Artists' Houses
Marc Walter, Gerard-Georges Lemaire, Henri-Frederic Amiel and Jean-Claude Amiel
"Artists Houses" offers readers the unprecedented opportunity to turn the key and enter the private...

Sir Edward Lutyens: The Arts and Crafts Houses
Sir Edwin Lutyens is widely regarded as one of Britain's greatest architects. In a career of more...

Art House: The Collaboration of Chara Schreyer & Gary Hutton
Leading art collector Chara Schreyer's forty-year collaboration with interior designer Gary Hutton...
Robert Adam: Country House Design, Decoration, and the Art of Elegance
Jeremy Musson, Paul Barker and Simon Jenkins
This beautifully produced book celebrates the work of Robert Adam, the great eighteenth-century...

Go Film Magazine - Art House Cinema & Award Winning Movies On The Go
Entertainment and Magazines & Newspapers
Go Film Magazine Brings You The Best Short Films From Around The World Straight To Your iPad and...