in a new life without a part of yourself; that missing fragment of a loving heart we surrendered and gave away as a gift to someone who’s no longer here with us.”</i></b>

There were many descriptions of places being repeated with the exact words. This made me wonder and question myself whether I’ve read this before. I then needed to go back in the book and reassure myself. It was very irritating to go back and find the same paragraph a few chapters earlier, with the same description of a place. 

<b><i>“If there’s anything I learned tonight, it is this: I want to die with a smile on my face.”</i></b>

I am sad to say I didn’t enjoy this book.

Honestly, I liked the idea and where it was intended to go. I also liked the way it was written in the form of a journal. However, the writing was bad. Not only from a grammar and editing point of view, but also the skill to keep the reader intrigued. This book put me through a big reading slump. I am not a fan of DNFing books, but I was close with this one. I recommend Ethereal Custody: Anthologies, if you enjoy multiple planets, a lot of characters and a bit of supernatural sprinkles on top, but this book wasn’t for me. 

<b><i>“We are afraid to be silent, yet afraid to speak. We fear to be alone with our demons in the dark, yet we are terrified of those demons being seen in the light among friends. Afraid to be powerless; afraid to be influential. I don’t understand it. I just don’t want to be afraid of myself anymore.”</i></b>
What in God&#039;s Name
What in God's Name
Simon Rich | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What in God's Name is a hilarious novel about the would-be-destruction of the earth. God is tired of running Heaven Inc, and wants to open a restaurant, figure out his Rubrics Cube, and play golf instead. The rest of the angels are just as tired as he is. All except two: Craig and Eliza, who actually enjoy working in the Miracles Department. When they find out God is going to destroy the earth, they make a bet: They'll answer one of the "impossible" prayers that God has ignored over the past few months, and if they can do it, God will not destroy the world.

Eliza and Craig have no idea what they've gotten themselves into: Their job is to get two of the most socially awkward humans to kiss... since apparently they already like each other, neither of them is willing to make a move. On top of it all, Craig is pretty sure he's crushing on Eliza

I tore through this whole book in a matter of hours--though it felt like minutes. It's hilarious. I got it back in August and I don't remember why I put off reading it for so long... because it's awesome! The characters are adorable (or in the case of the cantankerous archangel Vince, annoying). The writing is witty and easy to read. I loved every second of it.

With that in mind, I'm a hard person to offend. People who are easily offended by their faith/religion being mocked should not read this book... God is portrayed like a Frat boy, and he lets people into heaven only if they can skip a rock twelve times. Suffice to say it's not exactly orthodox.

But if you're in the mood for a fast, funny, slightly intense read (it gets tense there near the end!) this is for you!

Content: Some language. Ages 17+
Ripping Off the Mask
Ripping Off the Mask
Harper Jewel | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ripping Off The Mask by Harper Jewel
Ripping Off The Mask starts with action. Coop is with his (work) partner, Silvio, when they are called to a bank robbery. Others are on their way, or already there, chasing the suspects. Silvio goes off by himself as he is faster than Coop. That leads to them both being shot, only Silvio doesn't make it. What he does do is to open up a hornet's nest within Coop, as he tries to come to terms with everything that has happened, and what he did.

I liked Coop and Wes when they weren't talking. In fact, I liked ALL the characters when they weren't talking. The minute they opened their mouths, I lost interest. The conversations and comments made came across as very stilted and forced, with lots of repetition between what they thought and what they said.

Some of the situations in the book just didn't seem realistic - and yes, I know this is fiction, but I still like to be able to pretend it's real! There is a paranormal element to this book that you will either like or loathe. Personally, I liked it, but that's just me. The premise of this book is a good one, and has all the elements there that I normally like. However, although I still liked the book, it didn't really get to me. There are plenty of themes in this book, from the twins separated at birth, to ghosts/angels, to the big bad with a rough childhood. This is a long book, so there is plenty of time for everything to play out.

I think if you can get to grips with the pacing and style of writing, then you will probably enjoy this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Marylegs (44 KP) rated Torment in Books

Aug 14, 2019  
Lauren Kate | 2010 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
So a couple of months back I read Fallen and was decidedly unimpressed with the whole story in general. I still can’t explain why I decided to read to follow up book Torment. But I’m glad I did. Once again, it could have been better, I’m not saying it was as good as some of the books I have read lately, but it was much better than the first book.

This book sees Luce sent off to a posh school on the west coast (there happens to be special classes about angels and demons, which made me pull many faces when reading it). Daniel, the uber love interest of the first book, Luce’s ‘one true love’ send her here after the events at the end of fallen with the premise of keeping her safe. Rebellious teenage acts ensue, and as you can guess, Luce ends up not being very safe. I still have real issues with Daniel as the love interest. We know nothing about him, he hasn’t done a single thing to endear me to him, and I kind of route for Luce to screw him over a little bit and date someone who doesn’t control her every move without giving her even a glimpse of understanding as to why these things keep happening to her.

Other than that actually the general way the story is going was much more interesting to read, Luce had more backbone and the new characters that were introduced as her friends were well rounded and well written into the story. I can see where the story may head now, which is saying a lot as I didn’t get the first book at all. I can honestly say I will now read the rest, I just hope that the author carries on developing the story and possible try to include a few less cliché type scenarios.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neon Genesis Evangelion
1995 | Action, Animation, Drama
7.8 (4 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
A Must See Classic Of The Time
Contains spoilers, click to show
Re-watching this anime kind of threw me for a loop. I guess I had never really seen the actual anime series and just seen parts or some of the movies. I liked how the series expanded the story of the movies and how it showed more character development and interaction between the characters than I remember. It was also kind of weird and awkward how I don't remember so much of it having to do with Shinji being at the age where he's going through puberty and interest in girls and there being a lot of context that went over my head when I was younger. That being said a lot of that held up quite well for this anime being dated. The thing I didn't like was it didn't really answer the questions I had about the Angels, where they were coming from, what were they, and what was there purpose for attacking. I remember them saying something about them having human DNA or something but that's all I remember. The giant mecha fights were just as good as I remember but with one difference, I didn't remember that they had to have a cord to be plugged in for power. That did give it a different dynamic from most other robot anime I've seen where they can operate forever or don't run out of gas/fuel. I also didn't remember Rei's character being so dull, to me she didn't really have much personality or character development. And totally didn't remember about the boys that he made friends with every came out again let alone one was chosen to pilot an Evangelion. All in all it has it's pros and cons but is definitely a must see for fans of anime and mecha, especially if they've never seen it before. So once again I give it a 7/10.