Equilibrium Problems and Applications
Equilibrium Problems and Applications develops a unified variational approach to deal with...

Exhibit Labels: An Interpretive Approach
Beverly Serrell presents the reader with excellent guidelines on the process of exhibit label...

Construction Economics: A New Approach
Construction Economics provides students with the principles underlying the relationship between...

In the Self's Place: The Approach of Saint Augustine
Jean-Luc Marion and Jeffrey L. Kosky
In the Self's Place is an original phenomenological reading of Augustine that considers his...

Discrete Mathematics and Applications
This book is intended for a one-semester course in discrete mathematics. Such a course is typically...

Seismic Inversion: Theory and Applications
Wiley and Yanghua Wang
Seismic inversion aims to reconstruct a quantitative model of the Earth subsurface, by solving an...

Applied State Estimation and Association
Chaw-Bing Chang and Keh-Ping Dunn
Applied state estimation and association is an important area for practicing engineers in aerospace,...

Gurdjieff's Teaching: An Approach to Inner Work
An Approach to Inner Work. Facilitated by Jason Stern