The Appreciation of Film: The Postwar Film Society Movement and Film Culture in Britain
This book offers the first full account of the film society movement in Britain and its contribution...

The Politics of Sacred Rhetoric: Absolutist Appeals & Political Persuasion
Revealing what lies behind much contemporary political rhetoric, Morgan Marietta shows that the...

Approved Document Regulation 7: Materials and Workmanship (for Use in England): 2013
Effective 1 July 2013. This edition is updated in the light of the European Construction Products...

Lessons in Masterful Portrait Drawing: A Classical Approach to Drawing the Head
Mau-Kun Yim and Iris Yim
Draw the best portraits with form and spirit. Drawing techniques from a master! Mau-Kun Yim learned...
Student Workbook to Accompany Crisis Communications: A Casebook Approach
No company, organization, or individual whose livelihood depends on public reaction can afford to...
The Economic Foundations of Risk Management: Theory, Practice, and Applications
The Economic Foundations of Risk Management presents the theory, the practice, and applies this...

Value Management in Construction and Real Estate: Methodology and Applications
Geoffrey Q. P. Shen and Ann T. W. Yu
This cutting edge study explores alternative methods and tools to obtain value for money while...
Wages, Bonuses and Appropriation of Profit in the Financial Industry: The Working Rich
The present financial crisis led the whole world to ask questions of the financial industry. Why are...

An Introduction to Statistics with Python: With Applications in the Life Sciences: 2016
This textbook provides an introduction to the free software Python and its use for statistical data...