Let's Talk! A Story of Autism and Friendship
Harper, a seven-year-old little girl that is typically developing, loves going to the pool. One day...
Autism Children Kids special Need
Autism, Anxiety and Me: A Diary in Even Numbers
Emma Louise Bridge and Penelope Bridge
Surely my way is not always wrong, just because it's different from other people's ways? I mean...
Autism: The Movement Sensing Perspective
Elizabeth B. Torres and Caroline Whyatt
This is the first book to present the movement approach to autism in a comprehensive way,...
Khahari Discovering the Meaning of Autism
This is a heartfelt story about a new friend accepting a boy with autism. The excitement of playing...
Autism Children Fiction
Life on the Autism Spectrum - A Guide for Girls and Women
Tony Attwood and Karen McKibbin
Why is Autism Spectrum Disorder so misunderstood in girls and women and why do so many go under the...
Autism and the Extended Family: A Guide for Those Outside the Immediate Family Who Know and Love Someone with Autism
Not many resources examine how autism affects grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Yet, they...
Temple Talks...About Autism and Sensory Issues: The World's Leading Expert on Autism Shares Her Advice and Experiences
Here is your pocket guide to Temple Grandin and a great introduction to her thoughts and advice on...
Autism Science Foundation Weekly Science Report
The Autism Science Foundation Weekly Science Podcast is a summary of the latest research in autism...
Re-Thinking Autism: Diagnosis, Identity, and Equality
Sami Timimi, Rebecca Mallett, Katherine Runswick-Cole and Mark Haydon-Laurelut
Challenging existing approaches to autism that limit, and sometimes damage, the individuals who...