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ArecRain (8 KP) rated Bad Romance in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Bad Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well rounded and in-depth, Bad Romance feels like a true novel and not just an excuse to write a stepbrother romance. That is a trope that can go wrong very quickly but that author managed to juggle it well along with the rest of the novel’s drama.

It is easy to get caught up in the passion and emotions of Bad Romance. I found myself burning with rage at the useless parents, especially since they felt realistic. At first, the lead couple’s personalities annoyed me, but it was rewarding to watch their story unfold.

If you are looking for a romance filled with passion, both in and out of the bedroom, Bad Romance is definitely for you. If the stepbrother trope puts you off, don’t be. Their parents were barely married before he left so there was no creepy of gross factor attached.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Meg (2018) in Movies

May 10, 2019  
The Meg (2018)
The Meg (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Isn’t even entertainingly bad
You know to have low expectations when watching a Jason Statham film, especially one about giant sharks. I had hoped for something similar to Sharknado, a proper cheesy laughingly bad B movie, but sadly The Meg can’t even live up to these very low standards.

For starters, I don’t think this film has any idea what it’s meant to be. Is it serious, is it silly? It ends up being a bizarre mixture of the two which just doesn’t work as both aspects just seem out of place. Whilst I absolutely love the Thai version of Mickey that plays over the end credits, again it kind of seems a bit confused. The script is awful, and the acting for the most part is horrendous. I wanted it to be entertainingly bad, but sadly it was just cringeworthy to the point I was almost embarrassed for them. The only person who comes out of this relatively unscathed is Cliff Curtis as Mac, who is at least pretty funny although sadly underused. Also, what on earth was going on with Jason Statham’s accent? Was it English or American?! And then there’s the plot. It’s very predictable, the first hour is ridiculously dull and then changes into completely farce and unbelievability at the end, with stupid characters doing silly things that just don’t make any sense. Even the CGI was average and nothing exceptional.

I really wanted to like this, at least in a “it’s so bad it’s good” way, but sadly this is just plain old bad.

Veronica Pena (690 KP) rated Nobody's Fool (2018) in Movies

Feb 9, 2020 (Updated Feb 9, 2020)  
Nobody's Fool (2018)
Nobody's Fool (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama
Not worth nearly 2 hours - watch something else. (0 more)
This move was profoundly bad. I don't know if there are any other words to it, it was horrendous. There were definitely some funny parts but it was more because Tiffany Haddish was making a fool of herself and less because the jokes were actually funny.

I know that Tyler Perry is revolutionary and whatever, but the more of his movies you watch, the more it's just blatantly obvious how much they are all the same. I love that he writes and produces and directs, I think that's great, but when all his characters are the same, especially his women, it just gets tiresome. This idea that Missi Pyle's character is supposed to be this hardworking, self-made, independent woman who does everything a man does when she's trying to decide between Charlie and Frank, it just felt fake, and it made her so unlikeable and unrelatable. I don't know a single woman who would play those men the way that she did. And Amber Riley's character? She was a horrible friend. If I saw my friend acting the way Danica was, I would tell her to get it together and stop being so rude to Frank.

I think the best performance in this movie was Mechad Brooks - I think he was funny and his jokes landed. But other than that, it was just bad. That cameo from Chris Rock too? Unnecessary. The plot was just incoherent, the acting was bad, the character development was bad, it was all bad.
Snow White & the Huntsman
Lily Blake | 2012
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You know what I love? Creatively re-told fairy-tales. You know what I hate? Terribly re-told fairy-tales made into crappy movies and then made into a book, written with poor prose. That pretty much summarizes how I feel about this (audio)book.

Let's start with the good:

1. The narrator was excellent. She also read for Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Why We Broke Up, the Iron King, and many other audiobooks. She made even the dullest most pointless sentences, pieces of dialogue, and descriptions sound interesting, and managed to hold my attention most of they way through the audiobook (until I stopped for dinner, and then realized I really didn't want to start listening again.)

2. It was fast-paced. The plot never slowed... but there were parts where the unneeded descriptions seemed to slow down and break the tension, or unnecessary interior monologue broke the mood.

3. The bad guys were very bad, and the good guys were very good. It made it a classic hero-vilan fairy-tale.

Now for the not-so-good:

1. Poor writing. It wasn't Stephenie-Meyer Terrible, but every sentence started with "he..." "she..." "He said," "She felt..." and it felt repetitive and boring. There was no sentence structure besides basic subject-verb-direct object. Also, the adjectives, adverbs, and overall descriptions and vocabulary was boring, expected, and unfeeling.

2. Who names a princess "Snow White?" Really? I can see naming her "Snow" or something, but if you're going to re-tell a fairy-tale, at least give your heroine a name that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. I realize that this is a complaint about the movie screenplay, not the book adaption... but still. It felt awkward to have all these names like William, Eric, Gus, Anna, Lilly, and... Snow White.

3. The bad guys were soul-less, and the good guys were perfect. Even bad characters have some redeeming value as to why you kind of wish they didn't have to die, but they're bad so you have to kill them. The bad guys in this story were just so bad, there was no way you could not hate them. The good guys were flawless: children obeyed their parents, men saved their women, women sacrificed for their families, and Snow White was a sweet innocent little angel. I'm sorry, but even good guys have a bad side. And if you're perfect, I couldn't care less what happens to you, because I can't relate to you.

So that is, essentially, why I stopped listening to the audiobook halfway through.
Rites of Spring (2012)
Rites of Spring (2012)
2012 | Horror, Mystery
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Meh (0 more)
Jeepers Creepers 4??? (0 more)
Kind of like... Well... A pile of shit, actually
Well... Once again I delved into the world of the WalMart bargain bin and came out with another masterpiece of shite. Thankfully you only pay 2-5 bucks for these... So Im only out the price of a pack of ZigZag's.. No biggie.
Rip-offs come and go... Most of the time I can sniff them out from the poster or cover art.
This film was misleading by art standards. And I had no idea what to expect.
Bad people rob a bank... Bad people need a place to hide... Bad people pick an old slaughterhouse type place not realizing that they have landed in the middle of feeding time for some ancient evil who keeps a farmers crops plentiful and his cows full of... Well... Cow stuff...
This year he caught a wiff of the bad folks and went asshole hunting... What follows is your basic JEEPERS CREEPERS type shit that left me unsatisfied and... Well, not wanting more.
To quote the paperboy in Better Off Dead...
"I want my 2 dollars!!!!"
Try it if you must... But, be warned... It will tear your anticipation apart....
Lol... See what i did there :)