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Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
Gore (0 more)
The 'comedy' and creature effects (0 more)
Slaughterhouse Doesn't Rule!
This really pains me to write this as I LOVE Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Ever since Spaced and Big Train I've loved everything they've done...until now. This black comedy has no laughs! The attempted 'comedy' in this is 'theyre posh' and have funny voices. It really does fall flat at every turn. The characters don't really develop and the creature designs are terrible. It would get a 3/10 but I gave it an extra mark for some good gore but all in all this is a shame and such a massive waste of Pegg, Frost and the (normally) excellent Michael Sheen who again is used for laughs by having a posh voice! Such a shame...I need to go watch Shaun of the Dead to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
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Stephen (210 KP) Mar 3, 2019

Lol, that’s an excellent way of putting it. And these companies complained when people were illegally downloading these type of films - don’t release crap films in the first place then!


Madbatdan82 (341 KP) Mar 3, 2019

Couldn't have put it better myself!


Erika (17788 KP) rated The Lighthouse (2019) in Movies

Oct 31, 2019 (Updated Nov 1, 2019)  
The Lighthouse (2019)
The Lighthouse (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror
I've delayed writing this because I am still trying to fully process this film.

The film was a bizarre, enjoyable fever dream. Who was gaslighting who? Who was actually the reliable narrator? The mythology used in the film was so fitting, down to the fate of the characters. I loved that the film was in black and white, and not in widescreen format.

Robert Pattinson was terrific in this, and always proves that he can actually act. Willem Dafoe's character was one of those slightly annoying but kind of likeable dudes.

I think the best part of seeing this film, is that I'm still trying to process it. Was this a black comedy? A horror film? It's definitely all up for debate.
Show all 3 comments.

Erika (17788 KP) Nov 1, 2019

@Andy K yay! I'm glad! I hope you like it!


Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 4, 2019

It was epic!

Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Direct sequel to 2017s 'Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle'; itself a quasi remake of the 1995 original updating it to a more modern audience in which the cursed game is now a video game cartridge rather than a boardgame.

Anyway, this mainly follows the same characters as in the previous entry but also introduces a few new 'real life' characters into the mix (portrayed by Danny DeVito and Danny Glover), with those characters then also getting sucked into the game.

As before, most of the comedy comes from watching the in-game characters (still portrayed by Jack Black, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson) doing imitations of their 'real life' counterparts, with Jack Black again stealing the show with his imitations!

Dean (6921 KP) rated Honest (2000) in Movies

Apr 28, 2019 (Updated Apr 29, 2019)  
Honest (2000)
Honest (2000)
2000 | Comedy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A pretty decent black comedy/love story with a good amount of humour. Set in the swinging 60's in East London. The girls from the band All Saints star in this along side a good array of English acting talent. The girls look to rob places up town to get a better way of life for their family but get mixed up in all sorts of trouble way above their heads. An enjoyable film catch it if it's on.
Men in Black International (2019)
Men in Black International (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Comedy, story, nostalgia to original (0 more)
Not enough weird and wackiness (0 more)
As good as expected
After growing up on the original trilogy, I was looking forward to returning to the franchise. Coming out of the film I found it a fun filled adventure back into the world of the Men in Black.

However after rewatching the original trilogy I found that the film didn't have the same weirdness that the originals had. I remember watching the first and being terrified (even for being a PG film) where as this new iteration focused more or the comedy between Hemsworth and Thompson than the aliens that made the originals so interesting.

Overall it was a fun filled film that would be worth a watch.
Black Dynamite (2009)
Black Dynamite (2009)
2009 | Action, Comedy
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
One of the most absurd, ridiculous, awesome, and hilarious action comedies ever. Highly recommended for kung fu, blaxploitation, and comedy fans. (0 more)
After his brother is killed, Black Dynamite decides to take matters into his own hands. Just who is Black Dynamite? He's an action legend, a one-man army, and anyone who gets on his bad side is going to wind up dead. Other than struggling with trying to figure out who's responsible for his brother's death, Black Dynamite also has other matters to attend to. There's that new smack being distributed on the street that's even somehow reaching the orphans at the local orphanage and there's something screwy about that Anaconda malt liquor that just doesn't sit well with him. Black Dynamite will do whatever it takes to find out who killed his brother and clean up the streets even if it means going all the way to the Honky House.

Black Dynamite has quite a reputation as just about every article or review that mentioned the film gave it high praise. Is it possible for a film to be incredible while paying homage to the films that inspired it? Sure it is. Directors like Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez make a living doing just that. With Black Dynamite, however, you may not know what to expect. Expect it to parody the blaxploitation films from the 70s, pay homage to classic kung fu films, have ridiculous dialogue, a storyline that hilariously doesn't make sense, and have a funky soundtrack with lyrics that are just as awesome as the rest of the film.

Michael Jai White is really the selling point of the film since he is Black Dynamite and you're with him the entire film. I hadn't seen much of White's work before this, but I'm definitely wanting to see more now. His fight scenes are top notch and from what I could tell, it looked like he did the majority of his own stunts. The word I've been hearing is that he's a fairly impressive actor overall, but has just never really picked the right roles and never really broke into the mainstream. Maybe after playing Gambol in The Dark Knight helped him out a bit because he definitely has a bright future as not only an action star, but an actor as well. Other than his superb martial arts work, White's comedic timing is also really important in a film like this and it really pays off. There's a scene where a boom mic is noticeably in the shot while Black Dynamite is giving a big speech. He draws attention to it by repeatedly glaring at the mic throughout the scene, but doesn't miss a beat of the dialogue. Ridiculous scenes like that were crucial in the overall enjoyment factor of the film.

The dialogue is laugh out loud funny at times. There's a scene where the CIA show up at Black Dynamite's house and Agent O'Leary says to Black Dynamite, "We heard about your brother's death and we don't want you running around turning the streets into rivers of blood." Black Dynamite responds with, "Then tell me who did it and I'll just leave a puddle." The storyline is just as absurd, as well. Other than the film missing scenes that were shown in the trailer and things not fully being resolved with Vincent "The Don" Rafelli, the scene where Black Dynamite and his crew figure out what Anaconda malt liquor's true purpose is is both hilariously long-winded and confusing.

Black Dynamite may not be for everyone, but it will be hilariously awesome for most who actually get to see it. The film somehow manages to blend comedy as absurd and ridiculous as films like Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy or Zoolander and have hard hitting action scenes that are noticeably a tribute to classic Bruce Lee films. This blaxploitation parody comes highly recommended, can you dig it?

J.A. Bayona recommended The Executioner (1970) in Movies (curated)

The Executioner (1970)
The Executioner (1970)
1970 | Action, Mystery
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I wanted to mention a Spanish film because I’m Spanish. Criterion just released — I think this week — they just released The Executioner. Not many people know that film but it’s been considered the best Spanish movie ever. It’s black and white, it was made in 1963, and it’s a black comedy about the death penalty. It’s about this guy who falls in love with the daughter of an executioner and how, somehow — we find one thing: that he’s becoming more into the position of the father of his girlfriend, and eventually he becomes an executioner. That was shown during the Franco regime under a cruel, ferocious censorship regime. It’s as funny as depressing. It’s a very unique film, and it’s considered probably one of the more important Spanish films ever."

Snowpiercer (2013)
Snowpiercer (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
I’m chilled by the sensational dystopian sci-fi thriller Snowpiercer (2013), now streaming (finally) on Netflix UK
While it works well as a dystopian action thriller, it’s a much more complex and layered film than it may appear at first glance. There are moments of comedy (both light and pitch black), subversion, searing social commentary and shocking violence and although the film isn’t afraid to wear its bleak, nihilistic heart on its sleeve, it does so without alienating or disengaging the viewer....

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Dwayne Johnson is brilliant at comedy. He may look big and scary on the outside but inside he's a nerd! And Jack Black is so funny as the ultimate girly girl in a man's body. (0 more)
I enjoyed everything in this movie (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
A really good, modern version of Jumanji. I loved how the game updates inself to fit in the changing times.
It is funny and I love how the characters are all out of their comfort zones.
A movie for all the family

Awix (3310 KP) rated Iron Man 3 (2013) in Movies

Mar 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 28, 2020)  
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
Somewhat atypical Marvel movie solves the problem of how to keep things fresh and interesting by recruiting Shane Black as director, who brings his usual blend of hardboiled thriller and screwball comedy to the genre. When a series of terror attacks by the mysterious Mandarin strikes close to home, Tony Stark vows to take him on - but not all is as it seems...

Hardly an essential movie in terms of the mighty Marvel meta-plot, but still a hugely clever, fun, well-constructed movie. Unfairly gets a raw deal from some comic fans for its radical interpretation of a classic Iron Man villain, but the sparklingly witty script and great performances from the principal cast more than make up for it. Black handles the big-scale action sequences as adroitly as the comic scenes. One of the more underrated movies in the MCU.