Electroporation-based Therapies for Cancer: From Basics to Clinical Applications
Electroporation-Based Therapies for Cancer reviews electroporation-based clinical studies in...
Endonasal Endoscopic Surgery of Skull Base Tumors: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Ricardo L. Carrau, Ulrike Bockmuehl, Amin B. Kassam and Peter Vajkoczy
Overall, the book reads very well, and it's a timely contribution highlighting a team-based approach...

Handbook of Full-Field Optical Coherence Microscopy: Technology and Applications
Full-field optical coherence microscopy (FF-OCM) is an imaging technique that provides...
Interpreting Epidemiologic Evidence: Connecting Research to Applications
David A. Savitz and Gregory A. Wellenius
Epidemiology, the so-called "science of public health," has undergone a boom in the last decade as...

Neonatal Nursing Care Handbook: An Evidence-Based Approach to Conditions and Procedures
Carole Kenner and Judy Wright Lott
Neonatal nurses face an ever-changing practice landscape that requires swift decisions and actions....
Regenerative Engineering and Developmental Biology: Principles and Applications
This cutting-edge comprehensive reference work details the technologies related to cell structure in...

Respiratory Diseases of the Horse: A Problem-oriented Approach to Diagnosis and Management
Laurent L. Couetil and Jan F. Hawkins
The authors provide a problem-oriented approach to the assessment and management of respiratory...

Working with Children and Adolescents in Residential Care: A Strengths-Based Approach
Working with Children and Adolescents in Residential Care: A Strengths-Based Approach is written for...

Human Rights Between Law and Politics: The Margin of Appreciation in Post-National Contexts
This book analyses human rights in post-national contexts and demonstrates, through the case law of...
The Intellectual Property Holding Company: Tax Use and Abuse from Victoria's Secret to Apple
Jeffrey A Maine and Xuan-Thao Nguyen
Many companies that have become household names have avoided billions in taxes by 'parking' their...