Probabilistic Diophantine Approximation: Randomness in Lattice Point Counting
This book gives a comprehensive treatment of random phenomena and distribution results in...

Process Modeling, Simulation, and Environmental Applications in Chemical Engineering
Bharat A. Bhanvase and Rajendra P. Ugwekar
In this valuable volume, new and original research on various topics on chemical engineering and...

Structural Characterization Techniques: Advances and Applications in Clean Energy
This book presents state-of-the-art contributions related to advanced structural characterization...

Tailoring of Nanocomposite Dielectrics: From Fundamentals to Devices and Applications
Toshikatsu Tanaka and Alun S. Vaughan
This book illustrates interfacial properties, preparation, characterization, devices, and...

Imray Chart Y18: The River Medway and Approaches - Sheerness to Rochester and River Thames Sea Reach
Includes inset of River Thames Sea Reach (1:55 000) Plans included: Whitton Marine (1:6000) Port...

Optical Code Division Multiple Access Communication Networks: Theory and Applications
Hongxi Yin and David J. Richardson
Optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) communication network technology will play an...

Sustainable Development in Mechanical Engineering: Case Studies in Applied Mechanics
Sylvie Nadeau, Yvan Petit, Stephanie Halle and Francois Morency
Owing to their specialized training, engineers play a crucial role in the design and development of...

Alan Wallace Fall 2012 Retreat Podcast: Vipashyana, Four Applications of Mindfulness
Shamatha and Four Application of Mindfulness eight-week retreat by Alan Wallace at Thanyapura Mind...

Common Liver Diseases and Transplantation: An Algorithmic Approach to Work Up and Management
Common Liver Diseases and Transplantation: An Algorithmic Approach to Work Up and Management...