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Son of Frankenstein (1939)
Son of Frankenstein (1939)
1939 | Classics, Horror
He's still alive!...
The son of Dr. Henry Frankenstein comes back to the family mansion many years after the events in Bride of Frankenstein with his family eager to start a new life. There is still a foul haze over the town and villagers after the havoc the monster had wreaked oh so many years ago. Frankenstein finds it hard to change the mood.

Enter Ygor, a strange man who enters Frankenstein's life and reveals a vastly kept secret, the monster is alive! Frankenstein, eager to rescue his family's reputation decides it a good idea to revive the monster. Unfortunately, the newly risen monster has become the henchman of Ygor and does his ghastly bidding.

The story this time around is starting to feel a bid tired. There are several sections where the monster does not appear at all making the story fairly slow going at times.

The best addition to this film is Bela Lugosi as Ygor. The original Dracula shows up here and is marvelously wicked and hilarious. I'm not sure I had ever seen him in anything except Dracula, so it was a refreshing change to see him with different make up and costumes and such a charming and sinister villain to play.

I would still recommend to fans of the franchise, but I was really disappointed we didn't get more of the Bride of Frankenstein in this one especially since the monster was back. They could've found a way to bring her back as well.



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    Gumball Rainbow Ruckus

    Games and Entertainment

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    Play as Gumball to help defeat Jealousy and save the town of Elmore in this fun-filled game ...



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    Roll Player Adventures

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