Passionate Readers: The Art of Reaching and Engaging Every Child
How do we inspire students to love reading and discovery? In Passionate Readers: The Art of Reaching...

Paint On Photo Free - Draw on Photo With socrative Art Studio Editor
Photo & Video and Entertainment
Have you ever needed to paint on one of your photos? Drawing funny faces on your friends, this app...

Sexual Personae: Art And Decadence From Nefreititi To Emily Dickinson
Here is the fiery, provocative, and unparalleled work of feminist art criticism that launched...
The Art of Drawing Folds: An Illustrator's Guide to Drawing the Clothed Figure
From Renaissance fresco painters to contemporary comic book artists, the ability to draw clothed...

Discover Art with Katie: A National Gallery Sticker Activity Book
Discover London's National Gallery with Katie - the star of James Mayhew's Katie books - in this...

Almost Nothing: Observations on Precarious Practices in Contemporary Art
Anna Dezeuze, Marsha Meskimmon and Amelia Jones
What does an assemblage made out of crumpled newspaper have in common with an empty room in which...

Rock Art Through Time: Scanian Rock Carvings in the Bronze Age and Earliest Iron Age
As in many other areas in south Scandinavia, the region surrounding the city of Simrishamn in...

Immanence and Immersion: On the Acoustic Condition in Contemporary Art
Immersion is the new orthodoxy. Within the production, curation and critique of sound art, as well...