The Great Photo App
Photo & Video and Education
Photo academy in your pocket! The basics of photography for beginners and useful tools for...
The Life, Music and Thought of Woody Guthrie: A Critical Appraisal
Woodrow Wilson Guthrie (1912-67) has had an immense impact on popular culture throughout the world....

Global Dynamics: Approaches from Complexity Science
A world model: economies, trade, migration, security and development aid. This bookprovides the...

Coping with Risk in Agriculture: Applied Decision Analysis
Jock R. Anderson and Ruud B. M. Huirne
Risk and uncertainty are inescapable factors in agriculture which require careful management....

On Sport and the Philosophy of Sport: A Wittgensteinian Approach
What is the 'philosophy of sport'? What does one do to count as a practitioner in the philosophy of...
Social Research in Health and Illness: Case-Based Approaches
Constantinos N. Phellas and Costas S. Constantinou
Social Research Methods in Health and Illness offers a theoretically informed guide to practising...

Differential Equations: Methods and Applications: 2015
This book presents a variety of techniques for solving ordinary differential equations analytically...

Graphene in Spintronics: Fundamentals and Applications
Junichiro Inoue, Ai Yamakage and Syuta Honda
The discovery and fabrication of new materials have opened the gate for new research fields in...

Markov Decision Processes with Applications to Finance
Ulrich Rieder and Nicole Bauerle
The theory of Markov decision processes focuses on controlled Markov chains in discrete time. The...