Course for iOS App Dev 101
Education and Reference
Creating iPhone and iPad apps can be very rewarding. But before you start writing code you need a...

App Secret
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Applied Cyberpsychology: Practical Applications of Cyberpsychological Theory and Research: 2016
Cyberpsychology is an emerging area of psychological study that aims to understand and explain all...

Lightfoot of Durham: Memories and Appreciations
George R. Eden and F.C. Macdonald
Originally published in 1932, this book presents a series of memories and appreciations of the...

Kalman Filtering: With Real-Time Applications
Charles K. Chui and Guanrong Chen
This new edition presents a thorough discussion of the mathematical theory and computational schemes...

Architecture in Black: Theory, Space and Appearance
Based on analysis of historical, philosophical, and semiotic texts, Architecture in Black presents a...

Advanced Ceramic Membranes and Applications
This book provides a balanced blend of fundamental concepts of fabrication, characterization of...

Applied Process Control: Essential Methods
Focusing on the practical implementation of the methods of process modelling and control, this book...