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Barrel Proof
Barrel Proof
Layla Reyne | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Barrel Proof (Agents Irish and Whiskey #3) by Layla Reyne
Barrel Proof is the emotional, high impact, AMAZING finale to the Agents Irish and Whiskey series, and it does need to be read in order to understand what is going on. Aidan decides that he needs some space from Jamie following his betrayal, not because he wants to end things with Jamie but the complete opposite reason. He wants Jamie, he loves him, but he knows that his anger will overshadow that. So he requests what should be a simple solo job, undercover at a financial company. What he doesn't know is that things are coming to a head and he is in deeper than he realised.

Oh my! This book, this series! I have loved every single book (even when Aidan was acting like a jerk). Nothing is said or done without reason, and they all become clear in this edition. Any loose ends are tied up, some in ways that I never envisaged. The story is fast-paced but very smooth. With both Jamie and Aidan at odds, plus Mel and Danny, there is lot angst in this book, so the sexy times are not as numerous. However, this didn't negatively impact the story in any way. In fact, it would have been odd to do it any other way.

Heart-breaking and heart-fulfilling, this book is the perfect finale to the series, and Layla Reyne now has a brand new reader completely addicted to her work. Without a doubt, absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Kiss of Death (The Morganville Vampires, #8)
Kiss of Death (The Morganville Vampires, #8)
Rachel Caine | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think Rachel Caine could make a trip to the grocery store intoxicating, as long as it took place in Morganville. Kiss of Death introduced a wide variety of variables to play with by allowing the residents of Glass House a road trip outside of town, in the company of the less-than-companionable Oliver. Little did they know that they would not be truly leaving Morganville's craziness behind. From a near-death experience at a late-night truck stop to the destruction of Eve's beloved vehicle, from the surprising usefulness of Eve's brother Jason to the after-effects of Bishop's passage through Texas, Claire, Eve, Shane, and Michael were forced to fight for their lives and freedom from cover to cover, with barely enough time to throw out a few Buffy-esque quips to keep me laughing as I read as fast as I could.
The progression of the various relationships of the main characters were quite interesting. Eve and Michael's relationship is filled with angst and stress over their biological differences, but ironically still makes for typical young love issues. Shane and Claire's relationship lacks the drama of Eve and Michael's, but provides a solid foundation for the two in the midst of the chaos of their lives without becoming sickly sweet. Eve's brother Jason also seems to be in pursuit of redemption with the relationship he has with Eve, even despite his ignoble views about life in Morganville. The reader even gets a broader view of Oliver that shows he may actually have some concern for the lowly humans.
The town of Blacke and its inhabitants could possibly add a new dimension to the series that I hope to see in the next book, Ghost Town (Morganville Vampires, Book 9).

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Au Pair in Books

Apr 4, 2019  
The Au Pair
The Au Pair
Emma Rous | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a book that everyone seemed to be talking about on Goodreads, so I picked it up. I'm glad I did. It was an engaging, quick read that kept me interested and guessing. The story alternates between the present-day, told by Seraphine and the past, leading up to the twins birth, as told by Laura, the young au pair. We learn that the Mayes family has a history of sadness and tragedy--especially when it comes to twins. However, Rous is very good as slowly unfurling her plot, letting us carefully uncover exactly what happened not only with Seraphine, Danny, and their older brother Edwin, but with their mother, Ruth, and with Laura.

The book is certainly weird and intriguing early on. It's very readable and certainly creepy at times. I did wonder why Seraphine didn't just take a DNA test from the beginning: at least then she'd know if Edwin and Danny were her brothers! There was a lot of hand-wringing and angst. Which, okay, I can understand if you believe you don't belong in your family, but it was a little much at times. There were a few cliches and predictable moments, but the plot was also really interesting and just dramatic enough to draw me in and keep me flipping the pages. I was fascinated to see how things would all turn out. And while Seraphine could irritate me at times, I overall liked both Laura and Seraphine as narrators and characters.

Overall, this was a good read--fast and twisty. I probably could have used a notepad to draw out the family dynamics by the end: there are some fun twists and turns there. It's a good book to embrace and enjoy the craziness and drama. It can be a little melodramatic, but overall a fun read. 3.5 stars.
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As far as young adult novels go, this one lacked all the teenage drama and angst that most do. Very little action happened while Sunny, our narrator, was pumping us information about her, her family and life, and what she learned over the course of the novel. I liked that the plot was so simple. There was no world that needed to be saved except for Sunny’s (own little high school world). Although I found it awkward at BEST that a hundreds (maybe thousands) of years old vampire fell in love with a teenage girl in a matter of day.

Other than that, it was an overall enjoyable story. It was nothing spectacular and groundbreaking, and I am no hurry to read the rest of the series. But I am interested enough to read it eventually. I actually really enjoyed Sunny as a narrator. She was funny and sounded like a teenager, with a multitude of asides that actually didn’t take away from the story itself, regardless of how long winded they were.

At the same time, I wanted to punch her sister Rayne. Rayne was so stereotypical and cliche, but I could imagine her perfectly and have people exactly like it, making my dislike of her all that more real. I don’t think it helped that everyone but Magnus seemed to be bemoaning their situation (whiny ungrateful children).

The best part about the novel? The detail that Mancusi put into her vampire race and culture. I thought it was well thought out and unique. I wish there could have been vampire interaction that just Magnus and Lucifent, but I suppose that will have to wait for the other novels in the series.
I received this novel free in exchange for an honest review.

You can tell that Bella Forrest is a new author. The writing is not perfect, nor is story. This novel is filled with the typical "Twilight" feel. It is filled with vampire angst, and all of the other vampire cliches ("I was a lamb - a lamb ready for slaughter" etc.). I do have to say that there is some potential that I saw in the author and in the story line.

I felt that the characters needed more depth to them. I really wish that this novel was longer because I would have loved to see what the author would have done if she added depth to the characters. When reading this novel, I kept wanting to get invested in the characters but they just lacked that certain something. They lacked depth, and in all honesty... they kind of lacked emotion. It could also be that i lacked investment and thus I didn't feel any of the emotions.

The plot line was interesting, a young girl is kidnapped and made to be the vampire king's slave. It's something that has been done over and over but I did enjoy the quick read. I do wish that we would have gotten more. I wanted more emotions, I wanted more depth to the characters, and I wanted more to the story.

When reading, I kept hoping that there would be something that would make this novel stand out above other Kidnapped humans in a world of vampires novels but it didn't really make the cut.

All in all, this was an Okay novel. Nothing spectacular but it filled my time and was a very quick read.
Complete Discography by Minor Threat
Complete Discography by Minor Threat
1988 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Filler by Minor Threat

(0 Ratings)


"When I was in Junior High, I met this guy and he had a cassette with Minor Threat on one side and The Exploited on the other. He left it at my house, and I had a Walkman, so I popped it in as I was walking to school. I heard the first chord of “Filler” and then I stopped and turned around. I didn’t go to school that day. I listened to that cassette and I was ‘What is this? This is awesome, this is what I need right now. These people are speaking my language, and they’re young like me as well.’ That’s when I thought I could maybe write a song, record it and put it on a record. That’s all I thought. I didn’t want to be a famous rock star but maybe I could do that DIY stuff. Not like the rock stars who were bigger than life - it was hard to aspire to that - but this other stuff? Yeah, I could do this. Plus, I thought that girls would think it was pretty cool if I played the guitar and I was in a band. So I started a band and this song and the first Minor Threat record was a game changer for me. It also started my record collecting phase. After I got into Minor Threat, I got into Dischord Records - I wanted everything on that label, so I spent years collecting that stuff. I still have all the singles; I might still have it all of it. That band had a huge effect on me that led me to want to write and play music, but also it was a club I could belong to. I was part of something with it – I could put on a leather jacket and help my teenage angst."

Kindle Alexander | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A much needed fix, this really was a warm and fuzzies book.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Its been a long, LONG time since I had my Kindle Alexander fix, and this was a very welcome fix indeed.

Dallas and his brothers need a cash injection to their fitness app, and Greer has the cash and the business knowledge to help. The attraction is instant and powerful from both men to each other, but Dallas hides, remembering what happened the last time he was caught with a man. But once Greer sets his sights on him, Dallas doesn't stand a chance. He just gotta deal with his dad and his brother.

Slow burn is what Alexander does so well, and here is a prime example of that skill. The attraction bubbles and simmers along til they cannot deny each other any longer. I loved that.

The father and big brother were a nasty piece of work and I wanted so badly to punch the pair of them! Mum, however, surprised me when she does what she does, and I have a huge amount of pride in her for doing what she should have done a long time ago!

Apart from the dad/brother, it's relatively low angst, and it was just what I needed to read.

I loved the appearences of Dylan and Tristan from Secret, and the part they play here.

I would love a story for Ducky, Dallas' younger brother, he seems like a character who would write a great story!

A much needed fix, this really was a warm and fuzzies book.

4.5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, #1) in Books

Aug 26, 2019 (Updated Sep 3, 2019)  
Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, #1)
Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, #1)
Larissa Ione | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Admittedly it's been a while since I read and enjoyed a paranormal romance but since that's what 75% of my paperbacks are at the minute, I decided to try this series.

And I was pulled in fairly quickly. It was straight into the action at Eidolon's demonic underground hospital in New York dealing with injuries and his brothers. And Tayla--an Aegis, the demons mortal enemy--ends up being one of his patients.

Within the first 25 pages we had a rather steamy sex scene and though I was surprised by the enemies turned lovers actions, I was intrigued on what would end up happening. Would she betray the Aegis for him? Would he defend her against all the demons who wanted her dead?

It was pretty non stop with stuff going on. It wasn't always just from Eidolon and Tayla's POV. We saw the odd scene from someone related to the hospital who was being hunted by the Aegis and I was very anti-Aegis from pretty early on.
"Tayla...she rocked his underworld"
This was a quote from early on in the book but I found it accurate and rather sweet. The romance was rocky, one minute they were all over each other and the next trying to kill each other--literally. I actually really liked the turmoil, the angst, and devoured the book in about two days when I finally just sat down and started it properly.

There is a story arc starting in this one that involves Gem, a half demon, and her want of Kynan, a human, that we see playing out in the occasional scene that has me intrigued and I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out in the next book.

I have book 2, Desire Unchained, and book 5, Sin Undone, in paperback, too, and look forward to reading them.
The Vacation
The Vacation
T.M. Logan | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Overall, this is repetitive drama billed as a high stakes thriller. Most of this book would not need to happen if Kate simply confronted Sean at the beginning of our story, instead of theatrically swanning about and playing "detective" while on vacation. I hate these sort of stories where instead of communicating, everything goes awry because the characters refuse to speak to one another.

While overall this is a quick read, the beginning feels slow. It features much of Kate's angst, over and over, as she speculates about which of her three friends is the culprit. Walks down memory lane about how good things once were. (Again, never does she really try to speak to her husband--or even honestly with any of her friends.) She is insistent, after reading a few Facebook Messenger bits, about everyone's guilt.

Of course, I cannot truly blame her, because none of these characters are very likeable. Her friends are pretty despicable and their husbands, too. All the characters treat their children rather terribly, either berating them or neglecting them for the trip. The poor kids have issues that are completely overlooked. At least Logan varies narrators throughout the story so we do get to see things from more than just Kate's panicked point of view. But it only serves to show how short-sighted these adults can be.

The story picks up later on, but, by then, it's hard to really care for anyone. I won't deny that this is a fast read and it does keep you interested with some (often predictable) twists. But it's tough to be fully invested when it's a bunch of whiny, clueless supposed grownups who think their problems are more important than all. 3 stars.
Dark (Blood Moon, Texas Shifters #1)
Dark (Blood Moon, Texas Shifters #1)
Kat Kinney | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
something not quite right, but not sure what!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I finished this book, so that's a good thing!

I can't say what didn't quite work for me, I hate that I can't, you all know it annoys me so!

The world building is good, with werewolves and vampires exposed to the world a short time ago, in a thoroughly modern way!

Hayden and Ethan have history, I was expecting that history to be a bit more than it appeared to be. Ethan's personal history is bad, as is Hayden's, both of them having difficult childhoods. There is much angst about their childhoods.

Or there SHOULD have been. While Ethan regularly comments on what his childhood did to him, how he closed off from everyone, Hayden does not. I wanted MORE from Hayden about her childhood!

Ethan brothers held more interest to me, than Etahn himself, I'm afraid and I would like to have had a bit more about them. I can see a pairing between one of his brothers and Hayden's sister, Ellie. Who, in my humble opinion, needed a slap a time or two!

There is a back story that kinda got lost on me, and I wasn't sure what the whole point of the kidnappings was, to be honest. It tells you, in the book, but the penny did not drop for me, I'm afraid.

Some sexy bits, although much of those are glanced over, off screen as it were. Some violent bits too.

Still, as the first by this author AND a first in series, not a bad read, just not one that really pushed any of my buttons, I'm sorry to say!

3 good stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**