The Winning Brief: 100 Tips for Persuasive Briefing in Trial and Appellate Courts
It its first two editions The Winning Brief explained the art of effective writing in 100 concise,...
Japanese Mythology in Film: A Semiotic Approach to Reading Japanese Film and Anime
A cyborg detective hunts for a malfunctioning sex doll that turns itself into a killing machine. A...

Sustainability Through Soccer: An Unexpected Approach to Saving Our World
In the quest for sustainability, we strive to meet our present needs without sacrificing the same...

Socks: The Rule Book: 10 Essential Rules for the Wearing and Appreciation of Men's Hosiery
Socks. They are a serious business. Socks are the glue that binds an outfit together, the telling...

Social Network Analysis: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Case Studies
Xiaoming Fu, Luo Jar-Der and Margarete Boos
The book addresses the issue of interdisciplinary understanding of collaboration on the topic of...

State-Space Methods for Time Series Analysis: Theory, Applications and Software
Jose Manuel Carro Casals, Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux, Miguel Jerez and Sonia Sotoca
The state-space approach provides a formal framework where any result or procedure developed for a...

The Development of African Capital Markets: A Legal and Institutional Approach
Most capital markets that have been established in developing economies like Africa have struggled...
Towards Human Development: New Approaches to Macroeconomics and Inequality
Giovanni Andrea Cornia and Frances Stewart
Human Development is widely recognised as the overriding goal of development, yet its realization is...

Accelerated GWT: Building Enterprise Google Web Toolkit Applications
Ajax is a web development technique that takes advantage of JavaScript to display and interact...