Piranhas (2019)
Movie Watch
A gang of teenage boys stalk the streets of Naples armed with hand guns and AK-47s to do their mob...

400 arba3meyeh
Games and Entertainment
400 (arba3meyeh) is a trick-taking game played in partnership, with trumps and bidding. Hearts is...

Auction Operation
Designed with you in mind! Our feature rich app includes push notifications, the ability to 'watch'...

Bridge Baron
Games and Entertainment
Rated "A" by the American Contract Bridge League Internet READY!!! Play Online with your partner...

GoDaddy Investor
Never miss another domain auction. With GoDaddy Investor, the app made for domain investors, you...

Dealer's Choice
Tabletop Game
A wheeling dealing used car game. Buy and sell cars from your used car lot. Using your copy of the...
Boardgames OldSchoolGames

The Mistakes You Make At Bridge
Terence Reese, Roger Trezel and Ron Klinger
Both Terence Reese and Roger Trezel were brilliant players and Reese possessed a legendary skill in...

Freelance job search
Business and Productivity
Freelance job search – is mobile application for searching projects and remote jobs at online...