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X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Decent acting (0 more)
Dull plot (3 more)
Contrived tropes
Extremely poor ending to the franchise
Villains aren't threatening in the slightest
Blame Game: The Movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
I've just come back from watching Dark Phoenix, and boy, was I let down! This certainly wasn't the way X-Men should end!

After the brilliant Days of Future Past and Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix falls very short of the mark in terms of plot, character development, and action.

The plot revolves around the X-Men going to space to rescue some astronauts, and Jean Grey getting caught in what we are led to believe is a solar flare, giving her unimaginable power. What follows is basically a gigantic blame game, where Jean blames Charles Xavier for hiding her past, Beast blaming Charles for Raven's death (due to Jean losing control, accidently killing Raven, who blames herself for it,) Magneto blaming Jean for the same thing, etc etc, all the while, Jean gets angry sometimes and destroys stuff.

Then some random aliens (the D'Bari) show up who want to use Jean for her powers, and these guys are supposed to be the villains of the film, however, they are the least threatening villains to come out in a long time, and there's no big finale to their demise at the end, they are literally disintegrated by Jean/Phoenix.

The biggest problem with Dark Phoenix is that there really isn't much in the way of story here, and it certainly doesn't add to the X-Men universe much at all. Even after Jean 'dies' no one grieves or mourns for her, we simply see Charles and Magneto playing chess, then the film ends.

The only positives I can really give are that the acting was decent enough, especially from James McAvoy, and there were a couple of good action scenes, but overall, this will end up being another highly forgettable film, and a very disappointing end to the X-Men franchise.
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Whomp Whomp
The Good: It's got the word "Cloverfield" in the title? That's gotta count for something right. First two films? Solid. The Cloverfield Paradox? Please avoid at all costs.

Confusion abounds as the film rushes through itself. Throughout its entirety, I sat there wondering, "Is this how it feels to be born?" I was angry. Confused. Lost. Not a decent combination of feelings when you're trying to have a good time. The most frustrating part was being able to see the holes that could have been plugged to make the film better. This is what happens when potential suffers from a lack of follow-through.

I wanted to like it, but it just wouldn't give me the chance. The sheer lack of explanation throughout is just plain maddening. You think it's coming, then director Julius Onah hits you with a "Are we good here? Yeah, we're good here, let's move on. Next scene!"

Meanwhile, the characters are running around as if the crazy things that are happening are just another walk in the park. I've never seen a calmer reaction in film to a guy suddenly losing his arm. Why aren't your eyes wide with terror? Why aren't you screaming? There are some things that happen on the ship (no more spoilers) that are ridiculously insane, but everyone seems to be as cool as a cucumber for the most part. Sure, there may be an initial shock reaction, but the reaction wears off in no time. A part of instilling panic in the audience is seeing the characters panic. Unsuccessful.

To make matters worse, The Cloverfield Paradox never really feels like a complete tie-in to the other two films. It's about a space crew trying to harness new forms of energy out in space to save a dying Earth. Frustrating at best, it's absolutely a skip for me. I give it a 43.
The Satanic Bible
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
LaVey echoes a view of man's value and of non-materialist religion which can be easily found in the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche (especially Antichrist) and Ayn Rand. He is incredibly inconsistent on the subject of morality and shows only a cursory understanding of Christian history, doctrines, and the Bible.

LaVey does not view Satan as a person (nor does he view God that way), but as a representation of what man really is in his primal nature-- a violent and lustful nature which LaVey calls good, though he simultaneously argues that certain parts of it (that which would harm children or rape, for instance) are not good-- a dichotomy that he calls hypocritical in righthand path religions such as Christianity. Beyond this tension, he elsewhere seems to argue for moral relativism, creating a vicious circle of nonsense. Because good and evil are falsehoods and God and Satan are non-persons, the spells and rituals he creates are only symbols meant to harness our primal energies, sending them out to accomplish our goals (much like in the Hicks' Law of Attraction books or in The Secret).

A mix of equal parts tongue-in-cheek symbolism and outright charlatanism.

I suspect that this book's teachings would appeal primarily to two types of people: narcissists who want to seem edgy and angry people who have been harmed by institutional religion. In regard to the former, there are more thoughtful ways to be counter-cultural. In regard to the latter, an assessment of the intellectual weaknesses of this philosophy won't remove the hurt or pain they've been through, but hopefully an understanding that the kind of Christianity spoken of by LaVey is not genuine Christianity can remove some of the hatred they feel toward it due to the immoral actions performed by its claimed representatives.

Totally off-topic, but Lavey looks like a bald version of Evil Spock.
All My Friends - Single by Col3man
All My Friends - Single by Col3man
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Armen Paul is an NYC-based singer-songwriter from Boston, Massachusetts. Col3man is an electronic producer who grew up in Heber City, Utah. Not too long ago, they released an introspective dance tune, entitled, “All My Friends”.

“Can’t walk on water, never figured it out. Waves break like me and you. Wade in my worries, but I’m human to doubt, feel you in every mood when I’m angry. I get down on my myself and I get anxious when I need help.” – lyrics

‘All My Friends’ tells an interesting tale of a depressed young man who prays for someone to call his phone.

Apparently, he’s not strong mentality, but somehow he blindly makes it through the day.

‘All My Friends’ contains a relatable storyline, harmonious vocals, and vibey instrumentation flavored with a futuristic blend of indie-pop and electronic elements.

“My friend Col3man and I wrote this song in hopes of helping to erase some of the social stigmas around talking about depression and suicide. It can be challenging to approach friends, family, or professionals and ask for help, but talking about it is often the healthiest way of coping. There is always someone out there willing to listen. We hope this song helps others be the person to reach out and offer help or alternatively, be the person who asks for help. Both efforts take a tremendous amount of courage and they can be life-changing.” – Armen Paul

Armen Paul’s silky falsetto and shimmering vibrato coupled with his subtle grit and soulful melodies create a beautiful musical atmosphere. Not too long ago, the bubbly entertainer appeared on the television show, The X-Factor.

Greggory “Col3man” Ellis has been making a name by creating a unique blend of urban and electronic music.

After touring Africa and Europe as a concert pianist in high school, he found his love for production and dance music.
Suffragette (2015)
Suffragette (2015)
2015 | Drama, International
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I have read reviews before, that use the words “riveting” and “captivating” and “compelling”…. And usually I sort of just roll my eyes and hope that the movie is as good as the review says, because “usually” I find that the movie doesn’t actually match those words.

Suffragette, on the other hand, is all that, and more.

The movie has Meryl Streep in it, but she doesn’t have very much screen time. As much as I like Meryl Streep, this movie does just fine, all on its own, even with Streep only having a presence on its fringes.

I have not seen any other movies with the actress starring in the film, Carey Mulligan, but based on her performance in this movie, I would definitely be willing to see another.

Suffragette centers around the fight of women in London to be allowed the right to vote. Even trying to write this review, remembering the movie and trying to pull the words out, I get chills and tear up.

It was emotional, and angry, and incredibly sad. Brave and wild, sneaky and smart. Cruel and dangerous.

All of that, in one movie. I spent the last half, crying my eyes out. Quite literally, sobbing in the theatre, trying to not be obvious. The struggles those women faced, were REAL. They sacrificed their ability to work, their families, and their very LIVES to the cause of being treated equally to men, and having equal rights to vote, and equal pay as well.

Suffragette is a movie that everyone should see.

Men, women, children old enough to understand the implications of a struggle that spanned many years, and even today isn’t fully finished. The list at the end, of the countries in the world and when women got the right to vote, and the countries where women are STILL NOT ALLOWED to vote, was breathtaking…. And utterly heartbreaking.
Suffragette shows us how far we have come, and how very far we have yet to go, worldwide.
American Gods  - Season 1
American Gods - Season 1
2017 | Drama
An intriguing & decent adaptation
I really enjoyed the book and had heard good things about the show, and I’m please to say that for the most part this is a very good adaptation.

I completely agree with everyone else that has compared this to Hannibal. From the effective visual imagery and the dream sequences, to the impressive amount of blood and gore, it’s difficult not to recognise parts of Hannibal in this. Unsurprising though considering they’re both made by Bryan Fuller. Ian McShane is truly fantastic as Mr Wednesday, they couldn’t have picked anyone better and even Ricky Whittle is brilliant as Shadow. He really has come a long way from his Hollyoaks days! There are also some great cameo/supporting performances from Gillian Anderson, Crispin Glover, Peter Stormare and Orlando Jones.

The story does at least start off following the book but does veer off slightly as the episodes move on. In some cases, this isn’t a bad thing. I like what they’ve done with Shadow’s character, making him more outgoing and vocal than his too quiet persona in the books. This works. What doesn’t work is what they’ve done with Laura. I can see why they’ve wanted to make her a more central character, but for me this just doesn’t work. She’s so annoying and brash and the episodes that concentrate mostly around her were the dullest of the entire series. I just hate her whole angry persona and if it wasn’t for the fact that she’s usually on screen alongside Mad Sweeney (who’s a great character), I’m not sure I could tolerate her. The show also puts you in the same position as Shadow, completely confused about what’s going on. It’s not too bad when you’ve read the book, but I can imagine it being a little too much if you haven’t.

In all a visually stunning show with a few flaws, but still some great potential.
Not If I Save You First
Not If I Save You First
Ally Carter | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maddie and Logan were best friends when they were kids. Granted, it was under slightly unusual circumstances: Logan's dad was President, and Maddie's dad was one of his Secret Service agents. So when something happens that causes Maddie's dad to move the two of them to an isolated cabin in the middle of Alaska, everything in Maddie's life changes. She has no contact with the outside world beyond letters--no Internet, no phone, no anything. Just a tiny cabin, a few library books, and her Dad. Maddie learns to become self-sufficient, and she learns to be alone. Then, suddenly, six years later, Logan turns up at her door. In Alaska. Before she knows it, someone attacks Maddie and Logan. Maddie has no choice but to put her wilderness skills to the test to save them both. Maddie's pretty angry that she hasn't heard from Logan in the past six years, but she's going to have to get over it for a bit, while the two cling for life in the cold.

"She was through with waiting for letters, for phone calls, for people and friends. Maddie was absolutely through with looking back."

So this is a totally crazy and wild book (just read that plot summary), but it's also really fun and an enjoyable read. I've never read anything by Ally Carter before, but this book inspired me to grab a couple others by her. It's exactly what it claims to be.

Even though they are tramping through the Alaskan wilderness, trying to save their own lives, Maddie and Logan's banter is pretty great. The story is dramatic at times, but also romantic and cute at others. It's complete and utter escapism, but that's what I wanted when I picked it up.

Overall, a really fun, quick read. I felt transported to Alaska, and I enjoyed the back-and-forth between Maddie and Logan. 3.5 stars.
The Nut Job (2014)
The Nut Job (2014)
2014 | Animation, Comedy
8.1 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Nut Job, starring Will Arnett playing Surly the squirrel, and Liam Neeson playing Racoon, is a kids movie, but has political undertones that won’t be missed by the adults. It does send a good message to kids in that it portrays Surly starting out caring only for himself and then growing to learn to help his friends and take care of others.

My 5 year old son says “it was funny, and it made me laugh”. He says he would see it again.

Down at its core, this movie really is about politics. Raccoon rules the park with the outward appearance of benevolence and coordinating all the animals to “work for the good of the park” while Surly is out for only himself, and refuses to conform. He is the cause of an accident that causes their food-storage tree to be burned to the ground, taking all their food with it, and is subsequently banished from the park without a trial, even though Andie, a lady squirrel (voiced by Katherine Heigl), begs her friends to not banish him without a trial. She is almost instantly voted down by the angry residents of Liberty Park.

Surly leaves Liberty Park and has to try and make it on his own. He finds his way to a HUGE stash of nuts, and devises a plan to get them to hold him through the winter. Andie finds him, and wants “in” on the stash to help the animals in the oark, and makes a deal with him to split them if they work together to collect the haul.

After the point in the movie where it is revealed that Racoon is not so benevolent after all and that his goal is to “control the food to control the animals”, some of the animals antics might be a bit troubling for younger viewers, but overall I thought it was a decent movie that kids will likely enjoy & parents can tolerate as well.
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    Education and Games

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    This educational game teaches children to recognize when they have a specific feeling. Toddlers...