Directing and Producing for Television: A Format Approach
Directing and Producing for Television provides essential tools required to direct and produce...
Applied Ecology: Monitoring, Managing and Conserving
We live in a complex and dynamic world. Understanding how to monitor, manage and conserve species...

Slither (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #11)
"My name is Slither, and before my tale is finished you'll find out why." The dark is full of...
Modern NMR Approaches to the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products: Volume 2: Data Acquisition and Applications to Compound Classes
Antony Williams, Gary Martin, David Rovnyak and Kirk Gustafson
The Ghanian plant Cryptolepis sanguinolenta is the source of a series of fascinating indoloquinoline...

The Mindfulness App
Health & Fitness and Lifestyle
Start your journey to a more relaxed and healthier state of mind with The Mindfulness App. Whether...

mytaxi - The Taxi App
Travel and Navigation
Order a taxi now or book in advance through Europe’s largest taxi app – with one simple tap!...