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The Boy Who Fell to Earth
The Boy Who Fell to Earth
A. Zukowski | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Boy Who Fell to Earth by A. Zukowski
The Boy Who Fell to Earth is an angst-ridden book that tells of the rises and falls of being a drug-addict child who has slipped through the cracks (by his own intention and actions). Sasha has had a very troubled childhood, and he faces the reaper the night he is dumped on Jay's lawn. Although Jay doesn't have a lot, he still has a whole lot more than Sasha. The attraction between these two is instantaneous, and that posed a bit of a problem to me. Whilst Sasha appears a lot older than his years - and rightly so! - Jay seems quite immature by comparison. I know it is a case of opposites attract, but there were instances when I just couldn't quite believe his words or actions.

There is a lot that goes on in this book, and you will be rooting for Jay and Sasha all the way through - even with Jay's immaturity. It is easy to forget the ages of Jay and Sasha, even though they are mentioned frequently. It is almost like your brain doesn't want to admit that this can happen to young adults, and instead tricks you into thinking they are older than they are. The reminders of their ages was always well written, placed somewhere natural, rather than just telling you out of the blue.

I think this book is a marmite book. I think some people will love it, and some will dislike it. As for me, I'm pondering on it. There was a lot that I liked, and a lot that I didn't. None of what I didn't like was a fault of the writing or the author. It was, plain and simple, the darkness of what was happening. I read 'dark' books, but this one is a slice of reality that you can't just ignore as 'another book'.

I would recommend trying this book, although be aware that some of the subjects mentioned may be triggers for some. You will enjoy it, or you won't, but don't miss out on the opportunity of finding out for yourself. I wish Jay and Sasha every happiness because they surely deserve it!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
1968 | Horror
Iconic, influential and ground-breaking. All words to describe George A. Romero’s inaugural zombie horror, but what sets this apart from its contemporaries and the endless variations in the genre in which this Indie movie helped spawn?

Well to begin with, this is far from a simple zombie thriller. The real villains here are the collection of damaged human characters who all find themselves trapped together in an old farmhouse, barricaded within its fragile wooden walls, fighting not only the onslaught of zombie without, but the angst and fear from within.

At times they work together but unlike most films like this, the group rarely work at all, with conflicted views on how to survive, blinding them to the fact that if they only worked together they may just do so.

Instead, they all end up dead, with our leading man, a strong, smart black character, which at the time was a bold choice, being murdered by the redneck police posse, who mistake him for a zombie. But the metaphor, though hard to ignore, of a black man being gunned down without the white men bothering to ensure that he was zombie, may just be a coincidence, but the irony that he, Ben (Duane Jones) manages to survive until the end only be to gunned down in the final moments, is a tragedy that sums up this film’s tone.

With a killer child, a nude female zombie, a dysfunctional couple and the first named victim displaying a complacent contempt for God and the church, this group are real, though the acting standards are variable, the writing and direction are constantly very good, with a sense or gritty realism permeating throughout. Maintained by good pacing and gruesome cannibalistic action, this raised the bar of the genre, both now and then.

Even the zombies get a reasonable, yet none definitive explanation, as told through the radio and TV news. Radiation bringing the dead back to life, well, it may be the trope of 1960’s sci fi but it was well explained and the news reports were well composed, feeling more realistic than most movie news broadcasts.

Romero may have gone on to milk this franchise for all it is worth in the decades since but this opening low budget gem is a real piece of work; A complex moral drama set on one chaotic night in which the dead become living again.
The Sheikh's Christmas Family
The Sheikh's Christmas Family
Leslie North | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Adorable, Racy, Little Romance!
Leslie North has written another adorable, racy, little romance!

Leslie, the critically-acclaimed author, has written more than two hundred books across forty-six series’ in the Romance, Contemporary Fiction and Women's Fiction genres. Alluring from the very beginning, THE SHEIKH’S CHRISTMAS FAMILY is Book Two in the ‘Christmas with the Yared Sheikhs’ series. Book One is entitled ‘The Sheikh’s Christmas Fling’ and the title of the third book is ‘The Sheikh’s Christmas Lover.’

Its Christmas-time in Maatkare and Maia must make sure the Sheikh’s palace is decorated for all the holiday festivities. The decorating is the easy part. Yonas Yared, the youngest son of the family, is a bit more of a challenge. Maia knows she’s in trouble when she sees how wonderful Yonas is with her young son. Protecting her heart from the one man who makes her think naughty thoughts she shouldn’t is proving more difficult than she ever imagined.

Yonas will go crazy if he has to spend the entire holiday season with his family. He’d much rather be partying the nights away than stuck in the palace helping their new irresistible decorator. As events transpire to keep him in the palace, he’s surprised to realise he’s glad to be home and equally surprised to find that getting his serious little decorator into his bed is becoming more and more important. The problem is, once she’s there, he doesn’t want her to leave. And nothing in his life has ever scared him more.

Leslie North is very good at developing her characters where opposites attract and this novel is no exception. The meeting of carefree, party animal Yonas and Maia, who is sensible, focused and responsible, was explosive.

The storyline is easy to follow, with plenty of emotion, angst and tension. The chemistry between Maia and Yonas was electric and what was also great was the laughter and fun enjoyed within the family.

The SHEIKH’S CHRISTMAS FAMILY is an enjoyable and well-written romance with which to curl up on the sofa on a dark winter’s night or any time, really, with a mug of hot chocolate and it makes a fantastic holiday read.

{Thank you to #NetGalley, Relay Publishing and Leslie North for the free copy of this book and for giving me the opportunity to provide an honest review.}
The Sight (Premonitions, #1-2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I requested this novel from goodsreads bookwasp, I actually did not have high hopes for it. After reading the first page, I cringed at having picked up another angst filled young adult novel where the lead is so antisocial and broken that all they have is contempt for the world around them. That lasted about three pages before the writing was dominate by plot and character development. I was so surprised by the change, I almost had whiplash.

If I ever rate a young adult novel more than three stars, you know it is worth a look. I was so pleasantly surprised at the interesting plot, realistic characters, and intriguing writing that I could not put the book down. Instead of being confronted by an young teen bitter from not having a father and recently losing her mother in a car accident on top of having interrupting visions, I was dealt Gracie, a sixteen year old struggling with the changes in her life and confusing emotions. She is jealous of her aunt and cousin who have a close relationship she can longer have with her mother. She is constantly annoyed by Emily, a classmate who Gracie never wanted to be friends with but ends up risking her life to save. She is attracted to the aloof and old Zed who she cannot seem to act normal around.

Of course there were bitter and jaded comments about the world around her, but, more than anything, Gracie is determined to find a place she belongs, a home. Not surprising since Gracie was uprooted from the only home and family she has ever known and dropped onto an island with relatives she cannot seem to find common ground with a town that does not seem to accept her. That is the least of her worries because her ability to pick up visions is forcing her into action.

Two stories in one, both deal with Gracie trying to use her ability the best she can to save those around her. The only things I did not like about this book is that Blundell seemed to leave some loose ends such as the road Gracie’s father decides to take, which the reader can guess, and Gracie and Zed’s relationship . I would have liked some closure on those subjects.
The Perfect Girl
Gilly MacMillan | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zoe Maisey is a genius: a piano prodigy with an amazingly high IQ. She is also a killer. When she was fourteen, Zoe was responsible for the death of three fellow teens. Now, she and her mother have started over (their "Second Chance Life") and Zoe is playing her first concert in her new life, along with her stepbrother, Lucas. But her performance is disrupted and Zoe flees the concert hall. And, by the end of the night, Zoe's mother is dead. Zoe is alone, forced to confront a new world without her protector. Plus, who is responsible for her mother's death?

This book grabbed me immediately; it sucks you in from the start and doesn't let you go until it finishes, when you're exhilarated and exhausted. It's a fascinating, easy-to-read thriller with short chapters that tell us about the events surrounding the timeframe after Zoe's concert, but also going back into the past via flashbacks from the characters. We hear from Zoe, her aunt, Tessa, Tessa's husband, Richard, and Sam, Zoe's lawyer from her "previous" life. Their narratives weave flawlessly into a tense and sometimes psychologically creepy tale that has you sitting spellbound, turning pages frantically, wanting to know what happens.

In theory, the action happens over a very short period of time, as Maria's killer is unveiled, but the ability to go into the past with the characters extends the time and makes you tensely await each action. Macmillan's characters are nuanced and deep--each with their own quirks, flaws, and motivations. Beyond the actual plotline of murder, there is a deep thread of discord and familial drama and angst running among our characters, who are certainly a flawed bunch. The book makes you question and ponder many things, including the topics of forgiveness, loyalty, marriage, and what really makes a family. I won't forget either the exciting story or the characters themselves for some time.

Overall, while there were certainly a few things to quibble with with this one, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a tense but enjoyable thriller to escape into and certainly well worth the thread.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and Librarything (thank you)!

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Carefully Everywhere Descending
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Audrey Anderson is a bright student from a low income family. Audrey spends most of her time focused on school, with college as her ultimate goal. While she's close to her best friend, she isn't that involved with other kids at her school. However, when one of the most popular (and beautiful) girls in school, Scarlett, asks Audrey to tutor her in English, Audrey finds herself caught up in the typical drama of high school - friendship, prom, etc.

Okay, first of all, I probably bumped up this rating a bit because it was just so refreshing to read a YA LGBT novel with a nice, normal protagonist who seemed real. Most of Audrey's friends and family seem fine with her sexuality and other girls at her school go to prom together. It's wonderful to see a LGBT book where the character's sexuality is just part of her life, versus what drives the entire plot.

The book also does a good job of portraying Audrey and Scarlett's romance - Audrey's unrequited love for Scarlett seemed a bit much at first, but remembering back to the angst of teen love, it seemed right on point.

My problem with this book was some of its odd plot twists, which really didn't seem necessary. I won't spoil the book here, but I think Bedford could have stuck with Audrey and Scarlett's love story and been just fine. That being said, I didn't think they were that crazy or out of left field. I found Audrey to be a compelling and realistic character and it was great to see an author use a YA protagonist from a low income background, even if it did seem a bit overused at times. Too often these books focus on the popular kids, driving their parents' cars and living life without a care in the world. Audrey's life is probably far more realistic for many.

Frankly, the book had some holes and issues, but it was still worth the read for its portrayal of a real YA lesbian relationship and Audrey's overall situation. I enjoyed her character and read the entire book in one day - I'll certainly be recommending it to several of my friends.

(I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.)
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
2010 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
The beautiful people of Forks, Washington, are back in the latest installment of the Twilight saga. This time around there’s a little bit more story and a lot more action. Still, not nearly enough of either to make this movie compelling for anyone but diehard fans. Oh, I’m sorry..Twi-hard fans.

Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swann (Kirsten Stewart) are reunited and still very much in love, to the brokenhearted dismay of Jacob Black (Tayor Lautner). As Edward and Bella prepare for graduation and contemplate marriage, Victoria, a vengeful vampire now played by Brice Howard, is creating an army to destroy Bella and the Cullen family. Because of this, the Cullen and the werewolves form an uneasy alliance to keep Bella from harm. Bella finds herself struggling with her desire to be with Edward and have him “change” her and her feelings for Jacob. Not your typical teenage angst, but in Bella’s world of vampires and werewolves, these are actually the least of her worries.

Directed by David Slade, of Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night, Eclipse at least makes attempts to flesh out the supporting characters, which helped keep the movie interesting because, honestly, if it just focused on the love triangle of Edward, Bella and Jacob, it would have felt interminably slower. While Pattinson, Stewart and Lautner play tortured, awkward and earnest well, they play it too much. Thank goodness for Chief Swan, portrayed with perfect unease by Billy Burke and the stories of Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) and Rosalie (Nikki Reed) and the first Quileute werewolves.

When there was action, it was fast and furious and and when there was humor it was usually when Jacob was around, but I’m sure there were a couple of funny lines that were missed because of the collective sighs and moans the predominantly female audience emitted every time Jacob graced the screen in all his shirtless splendor. A slowly paced tale that picks up speed towards the end, Eclipse is definitely easier to watch than the previous two movies. While no true Twi-hard will care what critics say about the movie, if you’re on the fence about watching this movie, stay on it, especially if you haven’t read the series or watched the previoius two.

Midge (525 KP) rated Whatever It Takes in Books

Jan 22, 2019  
Whatever It Takes
Whatever It Takes
Leigh Fleming | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautifully compelling (1 more)
Strong and confident main character
Captivating and Engaging
"Whatever It Takes" is a beautifully compelling story that has a bit of everything. From drama, romance and conflict, to joy and sorrow, there is really something for everyone.

It is a contemporary fiction and romance novel set in Highland Springs, West Virginia, a wonderfully scenic, American small town with a close-knit community.

What’s really likeable about it straight-away are the opening chapters that draw you straight into the main character, Darla Jean Heartwood. She is a strong, confident, very successful businesswoman, however, she is also emotional and impulsive. You feel instantly on her side, particularly in her initial dealings with Jason Byrne the handsome fellow who has been following her. You can immediately sense there is something going on, and one of the highlights of the book is following how that relationship develops. The handsome, charismatic, distinguished, silver fox Jason is, at first, hard to work out but you gradually get to know him as the story unfolds and see that he has many surprising qualities.

Darla has kept a family secret for eighteen years until she receives an unwanted telephone call. Family relationships are put to the test when she decides to correct some of her past decisions, for her daughter, Meghan, the man she loves, and also herself. She will let nothing stand in her way to expose the high-profile Governor, a man who took away her innocence and brought great angst to her life for years.

Both the plot and the character development are excellent, and the story-line is very believable. The story is also both captivating and engaging. It held my interest from start to finish, and I found myself rooting for Darla as she showed extremes of courage in confronting her challenges.

The writing style is very easy to read and it’s an interesting novel particularly for the interplay of the different characters - a wacky and psychic aunty, a loud and pushy cousin and a large group of girlfriends. Plenty of romantic ups and downs along the way and plenty of surprises. I loved it!

I highly recommend this book and suggest wholeheartedly that you add it to your booklist.

Thank you to Hidden Gems for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.
B is for Beg (The Alphabet of Desire #2)
B is for Beg (The Alphabet of Desire #2)
Colette Davison | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
best of the three, loved this one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Alphabet of Desire series. Its not necessary to read book 1, A is for Aftercare, before this one. All three books run concurrently. I didn't know this going in! I'm also writing my review for this book after I've read C is for Comfort.

I think this is my favourite of the three!

Why?? Mostly, not because of Blake, but because of Gabe and Calvin and how THEIR relationship develops! Because until Blake, they did not think that way about each other. I mean, why would they? 2 Doms could never have any sort of meaningful relationship, could they? What surprised them both, and me, I think, was how quickly they settled into their new roles. Gabe as Blake's Daddy, and Calvin as his Dom.

Because Gabe and Calvin are SO different, they offer Blake a different touch, a differnt type of care, and Blake needs that. When some things are revealed, the dynamic changes slightly, but for the better.

I LOVED that Gabe calls Blake baby boy and Calvin calls him princess. It shows the difference in the way their dominance displays itself. Loved that both Doms loved that Blake liked pretty things!

The books are billed as low angst, but I found, mostly due to Blake's parents, and how they treat him compared to his brothers, this was the most angsty of the three.

But oh so steamy! Obviously, the steamiest since there are 3 of them, but there are scenes with just 2 of the three, in all combinations, and I really liked that those scenes were there. They were NEEDED I think, to cement the relationship between the pairings as well as the trio.

One thing I will say. There are some repeated conversations across all three books. When I realised that first, I was worried that there would be a lot of them but there aren't. Maybe one or two for each main character in each book. But after reading them, it's important to get the other half/third of these conversations. VERY important. So don't pass these books over because of that!

As I said, my favourite of the three, so . . .

5 full and pretty stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Crushed Ice (Hockey Ever After #4)
Crushed Ice (Hockey Ever After #4)
Morgan James, Ashlyn Kane | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Russ fell for Liam, but hadn't been able to put a name to the feelings.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Hockey Ever After series. I have only read book 1 and 2, and missed book 3. It's not necessary to read those books before this one. Dante and Gabe play a part here (from book 1) but neither Ryan and Nico (book 2) or Max and Grady (book 3) play a part except there is a wedding.

I really liked book 1 and I loved book 2. I can't say I loved this one, but I did, for the most part, enjoy this. It was great to catch up with Gabe and Dante!

Russ is already playing for the Caimans when Liam joins them. There is attraction, right from the start, but Russ is not fully out and Liam is his rookie. I loved how Liam set Russ off kilter. The one-liners from Baller made me chuckle. It gets the point across, that Russ fell for Liam but hadn't been able to put a name to the feelings.

It's on the sweeter side, and fairly low angst. There is an age gap, but not a massive one. It's emotional, though, in places, but I didn't get that sucker punch I got from book 2, Scoring Position. Steamy and smexy in palces, but fade to black in others and I did like that.

So, what didn't I like? There are detailed hockey match descriptions. I know, I KNOW this is a hockey romance, but books 1 and 2 didn't have the long descriptions of the matches like there are here. Or I don't think they did. I said in my review for book one, that I liked that book because there were not huge long descriptions of hockey matches. So, for ME, and I stress the ME, those matches that are here were too much for me. I'm a UK native, and ice hockey is not the massive sport it is on the North American continent.

Still, an enjoyable read, that was on a par with book one, but not book 2, which I gave the full 5 stars.

So, 4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere