ABC pour les Enfants: Apprenez le Français Gratuit Libre
Education and Games
Apprenez le Français, testez vos compétences et jouez avec plus de 180 mots, images et sons. "ABC...

Voice Recorder - free, simple recording app
Business and Productivity
Voice Recorder is a free recording app designed for simple operation. The app improves the...

Media Management: A Casebook Approach
C. Ann Hollifield, Jan LeBlanc Wicks, George Sylvie and Wilson Lowrey
Media Management: A Casebook Approach provides a detailed consideration of the manager's role in...
An Introduction to Applied Matrix Analysis
Xiao-Qing Jin and Seak-Weng Vong
It is well known that most problems in science and engineering eventually progress into matrix...
Computational Approaches in Physics
Computational Approaches in Physics reviews computational schemes which are used in the simulations...

Process Control: A Practical Approach
This expanded new edition is specifically designed to meet the needs of the process industry, and...