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Smoke & Mirrors (THIRDS #7)
Smoke & Mirrors (THIRDS #7)
Charlie Cochet | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Smoke & Mirrors (THIRDS #7) by Charlie Cochet
O.M.G.!!! If you are going to read Smoke and Mirrors, and you've followed the series so far, then be prepared for an emotional ride. Seriously, I think I have shed more tears during this part of the story than for any other instalment! The feels, people, the feels! Sloane and Dex have had a tumultuous relationship but things seem to have calmed down. Unfortunately, you know that with all the secrets that are coming out, that things will definitely rock the boat.

This book is simply amazing, with classic Dexisms throughout (I loved his conversation with Hudson!), but at the same time, absolutely heartbreaking. This book holds the answers to some questions that Dex hadn't even allowed himself to ask. Time moves on, but hurt can remain. So many things I want to talk about, but I don't want to ruin the surprise for anyone else, so instead, I will just say that this book is simply outstanding, and I loved every moment - even if my eyes are now red-rimmed!

Exceedingly well written once again, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. Definitely recommended by me, as well a box of tissues! If you're anything like me, you're going to need them!

* Verified Purchase ~ April 2017 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Haka Ever After (The Sin Bin #7)
Haka Ever After (The Sin Bin #7)
Dahlia Donovan | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
a really fitting end!
There comes along, once in a rare while, a book that leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzie inside. A book that is far too stinking cute for its own good. A book that wraps up an ENTIRE series in so few pages. A book that is simply, brilliant.

This is book 7 in the Sin Bin series, and if you are just coming across this book, you should at the very LEAST read book two, The Caretaker, which is where Freddie and Taine meet. You should read them all, though!

Taine plucks up the courage to ask Freddie to marry him, but first he asks for Freddie's fathers permission. Since their first meeting wasn't exactly a tea party, Taine has reservations they won't chop him up and hide the pieces! But the fathers surprise him, and then Taine has to actually propose.

The proposal delivers, for me, the best line of the book!

Freddie asks, "why marriage?" Taine replies, "When they write our story after we're gone, it should read that I loved you more than anything else in the world. More than rugby. More than you love cheese. I want our names connected - intertwined. Legally. So no knobdobbers can claim I wasn't dedicated to you. So, will you marry me?"

The wedding plans are amusing, with all the previous characters taking part. So you can imagine what they all get up to! There is, of course, some messing about with food, cos ya'll know Ms Donovan's boys like to play with their food!

Bit that made me cry?? When all of Taine's rugby team mates perform the Haka at the wedding. That bit made me cry more that what happened on the honeymoon!

It's always sad to see a series end, but what a way to go!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Fahrenheit 501
Fahrenheit 501
Diane Vallere | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are Jeans a Motive for Murder?
When Samantha Kidd is asked to join a secret fashion society, she is surprised to even hear about it. Her initial interview is cut short when she finds the dead body of an older member buried under a pile of jeans. While not officially a part of the society yet, Samantha still has the connections to ask around. Can she piece together who the killer is?

I’ll admit, the society in this book seemed like a stretch to me, but then again, I have some odd hobbies, so who am I to say anything. Besides, it sets up another fun mystery with plenty of twists to keep the reader engaged. There was one aspect of the plot that was needlessly confusing early on, but it starts to be more consistent the further into the book we go. And the plot came together for a logical climax. In addition to the regulars, a couple of characters we haven’t seen in a while pop back up here, and I enjoyed seeing them again. We also get the usual laughs, which are always a delight. Fans will be pleased with this addition to the series.
No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith by Motorhead
No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith by Motorhead
1981 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When I first this record I thought, ""What's wrong with the singer's voice?"" The second time I heard it I thought, ""Fuck, that guy looks like he's a savage killer!"" By the third time I'd heard it and seen the video, I thought, ""I like these guys…"" You need the right amount of exposure to these kinds of possibilities. People have certain prejudices against certain bands based on how they look but unless you're open-minded, you never know what you're missing out on. On top of the actual music, Motörhead embodied a lifestyle too. If you looked at Phil 'Philthy Animal' Taylor, may his soul rest in peace, he looked like a punk. He was the embodiment of cool. The only other guy who ever had that for me was when Chris Cornell had long hair! You just thought, ""That guy has got it going on."" Looking at Lemmy, who looked like a badass biker, and then Fast Eddie's darkness, Motörhead was all so cool. People ask me so often to comment on Lemmy's death and I always try to switch it to a comment on his life. How about we celebrate his existence? I saw a picture of him the other day and I found myself just staring and missing him a lot. Lemmy never hurt anyone or anything as far as I know. He never had to back up that dangerous attitude with anything else, like some of the things you're seeing on the internet just now with people shouting offensive things from the stage. That's an interesting breed of frontman and Lemmy was never like that. He knew who he was. It's hard when you can't understand when someone you know is gone. They're here, then they're gone and it's final. One of the most important lessons in that is to love people that are important to you and just be nice to people. You never know how long they'll be around."

Forever This Time (Heartbreaker #1)
Forever This Time (Heartbreaker #1)
Ana Jolene | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
While everything was dealt with in a sympathetic manner, it all needed to be MORE.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is set in Moonrise Beach, a series by this author, and Ash and Shay are part of that series, but this is their story. I have not read that series, and I do not feel I missed anything for not doing.

This is one of those reviews that will be hard to write. I'm not sure I liked this book, but can't figure out why!

So, I'll comment on what I did like and maybe it will come to me? Let's try.

It's fairly well written, from both Ash and Shay's point of view. Greyson also gets a chapter, he is Ash's best friend, and is married to Dacey, Shay's best friend but I'm not entirely sure what the point of HIS chapter was?

It moves along steadily. The pace of the story and the way Ash and Shay build their relationship moves along nicely, neither want to rush into anything and spoil their friendship.

I felt some of the things that had happened to Shay could have been dealt with in a deeper way, but what does happen was not glassed over. I just felt it needed more, you know?

I think that's my biggest issue. While everything was dealt with in a sympathetic manner, it all needed to be MORE. Yes, my overwhelming feeling about this book was, I needed more, and ya'll know I like to share my book feelings.

When I find a new to me author I ask myself this: Will I read more of this author? My answer for this author is :possibly, but only if the blurb grabs. I will not go back and read the Moornrise Beach series though.

3 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Pigeonhole
The Pigeonhole
8.0 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Exciting new books (4 more)
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Sometimes you have to wait for 24 hours to read the next ‘stave’ in a book that you’d otherwise read in one sitting! (0 more)
A book club in your pocket - I love this app!!
I’m a huge fan of this app. I’ve read loads of great books on it (and I’ll admit that I’ve read a few that I didn’t enjoy, but them’s the breaks sometimes!). You choose a book, and it’s then serialised into 10-12 parts for that many days.
You’re also able to highlight and comment on parts of the book that interest you, and other readers who are reading along with you, can comment on those parts as well! It’s a real group experience. Like a book club in your pocket!
The really interesting part for me, is the opportunity to read an authors book along with them! You can ask them questions about their motivations, where the ideas come from - pretty much anything (about the book, obviously!) really.
It’s a free app, the books are free too - I think the ‘payment’ are your opinions and comments. I can’t recommend this app enough!
Human by Grace Gaustad
Human by Grace Gaustad
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Grace Gaustad is a rising singer-songwriter from New York City. Not too long ago, she released an honest pop tune, entitled, “F.L.Y”.

“‘F.L.Y (Feel Like You)’ is the story of a realization. Often the people we idolize and fantasize about being are shallow individuals. In a society where money, power, and fame dictate who is validated, it is easy to lose sight of who you are deep down and even harder to admit that heroes can sometimes be the villain. So ask yourself, Is it worth it?” – Grace Gaustad

‘F.L.Y’ tells an interesting tale about a young woman who doesn’t want to have anything to do with a certain individual in her life.

Apparently, she doesn’t want to fall back in time. Therefore, she avoids interacting with what she’s trying to stay away from.

‘F.L.Y’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and stripped instrumentation scented with an alternative-pop aroma.

The likable tune is featured on Grace Gaustad’s latest EP, entitled, “Human”.

“Feeling grateful for a lot of happy positive changes that are slowly coming together around me. Been working on the EP for you guys and it’s incredible. I can’t wait to share a full body of work that holds some of my favorite songs I’ve ever written.” – Grace Gaustad
Second Drafts (Matchmakers #2)
Second Drafts (Matchmakers #2)
G.R. Lyons | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Second Drafts (Matchmakers #2) by G.R. Lyons
Second Drafts is the second book in the Matchmakers series - set in a world similar yet different to our own. This book is about Chance's brother, Shain, and his demons, plus Ellidan, and his monster. I LOVED THIS BOOK!!!! Okay, so I might have said that about book one too, but seriously, this one got to me. I loved the relationship between Shain and Ellidan, although I was all for kicking Shain during most of the story! Ellidan thinks he is so broken, and yet he is so strong. Shain thinks he has everything under control, and yet really doesn't.

You also get the opportunity to catch up with Chance and Remy, which I loved. I didn't love Shain and Chance's father turning up to the wedding, or what happened with Ellidan, but I'll leave that there. You also see Bryan acting out at Matchmakers, and yet still don't know why. Danny is trying to deal with him, and that is such a delightful teaser for the next book.

Still, I'm getting ahead of myself. This book was extremely well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that spoiled my reading flow. I adore how Chance is an editor, and Shain is a writer. Books/writing/editing, set in a fantasy m/m scene? I can't ask for anything else! Ticks all my boxes, that's for sure.

Second Drafts certainly doesn't suffer from being a 'gap' book. I was caught up in every scene, every word, and loved it from beginning to end. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comment here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
One For Sorrow (DI Callanach #7)
One For Sorrow (DI Callanach #7)
Helen Fields | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an absolute cracker of a book; totally absorbing, riveting and a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

This is the first one in the series I have read ... I know, I know, where have I been? However, I do feel this can be read quite successfully as a standalone even though I know there is quite a lot of back story that I have missed. This didn't affect my enjoyment of this book one little bit though so don't let it put you off; if anything, it has forced me to put the previous 6 on my wish list it's just a shame my birthday has been an gone ... do you think I can ask for them as a Mother's Day gift foregoing the usual card, flowers and chocolates? I would say so 😀

From start to finish, I literally couldn't put it down ... yes I know this is a bit cliché and is said far too often but in this instance, it is a totally accurate statement. With excellent and believable characters, a fast pace and a tense and thrilling plot that had me guessing to the end, this is definitely going to be one of my books of 2022.

This has got everything you could want from a crime thriller from beginning to end and on that, the ending ... I actually gasped out loud and frantically swiping at my Kindle screen wanting to find out what happens next only to realise that there was no more which has left me waiting very impatiently!

Bravo Helen Fields, bravo ... just wow!

Thank you to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Sundial in Books

Mar 26, 2022  
Catriona Ward | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book just blew my mind.

I read Sundial with my heart in my mouth, horrified, not knowing what could possibly happen next. Honestly, I thought I knew what type of story would be coming my way after reading The Last House on Needless Street, but this is nothing like that, yet at the same time, it’s still totally Catriona Ward! Everything seems a little off kilter, a bit strange. People don’t behave in quite the same way as ‘normal’ people would.

I mean, a bonding experience in the Mojave desert between a mother and her daughter, in the childhood home where her parents experimented on dogs (this is a horror book. Horrible things happen to not just the people, but the animals as well). How could anything possibly go wrong, I ask you!

I hadn’t read horror in quite a while before I read Needless Street, and now I seem to be on a roll. This book reminds me why I read a lot of this genre as a teenager. It’s that feeling of being transfixed, unable to turn away whilst horrific things happen. The mind games as well!

Love, love, loved this.

And now I need to go and read Ward’s backlist, and make sure I read whatever comes next!

Thanks to the marvellous Pigeonhole yet again for an amazing serialisation!! Keep it up please!