Periparturient Diseases of Dairy Cows: A Systems Biology Approach
This book summarizes the results achieved so far by application of various systems biology sciences...
Reconstructing Identity: A Transdisciplinary Approach: 2017
Nicholas Monk and Mia Lindgren
This book examines the notion of identity through a multitude of interdisciplinary approaches. It...

Anxiety and Personality: The Concept of a Directing Object and Its Applications
The concept of a "directing object" is based on extensive clinical observations linked to a...

The Energetic Performer: An Integrated Approach to Acting for Stage and Screen
A new approach to actor training by a senior teacher, this illustrated manual shows how to use the...

Satellite Soil Moisture Retrieval: Techniques and Applications
Prashant Srivastava, George P. Petropoulos and Y.H. Kerr
Satellite Soil Moisture Retrieval: Techniques and Applications offers readers a better understanding...

Your Strategy Needs a Strategy: How to Choose and Execute the Right Approach
Martin Reeves, Knut Haanaes and Janmejaya Sinha
You think you have a winning strategy. But do you? Executives are bombarded with bestselling ideas...

Hodder Comprehension: An Integrated, Skills-based Approach Book 6: Book 6
Gladys Morgan, Sharon Hales, Janice Cunningham and Daphne Paizee
This really beautiful book will provide all you need to teach the full range of comprehension skills...

Introduction to Probability with Statistical Applications: 2016
Now in its second edition, this textbook serves as an introduction to probability and statistics for...
The Data Team(Tm) Procedure: A Systematic Approach to School Improvement
Kim Schildkamp and Maaike Smit
This book describes the Data Team Procedure: a method for data-based decision making that can help...