Neurology for the Hospitalist: A Practical Approach
David J. Likosky, S. Andrew Josephson, Michael Joseph Pistoria and William D. Freeman
Neurology for the Hospitalist is a concise and eminently practical resource for inpatient...

Prevention in Mental Health Care: Time for a New Approach
Prevention in Mental Health Care: Time for a new approach focuses on the limitations in current...
Rectal Cancer: Modern Approaches to Treatment: 2017
Rectal Cancer: Modern Approaches to Treatment provides a useful overview of the multidisciplinary...

Grazing: A Healthier Approach to Snacks and Finger Foods
Eating smaller meals and snacks over the course of the day has become a popular eating pattern. The...

Debating Judicial Appointments in an Age of Diversity
What should be the primary goals of a judicial appointments system, and how much weight should be...

Resource Recovery to Approach Zero Municipal Waste
Mohammad J. Taherzadeh and Tobias Richards
Current development results in a linear flow from raw material to waste, which cannot be sustainable...
Role-Playing Game Studies: A Transmedial Approach
Sebastian Deterding and Jose Zagal
This collection offers readers a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, international, and transmedia...
Arts and Crafts in Waldorf Schools: An Integrated Approach
Arts and crafts are a core part of the Steiner-Waldorf curriculum, helping children to develop...

Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone
The enthusiasm behind Node doesn't just reflect the promise of server-side JavaScript. Developers...