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    Jean Edward Smith

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    One of today's premier biographers has written a modern, comprehensive, indeed ultimate book on the...

Platinum Doll
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've longed admired Jean Harlow. There's just something about her that is mesmerizing and infectious. She was someone who seemed to glow from within. While I am no expert and haven't seen all her films, I still have an idea of who she might have been. I was so excited for the opportunity to read <b>Platinum Doll</b>, but as I was reading, the thrill decreased until it was gone.

Ms. Girard's portrayal of Jean Harlow, born Harlean Harlow Carpenter, is hollow, naive and full of wide-eyed wonder at everything. While I will buy the latter two to a certain degree, I can't help feeling that Harlean was savvier and more in control than described in the book. She never grew in the book, and yes there was lip service that she had, but it wasn't felt. Everything seemed to fall into her lap or it was dumb luck. It never felt that Harlean had much gumption or incentive to go for it. Now that's not something I believe is true. Someone who takes on a dare, dyes her hair a shocking platinum blonde, and defies a controlling mother when she elopes isn't a person who stands back and allows things to happen to her. No, she makes them happen.

As for the plot, well, most of it is devoted to her first marriage with Charles "Chuck" McGrew, which was unfortunate as it was boring and redundant with basically the same thing happening over and over again. Yawn. Her mother, Jean Harlow, was shown as your typical stage mother, which I don't doubt she was, but I would also guess that their mother/daughter relationship was deeper and more complicated than that written. Not much is told about her work, just brief glimpses and mentions. Part of the problem was that it was just basic a to b to c telling. Change the names and certain circumstances and this could be about any ingenue in the 20s and 30s.

I could go more in depth, but the book didn't so why should I? I wish I'd passed on <b>Platinum Doll</b> and watched the glamorous Jean Harlow at work or read a biography about her instead. I appreciate what the author tried to do, but the attempt failed to bring to life the vivacity of this fascinating woman.
<i>2.5 stars</i>
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Darren (1599 KP) rated The 33 (2015) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
The 33 (2015)
The 33 (2015)
2015 | Drama
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: The 33 starts as we follow our Chilean miners including family man Mario Sepulveda (Banderas) and safety inspector Don Lucho (Phillips) who is reluctantly backs down from their boss about the conditions inside the mine, believing the mountain will start to collapse in on itself.

When the mine does collapse, it leaves all 33 miners trapped hoping they might get rescued, well that is inside the mine. Outside the mine the miner’s families led by Maria Segovia (Binoche) demanded answers and help from the government with Laurence Golborne (Santoro) calling the shots, doing the best he can to find a way to rescue the miners. This is the incredible story of how the Chilean miners survived and were rescued.


Thoughts on The 33


Characters/Performance – The film is based on the real people involved, Mario is the one that takes control inside the mine, the reluctant hero even against the odds. Laurence is the government man that must do the right thing while working with the experts as well as keep the families happy. Maria is the sister of one of the miners and leads the protest to find answers about her brother and other miners.

Performance wise, Banderas shows himself to be the biggest star within the mine, we do get strange casting choices up next because we have a French actress playing a Chilean lady, and Irish man as a Chilean. But away from this we have good performances all around from the whole cast.

Story – The story is one that we all followed on the news, it was one of the most must watch news stories of the 21st Century. Seeing the amazing story of how the men survived, the way a small town can together to bring a nation, then the world to see, beg and pray for these men is an incredible story of courage, strength and belief in the human race.

Biography/History – While we don’t truly get to know the men personally, we do see the 69 days that changed their lives. This will go down in history as one of our moments of greatness as a human race.

Settings – The film is set between the mine which shows us just how trapped the character will be but we also see how the family members are working towards rescue.

Final Thoughts – This is an incredible story that was one we followed and seeing this brings back the memories but in places this is slightly slow.


Overall: Great glimpse into history.