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Wrigglezeus (511 KP) rated Anna and the Apocalypse (2018) in Movies

May 19, 2020 (Updated May 19, 2020)  
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror, Musical
Zombie Musical
As a zombie movie, it actually had me gripped considering it’s a low budget, and that a musical. The song choices start off cringe, however as the apocalypse ensued and the survivors went around, the development of the story and the musical improved. One song “soldier of war” was in my head for weeks.

Taking out the musical, as a zombie movie it could be considered a fairly decent zombie flick, whereby half way through I started to feel for the characters. Corny, wacky and not too serious, definitely a movie that needs to be watched by zombie and musical lovers alike.

InfernalNinja (49 KP) rated Posthuman in Tabletop Games

Jun 9, 2020 (Updated Jun 9, 2020)  
2015 | Adventure, Dice Game, Exploration, Fighting, Science Fiction
Modular board means the map is very rarely the same from session to session (2 more)
Lose too many zombie encounters, and you could turn into one, pitting you against the other players
Intuitive inventory management system will feel familiar to video gamers
Kind of weird board mechanics, where each player has their own localized board, plus the overall progress tracker. (0 more)
Zombie apocalypse simulator!
Feels like you're in a zombie movie! Mismanage your inventory, you might not have anything useful when the time comes. Choose not to eat too many times, you could starve. Lose too many zombie encounters, and you could become one, dramatically changing your win condition!

Rachel (2 KP) rated Supernatural in TV

Nov 6, 2017 (Updated Nov 6, 2017)  
2005 | Drama
The best of the fantasy horror shows on TV!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Better special effects than True Blood, this show is the new and better Buffy, that uses actual folklore in adding to the creativity of the Supernatural created universe, unlike its predecessor who relied on created folklore to fill in plot holes. The later seasons have their ups and downs in terms of new humor and repetitiveness, but it is well worth the journey!

An episode to highlight would be when Sam and Dean face off against Famine, one of the four horses of the apocalypse.

Grab a canister of Morton Salt, a piece of pie and a blanket to snuggle in and enjoy the inside jokes!

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The List in Books

Nov 9, 2017 (Updated Nov 9, 2017)  
The List
The List
Patricia Forde | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quite a few plot holes, not very developed writing style
I enjoyed the concept of mixing both an apocalyptic scenario with a dystopian fiction, such as a cross between the Hunger Games and High Rise, however, I thought it fell short in many ways. The context was not particularly developed as we had little understanding of what really happened before and after the Melting. The idea of language as a weapon pre-apocalypse was also not very clear. There was a wild amount of movement and action that was also not fully formed, so it made it difficult to envisage the characters travelling from A to B. Overall, a great, relevant and contemporary topic with a few descriptive flaws.
Last Day on Earth: Survival
Last Day on Earth: Survival
8.5 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
It's easy to play (1 more)
You can dip in and out of it easily
To get further in the game, it is sometimes particular hard to find the correct parts/complete certain missions (0 more)
Realistic zombie apocalypse game
I love this game! It's easy to play and dip in and out of with new stuff constantly being added. You can play as minimal as you like; you can focus on surviving and building up your base or instead raid other bases and create a clan. I also love how realistic it is - if you chop a lot of wood for example sometimes it can make you sweaty. If you don't get to a shower soon, then zombies will smell your sweat!

Erika (17788 KP) rated Emma (2020) in Movies

Mar 21, 2020  
Emma (2020)
Emma (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
This adaptation of Emma was pretty entertaining, and the costumes were absolutely gorgeous. I love most adaptations of Austen's work, as long as they respect the source material. I really loved the cast, and it did make me chuckle once or twice out loud.
One this that hurt this film for me was the fact that @Emma (1996) was better. If you don't compare the two, you'll probably enjoy it more.
I definitely want to see it again, but since the corona and lime sniffles apocalypse shut the theaters down, I'll be unable to. Yes, it is available to stream, but why pay to stream when I have a Regal Unlimited membership?

Nick Cave recommended Here I am in Books (curated)

Here I am
Here I am
Jonathan Safran Foer | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"“I fled through Jonathan Safran Foer’s Here I Am and halfway through I was in tears and again a bit further on, more tears – as a father, as a son and as a husband. The last book that did this was Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and in some way this book is not dissimilar – there is a family in crisis and there is an apocalypse – but The Road is all darkness with brief spasms of light, and although Here I Am is also a deeply melancholy book about a doomed family, it is wickedly funny, so that you are laughing too, as it all goes to hell. A book with an enormous and furious heart. I loved it.” -NC"

The Black Chalice (Revelations 1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
89 of 235
The Black Chalice (Revelations 1)
By Lauretta Hignett

A cursed woman, destined to bring about the apocalypse. The obsessed zealot, determined to hunt and kill her.

And the demon who wants to save her.

It's the end of the world, but not as we know it.

Well that was different! I liked the concept the characters were actually likeable. Eve is definitely a breath of fresh air when it comes to female leads she’s funny without it being forced and her outlook on life is awesome. What’s more complicated than the end of the world? Throw a love that can never be in maybe.
Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)
2004 | Horror
7.0 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The first 10 or so minutes of Resident Evil: Apocalypse are quite good. Raccoon City in panic, Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira, a few mentions of this movies big bad - an adaption of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is something I am keen for. The whole set up isn't too bad, and then we get to a scene set in a church, Jill Valentine surrounded by Lickers, completely out of ammo, and then...
Like a drunken gym bro shouting and flexing his way through a bar of people just trying to have a nice evening, Alice (Milla Jovovich) comes crashing through the churches paned glass window on a motorcycle, sub machine gun in each hand, whilst shitty rock music starts blasting out of the screen, and I am once again abruptly reminded why I hate these films.

I just about prefer Apocalypse over the first movie, but only because of the Resi 3 vibe. I also think Nemesis looks pretty badass when he finally appears, and the whole thing just feels closer to the source material than before, but other than that I find it hard to get on board with.
For starters, the editing is all over the place, and director Alexander Witt seems hellbent on adding a weird choppy slow motion effect to any scenes involving mass zombies. Later on in the film, Alice and Nemesis engage in hand to hand combat (ridiculous) where there are so many edits, it's genuinely hard to make out what the fuck is happening, and results in a stupidly underwhelming climax. (Some googling revealed to me that Witt's only other directing credits are Land Rover commercials, so this kind of all makes sense).
On the subject of Nemesis, yeah he looks the part, but I remember playing Resi 3 as a kid and it scared the shit out of me, and that was all because of Nemesis. A big, lumbering, unstoppable beast who just wants nothing more than to kill you dead. In this movie, he's more inclined to take the side of the good guys, and is sometime known to be called by his real name, Matt. I know they had to follow through on the "stinger" from the first film but come on, I don't want to hear Nemesis refered to as Matt.

Other than that, everything else is just a bit predictable and meh. It's way more action orientated than horror, and all the set pieces are uninspired and ripped off from other movies. None of the side characters are particularly memorable (and not even surprise Iain Glen can fix that) and in terms of plot, nothing really happens until the last 5 minutes. I will give props to Sienna Guillory who plays Jill Valentine. She honestly feels like she's straight out of the game series, which would usually feel a bit silly, but when she's the best thing Apocalypse has going for it, then I welcome her inclusion with open arms.

In conclusion, Apocalypse is a forgettable film that has fleeting moments of entertainment value. Maybe worth a watch just the once if you're a fan of Resi 3...

TacoDave (3553 KP) rated Anna and the Apocalypse (2018) in Movies

Dec 10, 2018 (Updated Dec 10, 2018)  
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror, Musical
Acting (3 more)
One Song (0 more)
"Anna and the Apocalypse" is Fantasticly Strange
I didn't expect a lot when I saw "Anna and the Apocalypse" yesterday. I knew a little about it. I knew it was a Zombie/Christmas musical that was supposed to be "Shaun of the Dead Meets La La Land," and I knew it was popular at film festivals last year, but I didn't have any other real feel for what I was in for.

Luckily, I *loved* this movie. The first 30 minutes or so just follow several high schoolers as their school prepares for a Christmas performance. The way they randomly break into song, then look at each other weirdly when the song ends and continue with their day was amusing. The songwriting was great - the singing too! - and, except for one song, I wanted to own the soundtrack.

The rest of the movie follows a group of parents and students trapped in a school with zombies outside and, concurrently, a small group of high schoolers who are trying to make their way to the school to see if their loved ones are still alive. Heads explode. Bodies are mangled. People get bitten. And there is quite a bit of gore.

Yet, at the same time, the movie is light and hilarious. It walks a fine balance between horror/comedy/Christmas/musical, and succeeds almost completely.

If you like horror movies mixed with comedy and you are a fan of musicals, this one is a no-brainer. Pun intended.