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From Russia With Love (1964)
From Russia With Love (1964)
1964 | Action, Classics, Mystery
Characters – James Bond is forced into his next mission which includes seducing a spy that is wanting to turn on Russia, he shows us again just how skilled he is when it comes to dealing with life and death situations and his awareness of dangers around him. Tatiana Romanova is the Russian spy that has offered to give up information for safety to England, she might not be as true as James is told about, even though we know she is being forced into this mission. Rosa Klebb is the one that is recruiting the agents with Tatiana and Grant being her picks to help SPECTRE eliminate James Bond. Grant is the newest recruit assassin, hard as nails, resourceful and everything James will find difficult to beat in a fight.

Performances – Sean Connery has grown into this role being even better than the first film, he become the superstar name after this outing. Daniela Bianchi is good for a Bond girl, she is stronger than the first one and now we know what type of women will get in this role. Robert Shaw as the villain is great, he looks cold calculated through every single scene.

Story – The story here is a lot more interesting than the first film, we learn early on about the SPECTRE plan which shows us how we have a growing villainous threat for Bond to tackle. This helps make the franchise even more enjoyable because it isn’t just Bond solving a case, it is him trying to stay ahead while we know the twists coming. The story leaves us open to learn more about SPECTRE in future film which again is a pleasure for the audience to be seeing. How everything unfolds well we know Bond can solve the problems he is facing and we get to see the start of the infamous gadgets.

Action/Adventure – The action in the film is bigger, the fights last longer and the adventure that Bond must go on is showing us just how big the terrorist battle will be.

Settings – The film takes place for the most part in Turkey, which shows us another neutral country in the middle of the battle, the train sequences could be argued to be the most enjoyable though.

Scene of the Movie – The gadgets being introduced.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – James Bond attitude toward women.

Final Thoughts – This is a wonderful second instalment in the franchise, it gives us a bigger threat for long term villains in SPECTRE and does have big action throughout.


Overall: The sequel that makes things bigger.
Man Down (2016)
Man Down (2016)
2016 | Drama
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This Dito Montiel (Fighting, The Son of No One) directed film is a look at mental health and how soldiers returning from war can be affected by the tragedy of war and life.

This film tries to put us inside the mind of a soldier and they lead up to his deployment to war, the trauma that can be suffered at war and the result of seeing things that can’t be unseen. It begins with U.S. Marine Gabriel Drummer (Shia LaBeouf) searching for his son, Johnathan (Charlie Shotwell), and wife, Natalie (Kate Mara), in a post-apocalyptic America.

His only company is his best friend and fellow war veteran Devin Roberts (Jai Courtney). We then flash back to a counseling session between Gabriel and Counselor Peyton (Gary Oldman). They are recounting an incident that happened while Gabriel and Devin were in the field as well as talk about the relationship between the two brothers in arms. Peyton probes Gabriel for answers to what happened in the field and what his life at home will be like when he returns. The story takes us through Gabriel’s journey from boot camp to his search to be reunited with his wife and child.

The beginning of the film is so scattered with flash backs and flash forwards it is not the easiest story to follow. Montiel tries to tie the story all together at the end but it really done quickly and sloppily. There was no really good flow to the film.

The message at the end was really powerful but there execution to get there really didn’t work for me. The cast individual performances were good but I thought that as a whole there was not cohesion.

The relationships between all the characters seemed forced and it was hard to get emotionally invested in what should have been and emotionally compelling story. LaBeouf does commit and his performance I would say the bright spot. I think the intention was that the end of the movie should be a surprise or twist but the ending for me was never really in doubt.

There were points when the film seemed to have momentum but that was stopped by a flash back or forward that would take you out of the moment. All trying to set up a conclusion that seemed inevitable.

The idea of bringing awareness to a real issue in our country, of returning veterans suffering from PTSD, is a noble one and I applaud them for trying. I just wish the execution would have been better overall.
Beautiful Bad
Beautiful Bad
Annie Ward | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maddie is a wife and a mother who would do anything to protect her family and those she loves. After college Maddie decides she is going to to go Bulgaria to write and tutor. She isn't quite alone as her friend Joanna, is not too far away in Macedonia. When she visits Joanna it's always a good time, even though they are in a war-torn country. When Maddie meets Ian, there is an instant connection, but time and opportunity are never on their side, so they see each other when they can, and are friends for a very long time. Eventually, they are able to get together and build a life and start a family. But everything isn't as it seems. Ian is suffering from PTSD from his many years serving as protection in Iraq, Bosnia, and other countries. And Maddie has anxiety about it all. Will their relationship last, or will the events of their pasts be too much for their future to handle.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin-Park Row for the opportunity to read and review this book.

The story starts with a call to 911 and you can hear a woman and child in distress. The book takes you back and forth from Maddie's time in Bulgaria, to the days and weeks leading up to this 911 call. I will admit the very beginning drew me in, but then all the in between felt very unnecessary. Until you get to the end and you see everything unfold. I definitely did not see the end coming and I was pleasantly surprised.

Beautiful Bad drew me in from the beginning with the 911 call. I was disappointed a few chapters in when it seems as though the whole incident was forgotten. Then when it popped back up, I didn't even remember the characters from that time. So that is why I gave the book the lower rating. I would like to see the finished book to see if there were any differences. I read an interview with the author that said that this book started off as a memoir, but her editor convinced her to change it into fiction. I think the middle parts where the memoir that got thrown out.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and I stayed up way past my bedtime once I reached the 60% mark to finish it. The ending was really good and it made up for the slow middle. I look forward to reading more by Annie Ward.

Here is an interview that Shelf Awareness did with Annie Ward. It gives you insight on the book that I believe is valuable.
Legends Untold: The Weeping Caves Novice Set
Legends Untold: The Weeping Caves Novice Set
2019 | Adventure, Card Game, Exploration, Fantasy, Roleplaying
Small box, big on content (3 more)
Short playtime
Well written, easy to follow rules
Good replayability
Roll to resolve can be harsh (0 more)
A Deep, Strategic Exploration Adventure
Played my first game of Legends Untold, a superb RPG card game with a focus on skill checks and exploration rather than combat.

There are two different games in this series - The Weeping Caves and The Great Sewers. Both play the same but come with different characters, events and locations.

The promise is simple - choose a single scenario (8 available in each set) or play the story campaign (one 8 episode campaign in each set) and set off exploring. You control 1-4 characters who are normal villagers that have taken up arms and gone adventuring (the campaign has you leading the rest of your village to a new place of safety).

As you make your way through the caves (or sewers), you have to decide which path to take and whether you will be stealthy. Different paths have different levels of light which can affect whether you spot traps or gain surprise on enemies or they see you first. When you enter a new location you roll 3d6 and check your awareness against the light level on the new location. If you pass, you are aware and gain bonuses but if you fail you will get negative modifiers to some tests and could trigger traps.

The location cards have great artwork and can be laid out in any position (lining up exits) which makes the map look great and very different from the regimented layout of other games.

Once you've dealt with any goes, you can explore your surroundings and hopefully gain some loot to help you deal with things.

Everything is resolved with skill tests, rolling 3d6 and adding your characters attribute in a relevant skill plus any modifiers (pluses for being aware, minuses for being careless, etc) from equipment or talents.

There are 4 characters to choose from and an array of weapons, items and talents. The rules give you recommended setups for each character or you can create your own. As you play through, you will level up, gaining upgraded weapons and more talents to help you along. This makes for a great deal of replayability.

The mechanisms while seem daunting at first are intuitive and mesh together really well. The rule book is fantastic and written in such a way that you can start setting up the game and start aging while reading along. Everything is clearly laid out with an index and glossary as well as some handy refer me cards so checking a rule is quick and easy.

If you want a great, quick adventure game, Legends Untold is well worth a look.
They Both Die At The End
They Both Die At The End
Adam Silvera | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stop and imagine for just one minute what it would be like if you received a phone call telling you that you were going to die within the next 24 hours. How would you live your last 24 hours? Would you have a funeral with your family and friends so that you have a chance to say goodbye, or would you try and make a new friend going through the same thing you were so that you don’t have to be alone on your last day on this planet? This is exactly what happens to both Rufus and Mateo.
Rufus is outgoing and not afraid to stand up for himself. He’s had a pretty crappy few years but he’s managed to make friends with the other kids in his foster home. They have become his family. He gets the call that everyone dreads informing him that he’s going to die today. He decides to download the Last Friend app so that he can get paired up with someone to spend his last 24 hours with.
Mateo is a quiet and somewhat sheltered teenager who has been living on his own since his dad is currently in a coma. He gets the call that he is going to die today and he is instantly terrified to leave his apartment. He quickly decides that he doesn’t want to die alone, so he downloads the Last Friend App in hopes that he will come out of his shell on his last day.
Mateo and Rufus meet through the Last Friend App and have an amazingly memorable final 24 hours together. The bring about change in each other that they never thought was possible.
These characters are so easy to relate to and its so hard not to love them. I couldn’t help but laugh with them and cheer for them, and though I did everything in my power not to cry with them I couldn’t stop myself from crying crocodile tears over their trials and tribulations. This story is about growing, changing as a person and allowing yourself to love and be loved in the wake of great adversity.
They Both Die at the End is the first book I’ve read by Adam Silvera, and I can’t wait to read more. Silvera has a way with words that can suck the air from your lungs, bring you to your knees and in the next sentence completely revive you. After turning the final page of this book and wiping the tears from my eyes I closed the book with a new found appreciation for the life I have and the awareness that it can all be taken away in a moment.
With or Without You
With or Without You
Caroline Leavitt | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Medical & Veterinary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stella and Simon have been together nearly twenty years. Simon, a rock musician, has spent most of those waiting for his one big break. He thinks he's found it now, but right before he and Stella are set to leave for California for the show that could change his life, she falls into a coma. Now Simon faces a choice: get on the plane with his band, or remain behind with his love. As for Stella, she's aware of the world around her while in the coma, and when she emerges, she's different, with a newfound artistic talent. Together, Simon and Stella must reexamine their relationship and figure out the path forward.

What a beautiful and striking novel. I discovered Caroline Leavitt through the power of ARCs in 2016, falling in love with her work through Cruel Beautiful World. She gives us another book filled with compelling characters here. I so enjoyed reading a book with a different plot, especially knowing that the coma story was somewhat based on Leavitt's own life. She's a remarkable writer in so many ways.

With or Without You is incredibly well-written--almost poetic at times. It's told from both Simon and Stella's perspectives, including while Stella's in her coma, and some of those moments are quite profound and touching. Both Stella's realizations as she struggles to realize where she is, and Simon's, as he tries to grapple with the idea of his partner being ill, as well as the awareness that he may be losing his last chance at fame and fortune as his band moves on without him.

"It's a kind of blankness. She's been erased for a while and then redrawn. When she comes back, she always feels a little bit better..."

Even worse for both Simon and Stella is the fact that they fought shortly before she fell into the coma. What kind of relationship, each wonders, would they come back into should Stella awake? In this way, Leavitt gives a beautiful character study: an in-depth observation into a flawed relationship. It just happens to be a relationship where a woman enters and exits a coma. It's an amazing look into love, loyalty, and loss. The novel makes you think, drawing you into the characters. What would you do in Simon's situation, you think? Or Stella's?

"Mostly she thought of all the things that she herself wanted, and like Simon's dreams, they had an expiration date she couldn't ignore."

Overall, I quite enjoyed this novel. It's so well-done and such a different and intriguing look at two people trying to find happiness. I love Leavitt's way with words. 4 stars.
Rent: The Complete Book and Lyrics of the Broadway Musical
Rent: The Complete Book and Lyrics of the Broadway Musical
Jonathan Larson | 1996 | LGBTQ+, Music & Dance
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
AIDs Representation (1 more)
LGBTQIA+ Representation
Hated All The Characters (0 more)
Great Representation, Horrible Characters
I have never seen the musical Rent nor have I ever seen the movie (though I heard it is not as good and different from the musical). Therefore, my rating is based solely on this book and because of that, I may not be able to understand or enjoy it as much as I would have if I had watched the movie or musical first.

First off, I loved that the book (or rather, musical) was set during the AIDS crisis and showed LGBTQIA+ representation. I think that is fantastic because (a.) we are lacking in our current day representation of LGBTQIA+ characters (though, we are slowly beginning to have this become the norm.) and (b.) the AIDS crisis was not a good time in history. The American government was not doing much to help with this crisis and seemed to sort of sweep it aside. Now, I was not alive during the beginning of this crisis and therefore have learned from sources and not with my own experiences, but not much was being done and this was mostly because this was originally considered a “gay disease” and, sadly, people in the past have not treated the LGBTQIA+ community with the respect they deserve. Instead, because this was considered a “gay disease” it was considered unimportant and therefore the AIDS epidemic was ignored. Luckily, today we have better people who are trying their best to find a cure.

Second, while I extremely enjoyed the representation and awareness this book (or musical) brought I did not enjoy most of the characters. While I do believe that characters should have flaws (after all no one is perfect and that is part of what make us human) I did not appreciate the way the characters in the book seemed to make excuses. Especially the fact that they used others difficulties to try and better themselves. Not to mention, most of the characters seemed to accentuate their poorness and use it as a way to better themselves. One scene that really got to me was when Mark was starting to film a homeless person. He did save them from the police but even they said “My life’s not for you to make a name for yourself on” and “Hey artist you gotta dollar? I thought not,” (Pg.38). It literally stated that these people who claim themselves to be “artists” use this as an excuse to exploit others.

Another huge part of what I did not appreciate about this book would be the harmful relationship that most of the characters seem to be in. Most of these relationships seemed too toxic and seemed to revolve around awful and sometimes disgusting circumstances.

Maureen (Cheater) + Joanne = 💔

Maureen and Joanne were repeatedly arguing, breaking it off, then getting back together. Now, that alone already seems like it’s not a healthy foundation for any relationship but then we find out that Maureen is a HUGE cheater. Mark himself told Joanne that she used to cheat on him when they were together and even had a bit of evidence that she was doing it again.

Roger (Past Drug Addict) + Mimi (Drug User) = 💔

Now, Roger is one of the many characters in this musical to have AIDS and because he is a past drug user we can infer that he got AIDS from drugs, or from his ex-girlfriend. Anyway, his goal before he dies from AIDS is to write one last song so that his life could mean something. To make sure that his life was worth it (to have glory), and I actually admire him for that. Lots of people would give up and I think it’s amazing that he wants to continue to try to make his life worth living. However, Mimi comes in and started to spark a flame (or light a candle) with Roger. There’s just one problem. Mimi is a drug user. Plus, it seems like she is trying to get Roger to get back on drugs. Definitely not something a healthy and loving relationship would have.

Benny (At least 30yrs.) + Mimi (Younger than 19) = 💔

Now, this has to be the most disgusting relationship in the book. While I don’t mind couples having age differences I am one-hundred percent NOT behind underage people dating men who are at least thirty, if not forty, years old. This was revealed when we got told that Mimi use to date Benny before she met Roger. Mimi was nineteen when she met Roger and if she had a prior relationship with Benny she was most likely eighteen or under.

Finally, I wasn’t very happy with the ending of the book. Mimi’s sort-of “death” scene just wasn’t my thing. It seemed to be that the situation as a whole seemed too excessive. She was dead, then she was back, then she was dead again, and she managed to come back because Angel told her too. While Mimi is a main character and main character deaths are extremely sad this story was supposed to make people more aware of AIDS and it just seemed to be too fanciful for me. This is an extremely deadly disease and just because someone told you that it was not your time to die yet does not mean that you are not going to yet pass. However, this is fiction and this does happen.

Would I Recommend? No. I really enjoyed the representation this showed within the LGBTQIA+ community and the awareness it would bring to people about the AIDS crisis, but I thought the story itself was bad. The characters, in my opinion, were not written well and I especially did not enjoy their actions or choices.
Red Notice (2021)
Red Notice (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
7.3 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good (enough) Entertainment for the Entire Family
Around the Holidays, I always get asked to recommend a film “Good for the Entire Family”, something that the kids as well as the adults - including Gramma and Grampa - can enjoy.

For Thanksgiving, 2021 (and beyond) the answer is simple - look no further than the Netflix film RED NOTICE starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Gal Gadot and Ryan Reynolds.

Written and Directed by frequent “The Rock” collaborator, Rawson Marshall Thurber, RED NOTICE pits the 3 stars each other as Master Thieves and the Law Enforcement Agent that is chasing them. It is a light-hearted, fun, action, adventure treasure hunt film reminiscent of the Nicholas Cage NATIONAL TREASURE movies.

Don’t be expecting hard-hitting, gritty action in this one. Instead, expect light-hearted action with fast banter, faster cars and bullets that - to no one’s surprise - fails to land in any human being. Automobiles, equipment and buildings are destroyed - but humans…? Not so much. They just pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start all over again.

The acting in this is “as expected”. The Rock is tough, muscular and charming. Ryan Reynolds is fast-talking, conniving and charming. Gal Gadot is mysterious, tougher-than-she-looks and charming. They play off together well and add a little higher level of quality to this film than it probably deserves.

That’s because the script, plot machinations, twists, turns, double-crosses and banter are all pretty much run-of-the-mill. It is not anything special, but nor is it bad. It is “fine” and with these 3 talented performers at the forefront of this, it lifts itself to “better than fine”, it’s a good family film that all can enjoy.

The Direction and Action sequences by Thurber are just as pedestrian and run-of-the-mill but just as entertaining none-the-less. I think the charm of this film is it’s predictability. It’s like putting on an old pair of sweatpants. Your’e not going to wear them to the Oscars, but for sitting on the couch after a full family dinner on Thanksgiving, it fills the bill very well.

The film is light enough for kids (though they do drop the “f-bomb” once or twice). It’s just edgy enough for tweens/teens (hence the “f-bombs”) and a rollicking good time for the adults with enough self-awareness of what they are doing that the actors (first and foremost Reynolds) almost looks like they are going to address the camera to comment on what’s going on at any moment.

And that, too, is part of it’s charm.

Letter Grade A- (it’s probably a B+, but since it is my answer for “Family Film of the Holidays”, I’ll give it an A-).

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond (2017)
Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond (2017)
2017 |
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Documentaries, they can’t be trusted, can they? There is always a purpose and a message the film-maker’s have manufactured and edited to suit themselves, I find. They often leave you with more questions than answers. The best ones are open to interpretation enough to allow you in; allowing the source material to speak for itself. The worst ones rely on talking heads too much and can feel very manipulative.

Jim and Andy: The Great Beyond, is fortunately much more of the former than the latter. However, two days after watching this mind-blowing exposé of how Jim Carrey behaved on set of the excellent Man On The Moon, playing genius / lunatic Andy Kaufman, I am still left pondering what to think of it all. Is Carrey an ego maniac who belongs in a straight-jacket, or is he a hippie genius, dedicated to his art, who would do anything to achieve a perfect performance?

It focuses on a fully bearded Carrey reliving his memories of 20 years ago. Reinforced by a plethora of behind the scenes footage, which at turns is hilarious, shocking, confusing and revealing, in uncomfortable and fascinating ways. The premise is that at the time of being cast Kaufman’s spirit inhabited Carrey, allowing him to channel the actual man, and BE him, rather than merely play him!

Whatever your thoughts on method acting, and how indulgent that can be, it is always astonishing to see just how far he went! And why everyone else allowed him to get away with it? Director Milos Forman is forced to cope with never talking to “Jim”, only to “Andy”, and seems often at the point of break-down. Fellow cast members seem to deal with it in different ways too. Danny DeVito seems in awe; Courtney Love seems to embrace it; Paul Giamatti seems very uncomfortable. But the whole show goes ahead with Carrey as king. Simply extraordinary!

The thing is, both 1999 Jim and 2017 Jim never seem entirely insane, but rather totally in control and eloquent. It seems as if every “crazy” thing he did was a choice, conscious or unconscious, that as an actor he was happy to be part of; as if the performance was all that mattered. There have always been mental health questions about Carrey, and this throws a bright spotlight on his technique, personality and self-awareness. At some point you just have to say “wow” and to a degree applaud it.

Your enjoyment of it hinges on how much of a Carrey fan you are? If you have never liked or got him as a performer then you will be screaming at the screen in consternation. If you love his work then this is indespesible viewing! Either way, there is something wondrous about it! Just consider, Carrey won a Golden Globe for this role, and remains the only person ever to do so not to be Oscar nominated…

There is also a suggestion the whole thing is a joke, in typical Kaufman style, using the footage to create a trick on the audience… Documentaries, they can’t be trusted, can they? You decide.
Theta Double Dot
Theta Double Dot
Alan Dale | 2020 | Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was this book showed two sides of the story (actually closer to three). (0 more)
What I didn’t like was that the book jumped around from group to group a little more than what I would have liked. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Theta Double Dot by Alan Dale has it all. Readers will find romance, crime, environmental awareness, and even business espionage within the pages. There is no one that is safe from Theta.

 Mark is not doing great at his job. He is overworked and overstressed. His wife won’t let him quit because of the ways it could affect their finances, but Mark wants to, preferably before he gets fired. The company he works for has taken on a huge project in Alaska that appears doomed from the start and they have put Mark at the head of its operation. His wife believes that this project may be a good thing, and besides, they need the money with having a daughter in college (Sarah).

 Sarah is having enough problems of her own at college. Almost immediately she finds a young man that she is interested in by the name of John. John convinces her to join the Peaceful Protest group which might not have been the best idea at the time. Another protest group by the name of Theta has been attacking petrochemical plants and have gained the title of terrorists. Seeing as how Sarah’s father is working on a new plant in Alaska, Sarah is being targeted by Theta right alongside the project. Can John protect Sarah and himself from Theta’s grasp before they become victims? What will happen to Sarah’s father, miles from home and facing the immediate threat of Theta?

 What I liked best was this book showed two sides of the story (actually closer to three). As far as the Alaska project is concerned it showed the environmental concerns of the activists. What is even more impressive is the impact the plant would have on the indigenous people was illustrated as well. What I didn’t like was that the book jumped around from group to group a little more than what I would have liked. Personal preference would be to start a new chapter each time the focus changed to a new group. This just tends to make the transition a bit easier.

 This book would be perfectly fine for adults and young adults alike. There is some mild sexual content but nothing too bad. The technical jargon is probably above most people's heads but so long as readers grasp the basics of what is being said that should not be a problem. I rate this book 3 out of 4. It was a little dry in spots and I found it annoying when I had to backtrack just because I realized too late that the group focus changed again. Although it had a strong plot line that moved along nicely, the jargon was too frequent and over my head.