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David McK (3219 KP) rated Captain America: Civil War (2016) in Movies

Aug 26, 2019 (Updated Sep 2, 2020)  
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
Third of Marvel's Captain America movies, this is - IMO - better than The First Avenger, but not as good as The Winter Soldier.

Taking its cue from the graphic novel arc of the same name (although there may be some truth to the charge that this is more a Civil Facas than a Civil War as there's not so many super heroes running about here), this sees the Avengers splitting into two camps over an ideological difference in whether they should be regulated or not: in one cam, we have Iron Man leading those all in favour, while on the other we have Captain America leading those opposed to it.

Also introducing Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther and the nation of Wakanda, this film ends with a final bruising fight between Cap and Iron Man, with neither of the characters reuniting until 2019s Avengers: Endgame at least 3(?) movies later.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Black Panther (2018) in Movies

Jun 23, 2018 (Updated Jun 23, 2018)  
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Where was the action?
Being late to the party as usual, I just finished watching this film for the first time tonight.

I can't believe how well this movie did at the box office compared to the actual quality of the film. You'll never say a MCU doesn't look beautiful, have gorgeous sets, costumes and good casting, but that is just not enough these days.

Being completely unfamiliar with the Black Panther comics I was going in cold, but it seemed like some of the characters just weren't that interesting or had any place to go. There were extended periods within the film where not much happens and I felt bored. Some of the CGI was also sketchy at best.

I have been on record being not the biggest MCU fan in general and if this is the highest grossing of all of them, that just isn't right.

I guess I should watch Infinity War now.

Rodney Barnes (472 KP) rated Ultimate Avengers II (2006) in Movies

Dec 2, 2020 (Updated Dec 2, 2020)  
Ultimate Avengers II (2006)
Ultimate Avengers II (2006)
2006 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fight scenes (0 more)
Direction of the Story (0 more)
Not a Good Follow Up
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I enjoyed the first Ultimate Avengers Animated movie but the sequel seemed to lack the punch the first the one did. There were a couple of story lines I did not care for. The first one was Captain America and Black Panther having the same antagonist. That part of the story seemed weak to me. The next was not an enough Hulk for me. Yes I am a big Hulk fan and I am little biased when it comes to him. They killed off Antman and Tony Stark wore the War Machine armor. Two more aspects of this movie I did not like. The most intriguing thing to me was Thor and his vision of the Avengers all dead. Overall you don't have to watch this movie as a sequel to the first. It's not the worst movie but I can do without it.
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Diverse casting (no, seriously.) (6 more)
Subverting stereotypes all day long
Excellent soundtrack
Ambiguous "villain"
The seamless blending of tech and tradition
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OH my god. This was definitely the best Marvel movie yet. Chadwick Boseman was absolutely amazing as T'Challa. (Warning, SPOILERS AHEAD.)

I loved that the love interest was already established - there weren't any "falling in love butterflies" to distract from the plot. SO MANY STRONG WOMEN. All of T'Challa's support were strong, gorgeous women of color. His mother, his sister, his general, his love interest. The female guards. Absolutely fantastic.

The blending of technology and traditions was superbly done. People still tend crops and animals and tan hides and go to the marketplace in Wakanda - but they have vibranium armor and weapons, and technological wonders on their wrists that pop up virtual screens, and their medical care is the best in the world. Oh, and ships. Spaceships, basically.

THE CLOTHES. The dresses, the makeup, the armor, the weapons - the appearance of Wakanda was amazing.

And then the plot. The difference between "Well, we're Wakandan, and we look out for the Wakandan people" and "We should be looking out for ALL of our people (black people all over the world, not just Wakandans.)" That was where the real conflict arose in Black Panther - and it was interesting that the two leads, while opposing each other, actually felt the same about it. Just with different ideas of how to do so. (There's a lot to unpack about why they feel this way - some of it, I think, goes back to African-Americans having their nationalities forcibly stripped from them during the slave trade - so being black is the only thing white people left them with; while non-American Africans have their national identities to look to. So they might be Nigerian or Ethiopian instead of one unified black group. And the opposing lead was brought up in America.)

The differences between how the Wakandans viewed white people, and how the American prince viewed white people, are a very important conflict. You can watch the movie as just another superhero movie, and it'll be good. But watching it looking for the racial undertones makes it absolutely fantastic.

Also - the casting is diverse. Just because it's almost all black people doesn't mean it's not diverse. Again, that's a white American thing, looking at black people as one unified group. They're not. Also how many movies have been almost all white people with a token black guy? People complaining about "lack of diversity" in this movie need to take their white supremacist selves out of the theater and away from this amazing movie.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Story, Characters and soundtrack (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
The Finale..Part 1
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Thanos did what? Yes this is what MCU was building up to.....A final battle with our favorite heroes and Thanos. This movie was well done and well balanced. It had so many heroes in this movie but it wasn't all cluttered up and all run together. That being said, the combined might of the Avengers, Black Panther, Dr. Strange and The Guardians of the Galaxy was not enough to stop Thanos. Thanos had a strong resolve to bring balance to the universe. A villain with a resolve like that of our heroes is a dangerous one. His argument is so convincing that it will have you almost agreeing with him. In the end, Thanos' resolve makes him victorious as he gets all of the Infinity Stones and wipes out half of the universe, including some of our favorite heroes. Will there be anyway the remaining Avengers can undo Thanos' Decimation? We have to wait till the next movie.
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Over rated and disappointing
Way too much hype for a distinctly below average/bad film. Civil War is by far the better Marvel film. Black Panther (character) was great in a supporting role but he has zero on-screen charisma and fails to carry a film solo. I struggle to see how anybody was entertained by those awful challenge fight scenes and that ludicrous end battle. it was not a good movie. It looked cheap, the characters had no development. It played like low-rent TV show with unnbearably cheesy & clunky dialogue, boring unoriginal fights and god-awful CGI. I didn’t care about the fate of Wakanda because I wasn’t allowed to care for any of the characters in the film. The only consolation was the comic relief provided by Letitia Wright and Andy Serkis. For all the records it smashed and the praise it received, it wasn’t even the best Marvel film of the last 6 months. Thor Ragnarok was a lot more entertaining, genuine and had actual heart.
Infinity: Volume 1
Infinity: Volume 1
Jonathan Hickman, Jim Cheung | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Warning - not a Thanos-heavy book as described
The builders, a race of beings who created the universe, have decided they want a change and have begun to destroy it and start again. And there are numerous species that decide to try and stop them for obvious reasons. And there are other things with pointy things on their heads and no clothes on and there is Thanos being Thanos and there is sexual tension between Namor and Black Panther and .... just so much going on.
The scope of this story is epic, as you might expect given the recent Infinity Wars part 1. However, it really is not very accessible - there is a lot of gobbledigook and pseudoscience trotted out. And most of the action takes place in space, or inter-planetary politics.
Some parts of this neverending book were excellent, but they were few and far between.
To cut a long story short, I never truly felt like I had much of an idea of what was happening, and only enjoyed the final few issues to any great extent. Some decent artwork.
Black Panther Vol. 1: A Nation Under Our Feet
Black Panther Vol. 1: A Nation Under Our Feet
Ta-Nehisi Coates, Brian Stelfreeze | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So what can I say? I liked it, yes. A bit dry in spots, felt like a bit of a slow burn in the very beginning, but really quite liked how Coates wrapped up the first arc of his run. Only thing not likable in this collection was the Jonathan Hickman-written material from NEW AVENGERS 18, 21, and 24 (if wasn't for this inclusion, I would have given it 5 Stars). Other than that, good stuff, great handling of the socio-political aspects of Wakanda. Looking forward to starting the 4th volume this week!

One concluding thought I want to put out there.. Don't go into Coates' BP run expecting a Marvel "paint by numbers" superhero book. This series is so much, offering a solid interpretation of the character. Coates has incorporated so much of what is going on in the world today, bringing into the comic, as well as stirring in Wakanda's rich historical background as well as the Wakanda pantheon of gods! If you go in with the approach I am recommending, you, too, will love Coates' BLACK PANTHER run!
Marshall (2017)
Marshall (2017)
2017 | Drama
Marshall is the biopic of Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American Supreme Court Justice, and it focuses on one of the first cases of his career.

I was enthralled by this film. It popped up on my listings and I went to it without knowing anything more than the fact it was a biopic. Just like Hidden Figures, this was an interesting, heart-breaking and moving tale.

Chadwick Boseman, who some of us will know as Black Panther in the Marvel Universe, was a brilliant lead. Josh Gad felt like such an odd choice, I've only ever seen him in comedy films or staring as our favourite feathered or Frozen friends, but the two of them together brought this powerful story to life on the screen.

There aren't many films where I come out knowing that I didn't miss a second of what happened, but this one had me on the edge of my seat. Not so much for the guy across the aisle though, I'm fairly certain that he was snoring at one point.