Ecological Approaches to Early Modern English Texts: A Field Guide to Reading and Teaching
Jennifer Munroe, Edward J. Geisweidt and Lynne Bruckner
Ecocriticism has steadily gained footing within the larger arena of early modern scholarship, and...

Engineering Systems Reliability, Safety, and Maintenance: An Integrated Approach
Today, engineering systems are an important element of the world economy and each year billions of...

Executive Burnout: Eastern and Western Concepts, Models and Approaches for Mitigation
Radha R. Sharma and Cary L. Cooper
Never before has the world witnessed the phenomenon of severe stress and burnout on such a large...

Global Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Through the examination of culture in information systems, IT in developing countries, global...

Business Continuity from Preparedness to Recovery: A Standards-Based Approach
Business Continuity from Preparedness to Recovery: A Standards-Based Approach details the process...

Clean Energy for Sustainable Development: Comparisons and Contrasts of New Approaches
Abul Azad, Subhash Sharma and Mohammad Rasul
Clean Energy for Sustainable Development: Comparisons and Contrasts of New Approaches presents...

How to Value Shares and Outperform the Market: A Simple, New and Effective Approach to Value Investing
The simplest way to make money in the stock market is to buy shares when they are cheap and make...
Intercultural Knowledge Sharing in MNCs: A Glocal and Inclusive Approach in the Digital Age: 2017
This book provides a systematic view of current and future research perspectives on intercultural...

Construction and Demolition Waste Management: An Integrated and Sustainable Approach
Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW), from the construction, maintenance, renovation and...