A Critical Approach to International Water Management Trends: Policy and Practice: 2017
This edited volume provides a critical discussion of particular trends that are widely recognised to...

Edward Hopper d’une fenêtre à l’autre. L’application de l’exposition du Grand Palais, Paris.
Lifestyle and Education
● Un parcours arborescent dans l'univers de Hopper ● ● Plus de 300 images d'une qualité...

Agroecology: A Transdisciplinary, Participatory and Action-Oriented Approach
Stephen R. Gliessman, V. Ernesto Mendez, Christopher M. Bacon and Roseann Cohen
Agroecology: A Transdisciplinary, Participatory and Action-oriented Approach is the first book to...

Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe
Jadwiga R. Ziolkowska and Jeffrey M. Peterson
Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the U.S. and Europe...

Energy Sources: Fundamentals of Chemical Conversion Processes and Applications
Energy Sources: Fundamentals of Chemical Conversion Processes and Applications provides the latest...
Institutional Capacity for Climate Change Response: A New Approach to Climate Politics
Theresa Birgitta Bronnum Scavenius and Steve Rayner
In a period of rapid climate change and climate governance failures, it is quintessential to...

Vertical Integration and Technological Innovation: A Transaction Cost Approach
Originally published in 1994 this volume investigates the relationship between a firm's decision to...

Vrais appels et sons pour chasse à l’orignal - (Annonce gratuit) COMPATIBLE AVEC BLUETOOTH
Sports and Games
Vous voulez de vrais appels et sons pour la chasse à l’orignal ? L’application « Vrais appels...