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The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (2021)
The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (2021)
2021 | Biography, Drama, History
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
1/2 of a GREAT Movie
It is a fun surprise to be perusing all the streaming services available and tripping across a very entertaining film that, heretofore, was unknown.

Such was the case with THE ELECTRICAL LIFE OF LOUIS WAIN - a biography (of sorts) of the eponymous English painter, known for his fanciful portraits of cats.

Starring Benedict Cumberbatch (in the title role) and Written and Directed by Will Sharpe (BLACK POND) based on a story by Simon Stephenson (who also co-wrote the screenplay with Sharpe), THE ELECTICAL LIFE OF LOUIS WAIN is 1/2 of a very good (maybe even GREAT) film that falls apart in the 2nd half.

The first half of this film finds the eccentric Wain finding love and discovering his artistic talent. It is this 1/2 of the film that draws you in - and must have been what drew the talents of Sharpe, Claire Foy (Queen Elizabeth in the first few seasons of THE CROWN) and Cumberbatch to this film. Cumberbatch, of course, is superb as Wain (especially in this first half) and his chemistry with Foy (who plays his love interest/wife) is tremendous and IS the reason to see this film.

However, the film shifts focus, by necessity, in the 2nd half to the rising stardom of Wain and his descent into madness. Toby Jones (as his benefactor) and the always under-rated Andrea Riseborough (OBLIVION) take center stage with Cumberbatch in this part of the film and the love, fun, whimsey and depth of the first 1/2 of the film disappears. Riseborough, particularly, suffers from a poorly written role where her character - Wain’s disapproving sister - is (in essence) the “bad guy”, so Sharpe and Stephenson replace love, warmth and support with disapproval, anger and madness. While this is true to the life that Wain lived, it didn’t make for a particularly interesting 2nd half of a film.

Come for Benedict’s and Foy’s chemistry and performances, stay for the rest because…well…it’s still pretty good.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Starboard (Voyagers #2)
Starboard (Voyagers #2)
Ava Olsen | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
STARBOARD is the second book in the Voyagers series and it is Dylan's turn. He is Rowan and Drew's best friend and has been to hell and back. He has been offered a book deal; to write his biography with the help of a ghostwriter. Max is divorced but still has communication with his ex due to their child, Blake. She is a brilliant character with a wise head on her shoulders for a thirteen-year-old. To keep the press away from them, they go on Rowan's boat in French waters. Romance strikes again.

Drew makes a joke in this that a spell has been put on the boat. When he said that, all I could remember was the cheesy TV series, The Love Boat 🤣. Surrounded by all that luxury, romance isn't hard but when real life intrudes, I loved the way Max and Dylan worked together.

I loved Drew and Rowan's book but this one... Oh, man; I loved it! The stories of Dylan's past he shared were done in such a sensitive manner. It was both heartbreaking and emotional to read. Max was the perfect person to tell it to, with his reactions being non-judgemental.

I also loved how both of them had had complaints about being too distant, too cold, and yet, with each other, the softness came out. Their endearments - and subsequent grumbles - were wonderful.

Not only did we get Drew and Rowan showing up, but we also have Rafe (who's next up) plus two other "couples" (and I use that term loosely right now) that I need to know more about. There is Jared and Alex, plus Reed and Tate. I don't know if they are in any other of Ava Olsen's books, but I will be searching through the backlist to see. I really want to read their stories as the sparks were just flying.

Tender, emotional, heartbreaking, and funny; this book is guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies. HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 12, 2023
Finding Steve McQueen (2019)
Finding Steve McQueen (2019)
2019 | Crime, Romance
This heist comedy (we'll come to that later) sounds pretty good from the synopsis, I can't really elaborate much on it like I normally would because, for once, it's spot on!

I had a big issue almost straight off the bat... "In 1972"... that's how the synopsis starts. I had reread it just before starting the film and as it begins it actually flashes up "1980", very quickly it's explained (and it makes sense) but I didn't enjoy starting the film with that confusion. Now, if I was seeing this in the cinema it wouldn't have been an issue because you don't tend to sit there in the trailers reading the synopsis before it starts, but with it hitting digital you will be instantly seeing it before you press play... I know it's a really minor thing to be bugged by... but it did bug me.

The reason for the jump in years is that we're seeing Harry Barber telling his girlfriend, Molly, the story of his past and the heist. Flashbacks are a time-honoured tradition in films, but they're difficult to get right. The story jumps several times, but there's very little differentiation between time unless the diner is involved on one side of the jump. At one point it jumps because he talks at the camera and we hop back to Molly talking, it stuck out... it either never happened again or it blended in so well that I didn't notice it. It wouldn't be the first film to add something random like that and abandon the style choice. Some else will have to let me know if it happened more than I think it did.

These two things, combined with some free moving camerawork (that you know I hate) meant that I found the beginning of Finding Steve McQueen, especially when the heist that is pushed in the marketing doesn't appear for quite a while.

IMDb lists crime thriller as a guide... thriller is definitely the wrong word. Heist comedy (as per the PR I saw) is definitely more accurate, though I didn't find it particularly funny. It did bring a mild laugh out of me, but not enough to stamp it with the comedy tag. Even "heist" feels like it doesn't fit well, it may be about one but what's presented is much heavier on other parts of the story. It's more like a biopic with romance than crime. In the end that's a little bit disappointing when you're looking forward to crime.

William Fichtner was an instant standout for me, I thought he handled the role of Enzo Rotella particularly well, and there was a great dynamic with Louis Lombardi as Pauly. Rachael Taylor as Molly Murphy was great too, when she wasn't freaking me out with how much she looked like Nicole Kidman. Somehow I've never noticed that before so I'll have to put it down to a cunning makeup artist.

From there though I was underwhelmed. I'm not familiar with Travis Fimmel, and sadly, from this performance I've not been convinced to check out anything in his back catalogue. Apart from two well-played emotional scenes I didn't enjoy the character of Harry Barber at all.

Had this been advertised as a biography instead of a crime/heist then I probably would have had a more favourable opinion, but we're presented with a slow and light film. I'm not expecting all crime films to be gritty and dark, but I do expect them to focus more on the actual crime and investigation. That's also where I found the flashback idea falling apart because we're shown things for context that Harry wouldn't have known and been able to tell Molly.

What I did love about this film was the setting and the look of everything. It had a wonderful freshness about it and that coupled with the costumes felt natural and like it captured the era perfectly.

I by no means hated this film, but I was extremely disappointed. The way the story was balanced means that the heist gets lost in everything else that's happening and although it's hailed as an amazing feat in American history it doesn't feel all that impressive in this portrayal. The only real criminal thing about this film was the underuse of Forest Whitaker.

As a biography I could have seen clear to give this a 3, maybe a 3.5, but as a crime I can't give it more than a 2. It feels entirely misrepresented, had it not been for the few excellent performances, and the hope of exciting crime drama, I think I would have turned it off.

Originally posted on:
Alice I Have Been
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why I picked up this book, I cannot be totally sure, as I've never been particularly fond of the Alice in Wonderland story. Still, there was something about hearing a fictional account of the "real" Alice's life that caught my fancy and I wanted to hear her tale, not Lewis Carroll's. Since I didn't know a thing about Alice Liddell or much about Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll's real name), everything was new to me. Yes, there is speculation and events have been changed to fit into the story, it is fiction after all, but there is a lot of truth in there too.

Broken up into three sections, the first deals with young Alice and her relationship with Mr. Dodgson and her older sister, Ina, who's her competition. At times this section is very uncomfortable, which it should be since it deals with a pedophiliac relationship, and sometimes slow. My attention was either fully captured or the opposite. Whether that had to do with the subject, the writing or myself, I'm unsure. Suffice it to say, I was happy when this part ended so I could move on to the rest of Alice's life. Sections two and three were better as far as being less perturbing, but they also had less detail and jumped around more. I understand it'd be a long book if it detailed everything, but there was a drastic change in structure from part one to part two. Even with that said, I did find these two parts more interesting and the ending was beautifully written.

While reading the book, I had to remind myself that this is a fiction, not biography, because at times it felt completely real, so that made it a harder read for me. The book is well-written and presented, some parts excelled, others didn't, but the story didn't have me in it's grip either. I don't believe it's the fault of the author, at least not entirely, but more than likely due to how the book affected me. The author does clarify events she exaggerated, tweaked or didn't change at all, and how she incorporated them into the book, which I appreciate. Overall, can I say I enjoyed the book as a whole? No, but I don't regret reading it either.
I didn't just love this book. I loved this book. It's moving. This book isn't just a biography of Rory Feek's life. It's the story of a true love, that will last beyond death. A love that is strong and unbreakable no matter the circumstance. It is a book that left me smiling, and left me with tears. This is a book that will be with me forever and I will turn to it many times over. 

As a woman who is married to her best friend, I couldn't imagine going through what Rory did with Joey. I wouldn't be able to stay strong and move on. It would be too heart shattering, in my opinion. But, through reading Rory's story, I know I can do it. I know I can remember the good things, the fun times, the inspiring moments that my best friend left me with. Rory's story is filled with hope and faith. The way he talks about Joey is incredibly moving and I loved feeling a part of his life, if just for a little bit. 

Reading this book, however, opened new feelings for me! I followed this story closely, especially since my husband knew Joey and Rory somewhat for a time, having bounced at the Longbranch in Raleigh, NC where a lot of country singers got their start. I followed the singers' story, how Joey was battling her cancer but determined to live life a certain way. I followed the pictures of their beautiful family and sweet baby girl! I was utterly devastated when I read of Joey's death, and sweet little Indie with out a mama! Oh how my heart ached for them all. But, the words that Rory penned in this book truly helped me to see life in a new way. Truly inspiring! 

I highly recommend this book to all with 5 stars and nothing less. It's a story of one man's journey with the love of his life and their struggles with battling her terminal cancer. It's a story of one man's faith in God. It's a story that is truly amazing and you will definitely need a few tissues as you read through these beautifully written pages. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
The Marlowe Papers
The Marlowe Papers
Ros Barber | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought this was a really interesting idea; a 'novel (if that's even the right word!) written entirely in Blank Verse. Obviously the subject matter was also one that interested me.

The book apparently formed part of Barber's PhD and her central theory is the one that playwright and intelligencer Christopher Marlowe did not in fact die in Deptford as supposed. Subsidiary to this is the idea that William Shakespeare was just a front man for a whole host of plays written by an exiled Marlowe. Despite appearing in a production of Doctor Faustus as a teenager, I will admit that I am not terribly au fait with the details of Marlowe's life but having read Barber's work and the notes at the back, I can see there is some mileage in the idea of him having not actually died as reported; certainly there appears something fishy going on. I'm less convinced by the idea that someone else 'must' have written Shakespeare's plays. If Marlowe could be successful as the son of a Kentish Cobbler, why can't we believe the same of the son of a Stratford glover? Be that as it may, that is the stance Barber has chosen to take and I can accept what she gives me for the purpose of her 'entertainment' of 'what might have happened'.

As to the book itself, it's about 400 pages long and I think it took about 100 of those before I felt I was really getting into it. I'm not sure if it was adjusting to the style of the work (I read some plays in Blank Verse, but I'm not a great poetry lover) or if the early section was more chronologically disjointed and more tricky to get into the swing of the action? I am glad I persevered though, as I did end up enjoying it. On the other hand, I can more than understand that some people won't find it their cup of tea at all - I don't think there is any other work, at least not in English, that is written in quite the same way. It certainly must have been a labour of love getting exactly the right words to make all that Iambic Pentameter work, so hats off to Barber on this score.

Now I feel like seeing if I can find a decent biography of Marlowe, and surely that can only be a good thing.