Savage Appetites: Four True Stories of Women, Crime, and Obsession
A provocative and original investigation of our cultural fascination with crime, linking four...

Apprenez l'arabe à votre rythme avec Sm@rt Arabic: Français - Arabe
Education and Travel
**-20%** Sm@rt Arabic: Apprendre l'arabe en toute simplicité, rapidité et efficacité. Sm@rt...

Revenge of the Witch (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #1)
For years, Old Gregory has been the Spook for the county, ridding the local villages of evil. Now...

Rise of the Huntress (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #7)
The Spook and his apprentice, Thomas Ward, have returned to the county after a long journey and a...

Clash of the Demons (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #6)
"You can't make alliances with witches and suchlike and hope to avoid being drawn toward the dark." ...

Foundation iPhone App Development: Build an iPhone App in 5 Days with iOS 6 SDK
Taking a hands-on learning approach, Foundation iPhone App Development: Build An iPhone App in 5...