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Lock Every Door
Lock Every Door
Riley Sager | 2019 | Thriller
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jules has just lost her job, her boyfriend and her home all in the same day. She is currently living with her best friend, Chloe. When the opportunity presents itself for her to live in one of the most exclusive apartment buildings in New York City, The Bartholomew, she can't pass up on the chance. Not only does she get to live there, she's getting paid to do so as an apartment sitter. This is an opportunity Jules can not pass up despite the protestations of Chloe, she has to get back on her feet. So she takes the job even though the rules are a little strict. Shortly after moving in, Jules meets another apartment sitter, Ingrid, who is unsure about continuing to live at The Bartholomew. When Jules is ready to ask her about it, Ingrid disappears without a trace. What happened to Ingrid and other apartment sitters that have gone missing? What dark secrets lie within The Bartholomew?

Thank you to NetGalley & Dutton books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I was so excited to get this book from NetGalley. Last year I read both of Riley Sager's books and I was looking forward to this one. It did not disappoint. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and I definitely didn't see the ending coming.

If I was a single young woman and was given the opportunity to live in an exclusive apartment and get paid for it, I would jump on that in a heartbeat. I don't think I would care about rules or anything, just tell me where to sign and let me sit back and collect the cash.

Another reason Jules is so quick to accept this opportunity is because her favorite book is set in the building. I think many readers would love to live in the place where their favorite book is set if they don't already. And Jules needs a little fantasy in her life since she has lost both parents and her sister. At first The Bartholomew seems like a dream place to live. With a courteous doorman, friendly neighbors and a doctor as one of the residents, it's idyllic. But when Ingrid goes missing, Jules starts to question everything. The explanation she receives for the sudden departure doesn't sound right and the police aren't willing to help because she doesn't know enough about Ingrid to form a case.

What is she going to do? Will she discover the secrets of the building before it's too late?
    Tom Loves Angela

    Tom Loves Angela


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    All Talking Tom wants to do is get a glimpse of the beautiful Talking Angela! Help Tom out by giving...

Tabula Rasa (Tabula Rasa, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was extremely curious about Tabula Rasa when I found out what it meant (Latin: Scraped Tablet. AKA, a newborn basically.) I also thought it would be a really interesting read – I mean, girl has a tragic past, and is basically a lab rat in a procedure to erase those memories. Oh, and what's even more intriguing? Most of the "rats" are delinquents. I suppose from a delinquent's view, one would want to erase memories. Better than sitting in juvie, right? :p

It's certainly a cause for curiosity. I mean, we're reading the story from a possible criminal! I know I shouldn't be excited, but can you blame me? I've never actually read a story from a delinquent! ^o^

Not to burst any exciting bubbles bubbling up, but truth is, Sarah, our main character, isn't. That was highly disappointing when I found out. Instead, I found out she was some idol of sorts in New York, famous for uncovering a scam. Um... not too exciting. Plus, she seems much too fearless. I could have sworn she wasn't afraid of death even throughout the entire book. If there's one question I want to ask Sarah, it's "Are you even afraid of anything?"
<img src=""; border="0">
During the earlier parts of the book though, I sort of wanted to just toss Tabula Rasa aside and mark it as DNF. It felt a little too creepy, and confusing. The creepy part probably worked to an advantage, seeing how the surgery was quite detailed. *shudders*
<blockquote>Improvising seems familiar. Like it's my style.</blockquote>
Now the confusing part, that was just randomly thrown in. And I mean the quote. Not me randomly throwing the word confusing around and about. Sarah's going to a tool closet and putting things in her pocket. I'm not sure that's improvising. She's not making anything from what I read, aside from noticing a door. Does noticing a door count as improvising?

The romance between Thomas and Sarah. Really odd. Just... really odd. I felt like Thomas was trying a bit too hard on being funny at the beginning. Later he tends to be more "relaxed" and the humor felt more natural. But for a hacker with a father formerly in the Russian Intelligence Agency – do they call it RIA? – Thomas just seems too carefree. It was as though hacking just isn't... him. I suppose a new career is on the horizons for said character.

I did learn some new things though. I'm done with truth serums. What's with authors after Veronica Roth throwing serums around? They're popping up in so many places. O_o Oh, and apparently it actually snows in Hawaii. In the mountains. Wait, there are mountains in Hawaii? MIND = BLOWN.
<img src=""; border="0" height="179" width="320">
The Bourne Identity? I haven't read it myself, even though that sounds really familiar. Divergent? I'm not too sure. Even the folks of Dauntless are afraid of something. I guess the former's more of a bull's eye with Tabula Rasa than the latter. Tabula Rasa reminded me more of Nikita, Au Revoir Crazy European Chick, and apparently something else I can't remember with all the action and secret plots/schemes (it has something to do with operations).
Advanced review copy provided by EgmontUSA for review
Original Review posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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Ride of Her Life
Ride of Her Life
Kimberly Dean | 2012 | Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Woman Surprised When Neighbor Waits For Her When Coming Home Late
Genre: Contemporary, Erotica

Word Count: 3,830

Average Smashwords rating: 5 out of 5 stars

My rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Warning: quotes below are certainly rated R.

When Andrea’s car breaks down and she gets a ride home with a coworker, the last thing she expects is her sexy yet scary-looking neighbor, Bo, waiting for her and livid. Worried out of his mind, Bo is done flirting with Andrea without action. Tonight, he’ll show her exactly what he wants with her.

Ride of Her Life is a hot little escape, but it’s like daydreaming about the stock photo of a tattooed macho man. True, it has some great sexy time.

He was fucking her hard and fast, but it was too much. Too raw. Too intimate. She felt too vulnerable, and she tried to lower her legs.

“No.” Keeping her legs close together, he leaned forward. “I like it this way. It makes you tighter. Makes you pay attention to me.”

The increase in pressure startled her. “Bo!”

He bucked at the sound of his name, and Andrea could hardly stand the pleasure. It felt naughty, exhibitionistic, and so damn good.

“That’s right, sweet thing. Give it to me. I’m the guy who’s meant to be your lover, not your handyman.”

But Bo has no character whatsoever. For that matter, Andrea isn’t much better with her inconsistent weirdness.

Bo is a jerk. He was mad that his neighbor didn’t call him when she was going to be home late or ask him to drive all the way to the college just to give him a ride. He was even more irritated that the coworker who dropped her off was male. Bo is her next door neighbor! Sure, they’re closer than most neighbors, but that doesn’t mean she needs to call him when she is a little bit late.

There’s an inch of depth that flickers beneath Bo’s otherwise boring flatness. His anger stems from worry and he’s insecure around Andrea. He doesn’t think he’s smart enough for her and in a moment of vulnerability asks her what he means to her.

It’s clear the two of them have history together. They have been neighbors for a while and Bo is always there to help with lawn mowing, giving her takeout, and doing repairs around the house. Andrea fantasizes about him at night but is scared to acknowledge her attraction to him. Bo seems to know it anyway and basically takes her on a picnic table with Andrea barely getting a consent out.

The lack of real consent is a huge turn-off for me. Just because he mows her lawn doesn’t mean he gets to, well, mow her lawn. There’s a difference between dominating and borderline-raping, and I wish that was much clearer here.

Andrea’s character is all over the place. She goes from caring to femme fatale in less than four thousand words.

At first, she’s slightly scared of Bo. She’s nervous and innocent for most of the story.

The tingle was back. Her entire body vibrated with anticipation and nerves. She’d never done anything like this. A thrill of uneasiness and excitement rushed through her

By the end, he’s just a fuck for her.

“Can we go inside now?” she asked, her lips brushing against his ear.

“On one condition. Tell me what I am to you.”

She smiled softly. “Oh honey, you’re the man I call when I need a ride.”

Where is this new found confidence of hers and when did she start calling him honey? Did her orgasm compel a man-eating ghost to possess her for the sake of reliving glory days?

We’ll never find out, because that’s where the story ends. There’s no real conclusion and just the flippant line to half-heartedly tie the ending and beginning together. It left me wholly unsatisfied.

Louise (64 KP) rated Awake in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Natasha Preston | 2015 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
It all starts on the first day of school in class when a gorgeous looking boy walks through the door and catches Scarlett's eye. Scarlett is Noah's Tour guide as they have almost every class together, they instantly become good friends. Noah is a very curious character and Scarlett likes it, he seems so much older than the other boys and really listens, over the weeks they grow closer, so close even that Scarlett confides in a secret that she hasn't told anyone before. She can't remember anything from the age of 4 and below due to a fire.

Noah tries to encourage Scarlett to think back and see if she can remember anything from the fire, but with it being 10 years ago she really is not that bothered until one day she is involved in a car accident and a knock to the head causes her to have flashbacks/dreams involving a little girl. With the feeling she knows this girl she attempts to resurface these repressed memories and discover what happened all those years ago.

This book didn't start off great, it felt juvenile, boring and very insta-lovey and I understand if people gave up on this, but I urge you to read past 20%, because it gets so much better, believe me! Weird shit goes down. My biggest complaint about this book is the repressed memories from 4 years old! Who remembers memories aged 4 and below? seriously? I probably have 1 or two memories and they are pretty lame. This to me didn't sound plausible as Scarlett was stating that she has missed 4 years of memories.....errrr not really, because no one remembers being a baby or 1 or even 2!. As I say the book gets much better and the last two-thirds is pretty good, I won't give too much away but there is a crazy cult involved and a twist.

I liked Noah, he was attentive, inquisitive and handsome young man. He instantly befriends Scarlett and then they develop a relationship with one another. He was not like other teenage boys and respected and fell utterly head over heels in love with Scarlett. As I said earlier he likes to ask a lot of questions about Scarlett and with all the questioning Scarlett's story is told.

Scarlett is a normal 15-year-old girl on the outside, but the inside is a different matter, she is tormented by flashbacks from the accident and believes her parents are lying to her. She has emotions and hormones flying everywhere. One minute she is really happy the next she is crying.

The book is told in dual perspective of Noah and Scarlett.The writing is very easy to read and the premise is good.

<spoiler>If both sets of parents were in the cult and this so said cult is pretty small, surely they would have recognised each other when they met! I am confused by this.*Scratches head*</spoiler>

This was a good read and quite gripping by the end of it. It does have insta-love , secrets and cults too, so if you are interested in any of these things then I recommend you pick it up!.......but remember you need to read past the 20% mark, don't give up.

Overall I gave this 3 out of 5 stars
Go Extinct!: Stardust Catches the Carnivores
Go Extinct!: Stardust Catches the Carnivores
2020 | Animals, Card Game, Deduction, Educational, Kids Game
“Yo, uhh, got any sevens?” “Naw, go fish.” “Dag, yo.” “Hmm, got any Queens?” “Nope, go fish.” “*&%#@!!” While this may be many of us during the social distancing or self-isolation using meager playing cards, there is now another option – Go Extinct!: Stardust Catches the Carnivores. The title is long, but the playtime isn’t, and the Go Fish is there, but it is masked by an educational skin. Does this one make a case for our collection?

In Go Extinct!: Stardust Catches the Carnivores (which I will shorten to Go Extinct from here on out) players are attempting to score the most points at the end of the game by collecting runs(?) of animals within the same biological family, called “clades.” More points are gained by collecting families with more members, and the game has a known end timeline – when the players’ cards run out.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, but to give a feel for how the game generally plays. You are invited to back the game through the Kickstarter campaign running until April 16, 2020, purchase from your FLGS upon release, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup, place the large board on the table for all to see. Follow the setup rules per player count listed in the rule book (because it’s different for three players and for 4+). Shuffle the cards and deal each player six cards. The rest of the deck becomes the central draw deck. You are now ready to begin!

A game of Go Extinct is played over several rounds where players are trying to collect and play complete clades of animals. Only clades played to the players’ personal score piles can be scored at the end of the game, and once in the score pile, can no longer be stolen (asked for) by other players – just like in Go Fish.

Go Extinct becomes a bit more distinct when asking for cards. A player can ask a specific player for a specific animal (Wolverine, Polar Bear, etc) or can ask for cards within the same family (a cub of Delicate Dog or Ancestor of Ursidae). If a player is given a specific animal species, the asking player may take another turn to ask for more animals or clade members. If the ask is unsuccessful, the asked player announces, “Go Extinct” to indicate that the asking player must hunt for animals elsewhere, namely, the draw pile. Redraw at the end of a turn to a hand size of six and the game continues with the next player.

Again, the game ends once all the cards are played, but when the draw deck runs out, a new rule enters play. When asked for a clade, the asked player must give up to three of their cards, if they have that many of that clade. Once a player runs out of cards in their hand, they are finished, and the game ends when every player is out of cards. Tally up the points per clade size, and determine who is the best at collecting animal clades!

Components. Again, we were provided a prototype copy of this game, which is on Kickstarter now, so the components may be different from what will be produced via a successful KS campaign. That said, the components we received are great! The cards are good quality with excellent card art depicting extinct and current animals. The graphic layout is good, and once you can read the cards, the board is no longer really necessary for play. That board. It is absolutely beautiful, though not overly ornate, and is also completely unnecessary for play. We did enjoy having it on the table while we played, but players never actually interact with it or use for anything other than reference. It is a nice touch, though.

Being a family man, myself, and having young children, this will be great for when my kids learn to read. Learning the names of ancestral animals and scientific nomenclature of current animals is something I cannot wait to teach my kids. I really see no reason for me to ever teach them Go Fish while I have Go Extinct in my collection, and I do believe I will keep it there for a long time. If you enjoy light games with a heavy dose of education and direct player interaction without conflict, then Go Extinct is for you. It may be too light for hardcore gamers, but those gamers are not the intended audience. If you are looking for games to bond with your kids over, then you simply must check out Go Extinct. Or if you just want to learn a little something yourself, go ahead and pick up a copy or three. I recommend it. Visit the Kickstarter campaign here and tell them Purple Phoenix Games sent you!
Getting Over Jesse Franklin
Getting Over Jesse Franklin
Stephie Chapman | 2015 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A lovely romance with a touch of nostalgia. (0 more)
Couldn't put it down.
I am always a bit wary about reading anything written by someone I follow, and chat to, on twitter. What if I don’t enjoy it?

Totes awkward. Especially if I’ve told them I’m reading it. I worry that I’d have to leave twitter in case they ask me if I liked their book.

So, I’d been putting off reading Getting Over Jesse Franklin. But it’s on offer, free on Amazon right now, and when I saw that, I suddenly had a bad case of FOMO.

I had to read it because what if I was missing out on a good thing?

And I’m so glad that I did!

Just one chapter in I tweeted that I was hooked.

I walked around Asda, still reading, this evening, and I’m admitting nothing here but I might have served pot noodles for dinner because I could not put the book down.

If you’ve ever had a crush on a member of a band you’ll enjoy the trip down memory lane, if you’re a sucker for a romance you’ll love this one.

It’s not insta love, which so many stories are lately, it’s a romance that blossoms, at first, on the internet.

We’ve all been there haven’t we? Waiting, hoping, for a message to ping, almost afraid to look in case it doesn’t, feeling your heart stop for a moment when it does.

Let me tell you, I now have a major crush on Jesse Franklin!

Stephie writes so well, the story keeps moving, I loved the cast of characters, Cassie’s friends, family, colleagues, and of course Jessie’s family.

The story is told by Cassie and reads in such a way that it’s like a friend telling you a story over a bottle of wine and a slice – or two – of cake.

The descriptive writing is spot on, I could picture every scene perfectly.

At one point I wanted to grab Cassie by the shoulders, give her a firm shake and tell her not to do it, to slow down, but she did do it, and she broke my heart. There I was reminiscing about the posters I had on my wall as a teen, smiling because sometimes an online relationship can lead to love, my optimistic heart all a flutter, then boom! I found myself heartbroken in aisle 7 of my local Asda.

I absolutely loved this book! So much that I’m now going to buy the sequel, Jetplanes to Jupiter. I just hope I can put it down for long enough to cook a proper dinner tomorrow.

I wholeheartedly recommend Getting Over Jesse Franklin but read it at the weekend because you’ll get nothing done.

Ti West recommended American Movie (1999) in Movies (curated)

American Movie (1999)
American Movie (1999)
1999 | Comedy, Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Number four is the documentary American Movie. The reason I like this movie so much is I’m a big fan of sort of vérité documentaries and, while this is not exactly a vérité documentary, it’s a movie from the late ’90s and it’s sort of the end of the 16mm personal documentary era. I suppose there are some that exist after that, but for the most part, as someone who really likes movies like Grey Gardens and Seventeen and all these great sort of authentic… Filmmakers went and experienced their experiences with their subjects. American Movie is really like the pinnacle of that for me in that it’s a movie that took two years to make and two years to edit. It’s the kind of movie where when you hear Chris Smith, the director, ask a question, you almost get excited because it’s like, “Oh, the guy from behind the camera is a part of the story also?” Or the boom dips in. It’s charming because you know they’ve been there for two years living with these people. The movie’s amazing because it’s an incredible critique on filmmaking that’s both funny and also sort of sentimental and inspiring in that the Murphy’s Law of filmmaking is that anything that can go wrong will go wrong and, you know, in the case of [subject] Mark Borchardt, it really does. But you’ve never seen someone more impassioned and more determined to sort of accomplish… I don’t know if I want to say something as silly as “their dreams,” but he’s dedicated to doing this and that. To me as a filmmaker or as someone who’s trying to do any sort of artistic endeavor, it’s really amazing to watch, and the movie is very sincere and very honest and very charming and very funny. It gives you an idea of, like, what to avoid when making movies, but it also gives you an idea of what movies are going to be very hard — I would say that making movies is very traumatic — and you’ve just sort of got to stick with it, and this movie is a great example of that. And it’s a great example of getting to know the characters personally, or the subjects personally, and it’s the kind of movie that, when it’s over, you feel like you know everybody in that movie. It’s incredibly charming and it’s one of those movies that I think, as a filmmaker or just a film fan in general, it’s a very essential movie to see. I always try to watch it or show it to people right before we make a movie to say, like, hopefully it won’t go like this."

Sing Me to Sleep
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Summary: Beth is a ridiculously tall, horribly ugly girl suffering though high school. Her nickname is “the Beast.” She is bullied by everyone. Her face is scared and pimply and messed up, she was born that way and nothing works to get rid of it. The only people in the world that she has are her mother—who loves her fiercely—and her best friend since pre-school, Scott.

But then through the course of several unexpected events, Beth ends up with the solo in her choir. She goes from ugly and in the back rows to re-made, re-styled, and re-“faced” after laser surgery. Her choir gets a chance to go to a competition in Switzerland.

And she meets Derek. Derek is on one of the other teams, the biggest, best, most famous choir. He’s the hottest guy she’s ever met. And he’s in love with her.

But there’s something wrong with Derek. He won’t tell her what it is, and she’s scared to ask because every time she brings it up, he runs away.

And the fact that Scott has admitted that he’s in love with her—and she’s pretty sure she loves him too—isn’t making anything less complicated…

I enjoyed Sing Me To Sleep. Please realize and remember that. It kept me reading, it moved quickly. But there were a few things that drove me crazy while I read this and took away from the overall enjoyment.

The first was the writing. There’s a difference between a writing style, and writing crappy. 75% of the “sentences” in this book were fragments. No, I did not count the sentences and take a literal percentage, but that’s what it felt like. There were a lot of two or three word phrases stacked next to each other. That does not count as a writing style, it’s poor grammar. It was so distracting that I found myself annoyed and wanting to put it down.

The second was the romance. In the beginning, the romance between Derek and Beth was just too rushed. There were no meaningful conversations, there wasn’t much plot, there wasn’t much talking. There was a lot of “I love you’s” and a lot of tension and a lot of kissing (hot kissing, but just kissing none the less). Beth was convinced she was in love with him—and he with her—but their relationship was so shallow, that I expected him to dump her any minute (or vice versa). It didn’t feel real.

Near the end, it became a little more real after Derek’s secret came out and Beth began to feel a little different about him. For the sake of keeping this review spoiler-free, I won’t say much more than that. However because their “love” was built on such shaky ground in the first place, most of the end didn’t feel very real either. Beth didn’t know what love really meant until the very end of the book. Poor girl.

The third… sadly, the characters. I didn’t feel much of a connection to them. Believe it or not, the one character I related to most was Scott. He wasn’t even in most of the book—most of it was Beth and Derek—but Scott was the most realistic character (and I’m totally in love with him) and the character that I could understand the best. But Beth and Derek both… I just didn’t connect.

I feel really bad that I’ve complained so much. I also feel really sad that I didn’t love this one. But as a reviewer I promise to be honest, and this is how I feel. Again, as I said at the top, I enjoyed the book, it kept me reading though it wasn’t a sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat kind of page-turner. But it was a bit of a let-down after all the 5-star or A+ reviews I’ve read for it. Don’t listen to just one opinion. Check out some other reviews for this one before you decide to believe me.