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Wine, Tarts, & Sex
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I knew I wouldn't like this novel when the lead couple was an ex-super model and a chef. Or maybe it was that sex was actually in the title of the novel. Or maybe it was because it lacked any form of romance or fantasy which was not made up for with the ridiculous sex scenes.

And ridiculous they were.

I say it once; I will say it a thousand times. When the man calls the woman "baby", the book should be burned. It's not sexy; it's trashy and annoying, especially when they don't even know each other. Now, I do love when my boyfriend calls me baby. But when you an erection on legs going after the hottest piece of tale near?

That was the first thing that ruined this book for me. Apparently the leads were just so horny that they jumped the first attractive opposite sex they met. And it was the greatest sex they have ever had. So much so, that they become addicted to having a sex with each other. I guess that must be the recipe for love because that's what ended up happening.

The other thing that annoyed me was the characters' bipolar behavior. One minute they were having delicious great sex, the next she was trying to kick him out. I feel like I may have massively missed something, like a few pages, because I was so confused by the change, I still have whiplash.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated That Reminds Me in Books

Jul 30, 2020  
That Reminds Me
That Reminds Me
Derek Owusu | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
That Reminds Me was a book that immediately made me sit up and take notice. The language is poetic and raw, and that reflects the experience of the main protagonist, K. It’s presented as a series of memories, so some memories are clearer and easier to understand than others - and this is mostly down to the K’s Bipolar disorder, I think, but also down to how we remember our own past. The clearest descriptions seem to be when he is self-harming, drinking and his descriptions of his alcoholism.

K has a very disjointed childhood: he’s taken into care as a small child, in a largely white community, but his foster parents, and in particular his foster mother, seem to take notice of him and spend time with him. This comes to an end when his foster mother dies of lung cancer. K then goes to live in Tottenham with an aunt. Here he is able to explore his Ghanaian roots, whilst living in poverty in a community where knife crime is commonplace, Grime is the music of choice and God rules all.

There is so much in this short book that I could talk about, but then I’m sure that I’d ruin the readers own experience. I think it’s a book that’s well worth reading and experiencing, but be warned: this is not a book that is wholly comfortable or enjoyable. But is it good? Oh yes, it most certainly is.
Forged Contracts (Tribal Spirits #3)
Forged Contracts (Tribal Spirits #3)
Katherine McIntyre | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Forged Contracts (Tribal Spirits #3) by Katherine McIntyre
Forged Contracts is the third book in the Tribal Spirits series, and I would definitely recommend you read this as a series, rather than a set of standalones.

After reading the second book, I was invested in knowing more about Raven, and I found out! Her and Jer have watched each other from afar for way too long, but now it seems their time is on hand. The pack also faces a threat from the Coalition, whilst Raven faces a threat from her past. It's not all plain sailing for Jer either, as he is off his meds for his bipolar, and is struggling.

There is plenty of action in this book, and a couple of steamy times for Raven and Jer, but they add to the storyline, rather than detract it. It was brilliant to see how these two damaged people helped to heal each other, rather than cause more injury.

There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, and the world and characters continue to grow. Although we didn't hear from Finn and Navi, we do get an update from Sierra and Dax (obviously, considering they are heading the pack!). Thoroughly enjoyed every word, and I have no hesitation in recommending this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Heart Berries: A Memoir
Heart Berries: A Memoir
Terese Marie Mailhot | 2018 | Biography
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chaotic coming-of-age manifesto from a First Nations female survivor
This memoir about pain and trauma written by an indigenous woman should not be typecasted and categorised as "Native Writing", although many themes do arise in this area.

As the author explains, this book is less about identity and more about coping with huge swathes of pain - from having a baby taken away right after birth, child sexual abuse to being institutionalised with bipolar disorder, Terese Mailhot is first and foremost a survivor. What she reveals in her writing, is that these issues take different shapes in every community, and for her, she attempts to consolidate her experiences and what she has learnt from her parents together.

In one instance, she talks about how she can't understand the notion of forgiveness preached by white therapists, because she has learnt that pain is a ritual to undertake. And in this way, we see where she appears similar to other survivors and where she diverges because of her belief structures. She also speaks about pain being inherent in the Native condition because of centuries of mistreatment by colonial powers - and so she refers to it differently than some.

Where I struggled with this, is her relationship with her 'boyfriend' Casey, which felt irritating because it took up far too much of the book - and I did just want to shake her and tell her to get a grip especially as she has young children, and it seemed almost juvenile. But overall, an important piece of literature in this growing sphere.
Christine (2016)
Christine (2016)
2016 | Drama
Not an easy film to watch, but it should make you uncomfortable
Contains spoilers, click to show
Christine Chubbuck is a name that most people have never heard of, although her demise by her own hand was the supposed inspiration for the 1970s film Network, although that was a comedy. Anyway, she was a smart young journalist for a small local television station in Sarasota, Florida, in the early 1970s, struggling with trying to make a name for herself and the "if it bleeds, it leads" style of reportage that was starting to become de rigueur back then. She also struggled with depression and probably bipolar or borderline personality disorder, as well.

Christine tried to hang with the new style and offered to do a piece for the station on suicide. She spoke with police officers and interviewed them on what would be the best way. Ten days prior to her death, she purchased a gun. When asked why, she said to a co-worker, "Well, I had this wild idea that I would blow myself away on the air." Everyone thought she was making a crass joke, but about a week later, that is exactly what she did.

This movie details Christine's spiral downward into the morass of mental illness, exacerbated by the pressures of being female in a male-dominated world. It is fascinating and uncomfortable, not to mention heartbreaking. Rebecca Hall completely dissolves into the character of Christine and does a fantastic job of making you relate to this woman who just wanted people to like her and tell her that she was doing a good job.
Lord of Misrule (The Morganville Vampires, #5)
Lord of Misrule (The Morganville Vampires, #5)
Rachel Caine | 2009 | Horror
8.1 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book centered around a singular event, and the outcome of that event has the potential to change everything that the town of Morganville is about and how it is run. I found the plot of this book to be very unpredictable - which is a good thing - except for the fact that every book always centers around Claire and the choices she makes. The one-liners are as fantastic as always, and I love the introduction of a few new characters, such as Theo and his family, and the ex-Marine Hannah. I also found the introduction of a natural disaster as a major plot point to be refreshing - even though terrifying for the characters - since few books I read seem to work uncontrollable bad weather into the plot. For less than 300 pages, this book packs alot of sub-plots in, with the retribution against Monica, who I'm not convinced has learned from her mistakes yet, managing Mynin's bipolar behavior, and keeping track of what is happening with each of the four main characters/ Glass House residents. All of the possibilities in a town gone anarchic are explored to some degree, although I found that the lines that were used to control the college students to be less-than-believable. I am curious to see what happens to the human factions that were trying to exploit the mini-war by rebeling against the Powers That Be in the next book, Carpe Corpus (Morganville Vampires, Book 6), as well as how Mynin's disease plays out as it affects others en masse. The fact that Claire basically hardly ever goes to class and still manages to makes A's still bugs me, but I'm getting used to it. She has more exciting things to attend to!
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
The whole fuckin thing (0 more)
So dark... So twisted... So.... Right
So. A Sunday Night... Nothing happening... Just me and a stepkid.... Lets watch Joker.
This movie grabbed me from the begining and never let me go.
Phoenix put in the performance of a lifetime as Arthur Fleck, a depressed, somewhat BiPolar Clown who does board spinning work and birthday parties for a shit company in shitty Gotham City.
After being beaten by a group of teenagers he begins to snap... And slowly over the course of almost 2 hours. His descent into madness begins.
Without unveiling too much... As I'm certain anyone worth a proverbial fuck has already seen this film.... Phoenix's acting prowess is stretched to the limit in fulfilling a Joker character that makes you feel something other than disdain and hatred. Speaking for myself, this was without a doubt the best Joker preformed for film since Jack donned the makeup for Tim Burton.
Don't get me wrong... Heath Ledgers Joker was phenomenal.... But I felt no sorrow for him. I felt no pain emanating from the screen like I did every time he was in a frame...
Phoenix floored me with the painful portrayal of a man pushed to the edge by his surroundings. The key to this happened a mere 3 minutes before the film ended. When Jokers police car is smashed into by the ambulance and he is removed from the car by his new followers...
Phoenix awakens, stands on the hood of the police car, and with the blood that is running from his nose and mouth, he repaints the smile of his clown makeup and proceeds to do his little dance on the car hood.
The look of insanity that crosses his eyes made my skin crawl.... With anticipation hoping they never cast anyone else in this role ever again.
Joaquin Phoenix... You are now to be known as Arthur Fleck aka.... Joker.
To Rome with Love (2012)
To Rome with Love (2012)
2012 | Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Before I even begin, I have something to admit, I am not very knowledgeable about Woody Allen. Sure, I have seen the occasional film and have overheard gossip but I am not a Woody Allen buff. To remedy this, I considered running out and renting every one of his films in an attempted cinematic cram session. But I decided not to. There are some people who go to the movies just to enjoy themselves and that is as good of a reason to see a film as any other.

Offering amplified versions of reality, “To Rome with Love” simultaneously feels close to home and utterly foreign. And this ebb and flow defines the entire picture.

With a blend of actors the film runs a marathon of bipolar juxtaposition. From familiar Hollywood faces, playing characters so typified that they needn’t be explained, to European actors, who bring honest perspective to the tourist filled environment.
And “To Rome with Love” is unexpected. There’s a Baldwin in a self-reflective role. Roberto Benigni plays a character that is downright drab. All while sharing a series of stories that question the absurd nature of the human experience.

The film shakes viewers up by exposing them to moments so stereotypic that are simple to grasp yet impossible to believe. And the result is effortless comedy.

Moreover, using only simple effects, strategic angular tricks and precise framing of scenes, “To Rome with Love” gets the audience thinking. The result is an hour and forty minutes that fly by like a dense vacation, too good to explain to your friends back home.
While I will avoid the pretentious research and amplified hyper analysis that follows Woody Allen, I do want to make one point clear; this is a film that anyone, regardless of interest in film study, is apt to enjoy, sure to find funny, and for a few might, even serve as a launch pad to into the cinema of the human condition.
I read A Note of Madness a little while ago and absolutely loved it. Flynn is a great character, and the story of his struggles with mental health is just fantastic. There can never be too much awareness, especially in boys/men.

This book was even more... emotional for me. I don't want to go into too much detail, but Flynn really reminds me of my boyfriend. The ending of this novel - while fantastic and honest - was not very comforting at all.

Jennah and Flynn started dating after the first book, and so in this book we alternate between the two narratives. Hearing Jennah's thoughts on what's happening with Flynn was amazing. I related to a lot of it.

In case you haven't heard about A Note of Madness, it's about Flynn Laukonen, a young uni student in London. He struggles with mental health problems and is misdiagnosed at first, but eventually correctly diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He suffers from extreme manic episodes, followed by severe depression. Fitting his music - especially competitions - around these episodes is quite a feat.

As I mentioned earlier, the ending is great. It was extremely bittersweet. I think it's good to be honest about things like this, though, and not just throw together a stereotypical happy ending.

In this book, Flynn goes through a few treatment methods. Following attempted suicide (which may be hard for some people to read about, so be warned) he is sectioned and sent to a residential unit for a month. He also has some issues involving his medication and the side effects they cause.

The most noteworthy thing about Jennah's take on Flynn's illness is her admitting that Flynn can be horrible and can hurt her sometimes, and it's okay to recognise that. Just because he is ill does not mean he is excused for harmful and mean behaviour. This is so important for anyone to realise when dealing with a loved one with any kind of mental health problems.

A really good book, realistic and reassuring but really quite emotional. 4 stars.
Four Years of Despair
Four Years of Despair
Jalesa Morrison | 2019 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was Jalesa's blunt honesty about what is going on. Jalesa tells the story of Jaunell and her family without the fear of offending anyone. (0 more)
What I liked least was the lack of depth to the characters. In fact, I found it to be mildly disappointing. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
WARNING: This book focuses on Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Suicide, Death, Domestic Violence, Physical Abuse, and Mental Abuse. Parts of this book are extremely hard to read because of the

Four Years of Despair by Jalesa Morrison was a shocker to say the least. It is hard to find the words to accurately describe this book and do it justice. Normally I would complain about the repetitiveness of a book. In this case the repetition accurately portrays the events in the book. I can easily see this being extended into a larger novel if Jalesa Morrison feels confident enough in her ability to stay accurate and go deeper into each character. Parts of this book did make me cringe multiple times. At first I did not like this book at all but then I figured it out. This book is not meant to be liked. It is meant to infom, to show what sever meutal illuess laaks like behind closed doors. It shows what the individual and family members go through on a daily basis that most people do not see or understand.

Jalesa tells the story of thirteen year old Jaunell Morris, her sis ters Lois and Francis, and their mother Joan. Jaunell was your typical preteen up until around her thirteenth birthday. It was then that
Jaunell was diagnosed with a bipolar disorder that also causes her to become extremely depressed. Joan freqiently struggles to get Jaunell to take a shower or even go to school. This also makes it difficult for Joan to hold a job and she has to ask her own mother (Jamell's grandmother) for financial assistance.
Jaunell lashes out and physically attacks her family members miltiple times.

 Between Jaunell's lack of bodily cleanliness and her physical outbursts, Joan's friends turn their back on Joan and many of their family members disown Jaunell. Joan's mother blames Joan for Jaunell's behavior and tells her that she is a bad mother. Jaunell's father leaves Joan because he can not handle Jaunell. Lois and Francis also turn their backs on their sister after being hurt by her multiple times. These are only a few of the relationships that are destroyed because of a lack of understanding. Joan becomes depressed as well and ends up abusing Jaunell because she believes everything to be Jaunell's fault even though she knows in her heart that it is not true. Jaunell spends four years in and out of hospitals countless times before her mother has the financial ability to send Jaunell to a long term care facility. But there is hope...

What I liked best was Jalesa's blunt honesty about what is going on. Jalesa tells the story of Jaunell and her family without the fear of offending anyone. Jaunell's story is one that needed to be told. What I liked least was the lack of depth to the characters. In fact, I found it to be mildly disappointing. Also, there were times where I did not agree with what was happening, but that is nothing against the book. That was my personal rejection of admitting that there are people suffering like this every day.

Target readers for this book were hard to determine because of the nature of the topic. It truly depends on the individual's mindset. I believe high school students and older could handle this book. At the same time, the message would be good for middle school students as well but might be hard for them to read. This book got a sold 3 out of 4 rating from me. The only reason it did not get a perfect rating was that I would like to see more depth.